Cryptocurrency price decline and Steem.

in #zappl7 years ago

Testing out Zappl. But, IMO, Steem has actually held up pretty welll during this huge price decline across the crypto market as a whole. I remember getting into STeem when it was under $1. Now we're sitting close to $4. Not bad!


I feel the same. When you hold a coin with a growing community and real fundamentals you don't sweat the bloodshed. Like you, I bought 99% of my stake at $1. I really don't think we will dip much below $2

I dont see it going below 2.50. Also, yes. This is why I always try to make long-term investments. Quick money will most likely just end up losing you money.

Invest in technology. Coins and tokens that solve real problems and have real world use cases. Even if we're in a "bubble" similar to the .com bubble, people invested in the good tech will still win out. Same happened during that bubble. Had you invested in the good tech and not just anything with .com in the name, you would have made massive amounts of money even after the bubble bursts.

@noly what do you think is going on with the rapid decline in the value of cryptocurrencies. And what are your predictions ..i would really like to know.

We were seeing exponential growth for months. The market is just having a pullback thats all. A large pullback but still just a pullback. I still predict large growth for 2018. But, we can't have massive amounts of green with no red forever.

I'm expectiung BTC to settle around $5k USD and then we will hopefully start seeing some more green and growth again. Long-term this drop will mean nothing. Keep buying the good coins now. Especially while we have this nice sale going on!

Lets hope so.. I have some ethereum but not bitcoin as the charges are on the high side.. I will get some more coins hopefully before December I will be rich!

Seems we're coming back up and green as a whole overall now.

I hold very little BTC. It has no use for me other than for trading since the fees are so high. I hold a little Ethereum but its only about 10% of my portfolio. Most of my money is in other top 100 coins and I have 3 investments below top 100 with a significant amount of my money in them. Those being ZenCash, XSPEC (Spectrecoin), and Upfiring.

I plan on hodling everything for 1 year minimum. #hodlchalllenge2018

Wow.. Thats a lot of investment.. Well i dont know what coins to hold as i am new to this whole cryptocurrency market.. I hppe to learn from you.

Yeah Steem it is not his is best but it didn't have one of the worst falls... So I think we still should be celebrating :D

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 59096.52
ETH 2516.65
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46