ZapFic Writing Contest Entry- Week 57: Divine Intervention

in #zapfic5 years ago

This is my entry for the ZapFic Writing Contest by for Week 57. Prompt: moving. Tell a story in 240 characters or less.

photo by me @whatsinew

Divine Intervention

Peggy's chances to get pregnant were slim. Returning home from her doctor she saw a pregnant praying mantis by her door, moving towards her. She dropped to her knees sobbing and prayed. Miraculously, Peggy was with child six weeks later.

#zapfic by


What a sweet story! I love that you worked in your insect love and photos. 🤗

Thanks sweet brisby! Nature inspires me and I am always very happy when I can use my photos with the things I write. : )

Howdy Butterfly! wow that's impressive. What's even more impressive is that you went out and found a praying mantis to photograph for your story! lol. That's flat out remarkable, no one is that dedicated! lol. How's it going up there, tell me the weather is in the 70's right?

Howdy @janton! This butterfly is really late with my replies. So sorry. I haven't been here much the past week. It was a total wash-out in more ways than one. Another migraine and lots of rain which always means more pain. It is downright cold here now...50 degrees. And if we are lucky not to get rain, we only see the sun for about 15 minutes a day if we are lucky.

You have no idea how much I appreciate your wonderful compliment and your support. I will be catching up on your story on Monday. I have missed it and you. Hope you are doing well and I will talk to ya on Monday. : )

Howdy Butterfly! I miss talking to you! I wondered what was going on. The 50 degrees is ridiculous for this time of year! dang, that sucks, so does the rain and cloudy weather! You need to talk your family into moving South and then ya'll come down somewhere nicer, at least to the middle of the country. lol. Ok, we'll talk Monday. No need to reply but here's some more tokens: !ENGAGE 100

Howdy jonboy! I have missed talking to you too! What on earth are you doing giving me more tokens?!?! (I just wrote a freewrite and the prompt was earth so I have earth on my brain. LOL) Anyway, I do appreciate the tokens but I don't deserve them. No engagement going on with me since I have missed so much time here. Thank you my friend. Hugs!

Howdy butterfly! So you have dirt on your mind? In other words, a dirty mind? lol.
Oh that's fine about the tokens, they will (hopefully) make up for some of the time that you missed here.
We're supposed to support each other and help each other grow right?
And doing the contests is alot of work.

Howdy @janton! Dirty mind? Me? LOL!
Once again, thanks so much for your support. You are definitely helping me grow and I will never forget your kindness. : )
Wednesday's and Thursday's are crazy for me so don't be surprised if you don't hear from me on those days. I help to deliver the freewrite prompts on Wednesdays which eats up my voting power and you already know about why I am so busy on Thursday's. But that is a good thing. : )

Howdy Butterfly! you are very welcome, I will be able to give bigger votes as my account grows but man, these things take time! why did you say you didn't use esteem? was that because of your old computer or something?

I can't use esteem because I do have an old computer and no storage space left. I think "storage" is the right word.

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