ZapFic Writing Contest: Weeke 52: The Old Mare

in #zapfic6 years ago

This is my entry for the ZapFic writing contest by to write a story using 240 characters or less using the prompt: carriage.

The aged mare, retired from pulling carriages due to injuries, was seen hauling a cart full of rotting fruits and vegetables on the city streets. The antique dealer aided the mare, and the owner was hauled to jail for animal cruelty.

#zapfic by


Throughout human history, horses have worked the most out of all animals...

When watching old movies, I always felt sorry for them because they sure did work hard. And their riders with spurs on their heels kicking them and using whips. Poor things.

I think a lot of what people have achieved has been achieved through the use of horses. Only from the middle of the 20th century horses got a break...

Not to mention the millions of horses killed in wars waged by humans :(

You're right.

The horses pulling those carriages always look so miserable. When I make my Steem millions I'm gonna stage a mass equine breakout and retire them all to my 1000 acres in the countryside.

Dream on! LOL!

Hi sweetie, I'm tops today. C U at the centre point
I see gave us both a prize.Bah, humbug.....and I was so looking forward to winning this week;):)

Ok. See ya there!
HaHa! Let's see who wins this week. Game ON! : )

Howdy there Butterfly! And the moral of the story is? Don't work your retired horse during the day when everyone can see you! That's very wise. Very good writing too! You probably struggle to limit it to 240 don't you?

Howdy @janton! Now that is a wise moral. Yes, it is a struggle to limit the story to 240 or less but it is a fun challenge. Glad you liked it.

Howdy Butterfly! I think it would incredibly hard so you're doing great. I liked it alot!

Thanks my friend. You just made me smile. : )

I'll be back to vote...I love your story.

I am happy to hear that you like my story. : )
Please do not worry about the vote. You reading and commenting is priceless. HUGS!

Hugs to you!
I know you don't care about the vote...but I'll never leave this earth with money, or votes. Love to spend them. :))

Just upvoted your comment so the story will get its share tomorrow morning. Just finished celebrating my 72nd (!!). Going to sleep now.

Happy Birthday @agmoore! I would have never known you were 72. You go girl!!! Are you going to do a birthday collage to show off your talent and to show that old dogs can learn new tricks? LOL! I am not far behind you. : )

I'm surprised, too. Sometimes when I read the characterizations of the old here on Steemit I am amused. We still breathe. We still love. We still create :)

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