Zappl Feature Contest 1st Poll Round.

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)

Vote for you favorite feature idea here:

Top 3 voted for idea will go to finals and go up against each other. Winner takes all next round so make sure you vote for ideas you think would be useful to you. As well to other users whom will likely also be using zappl in the future.

This round will only last 24 hours.

Contest Information:

The contest submissions event will last 7 days after this contest is posted.
There will be a poll made with the ideas that have been posted.
We will then make a post with all the ideas that have been submitted.
There will then be a poll made which will last 24 hours.
The top 3 ideas that users voted for will go into a final battle.
We'll then post another poll where the community will choose is the best idea.

Winner will take the pot of 100 sbd

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Voting for #2 (Bitshares integration)

First! Good idea!

Figured this was the easier option to pick the winner.

This is my idea to pickup the one who gonna vote and comment first :-)!!!

Vote for #2 (Bitshares integration)

21 and 22 : happening near me and multimedia features. These 2 are good ideas

21. What is going on near me - a Zappl Proposal

Solid choice to increase spontaneous interactions based on relevant events in your local area. Most other social media sites already have similar algorithms built into them.

Vote here!

No. 1

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