In the Brave New World being set up with the" INTERNET OF THINGS" you could be arrested for a crime they believe you are about to commit !

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)

Police Predictive Technology, facial recognition systems and the Internet of Things could result in you being arrested for a crime you have not yet commited but which they are convinced you would have if they had not come to your house !


Scary shit if you're new to this subject.
But it's been planned for a longtime, Orwell and Huxley knew this and tried to warn us.

Yes its super scary for anybody that knows what this will mean and be ! They tried to warn us yes, but in fiction and perhaps nobody took the damned thing seriously and now look where we are and about to be ! Where is the hope for our future if this crap goes 5G !!!

look at this video which clearly show that these antennas are producing levels of wifi frequency way over recognised safety levels ! Its pure insaity that nobody kows the truth on this, its all out there the info !

@gomeravibs are you for real??? What!!!

yes I am for real, this is the culmination og this tech creep being installed in your house and all around you as we speak ! George Orwell,s warning in 1984 was real and is now here ! The Science Fiction of yesterday becomes our deplorable reality today @iconnely !

"But I've got nothing to hide... "

that is an old line which many feel will protect them as they believe all this crap is somehow not for them and never will be ! But once all the murderers and rapists have gone, they come for the politically active, then once they are gone they will come for " Miami Dolphin " supporters because they are 49,er fans ! There is no line which can protect you from this Tyranny on steroids and controlled by, for sure very soon, A.I systems that dont give a hoot about your innocent plea,s @roop !!

Sorry @gomeravibz my sarcasm was too subtle.
I hate it when people say What's the problem if you've got nothing to hide. It's a great post

Yeah I was hoping it was sarcasm @roop )) I just needed to call you our and check it !! Its a very common argument from flourified government koolaid drinking, butter would not melt in my mouth, idiots who for some unbeknown reason still have their heads in the sand on these more than pressing and dangerous matters ! thanks for the humour and support !!

We square now bro :-)

Sure we are @roop : ))

Yeah martial law is slowly but surely being implemented as fast as they can integrate it amongst the masses obliviousness to it all. Keep up the good fight on awareness bro VibZ. We are gradually entering darker times, but there is always light to be shared.

Thanks for your support my friend ) As i see it @verbal-d this is the last year we may say that we have a fighting chance to save our living enviroment before it is removed by these technologies of population control in side frequency prisons that will in time kill you without trace or connection to them ! Who can argue that your telephone killed you when you die of cancer ??

You make a good point bro, I don't fear death but it doesn't mean I stand idly by while knowing this affects our healths and especially taking into consideration my family and children. We are in physical vessels, fragile and vulnerable within this controlled environment. Keep up the good fight bro

I shall @verbal-d feasr not on that ) Being a parent now with small children must be a difficult thing now given what we are seeing rise up before us. May the true God protect you and your family Brother )

Appreciate your kind concern and thoughts bro. I'll be praying for all of us, may He protect you and your loved ones as well. All is possible through Jesus Christ indeed. Glad we can talk about this in depth. Stay healthy bro and talk soon again

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