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RE: Back After The Hack!

in #zappl7 years ago

@kenistyles told me about your account being hacked. Don't feel bad, it can happen to any of us. All it takes is one lapse of concentration and poof! They swoop in. I had a similar thing when my passport got stolen while abroad and beat myself up for ages, but the thing is these people are professionals for a reason and they are in and out before you realise whats happening.

Point being, don't beat yourself up and I'm glad you get your account back. If there's anything to be gained from this I'm sure you'll be so hyper aware that this will never happen to you again...


Thanks, but it was actually my own fault. I did read the FAQ, but apparently I missed the part that says to not use your master password for daily logins.
If I had been using my private posting key to log in instead of my master password, at least my money would have been save.
Yet another lesson learned (the hard way).

I’m sure a lot of people don’t know about this, so I’ll be putting up a post about it soon.

I didn't know a lot of this either to be far. Will be following now because I want to read about that post...

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