Deirdyweirdy ZAP - 20180703t115947687z

in #zapfic6 years ago

He picked up the lady’s fallen purse, calling out "Excuse me, mam, you’ve dropped this." Looking behind her at the wretched man, his dishevelment a testament to his homelessness, she quickly grabbed the purse, turned and hurried on. #zapfic


howdy @deirdyweirdy! Hey was that an Irish lady? Because that was kinda rude wasn't it? lol, this is another classic. Can you do them with a redneck theme or western or cowboy theme? I'll hire ha. lol

I think you have the redneck/cowboy/western market sewn up m'dear. I don't think I could stand the competition:)

lol.. but if you could write that cowboy way I could just steal your stuff!
Hey I read a post the other day where a guy from Scotland had his post stolen, copied and pasted, they just changed a word or two in the title so I guess it happens. Oh and the thief made good money on it too, the comments were telling the thief how brilliant of an author he was! lol.

that no funny really. thank you deirdyweirdy you're the best!

Oh I know sweetie. Everyone tells me so;)

lol! and with darn good reason too!
hey our Independence Day celebration today makes me wonder if Ireland has
one that she celebrates? or does she just celebrate other things like that gay
gathering thing?

No, we don't have an independence day here though we did fight long and hard to gain independence from the Brits.

howdy today @deirdyweirdy! yes Ma'am it was hundreds of years wasn't it?
and the stupid British were cruel and vicious from what I've gathered, I'm surprised that ya'll don't have a big celebration day to mark your independence. Are you guys totally independent from them now, I thought it was still some kind of joint venture thing.

There is a whole novel in each of your posts. I Love them.

Thanks sweetie and right back at ye!

You are too much! I hereby dub you the #zapfic master! : )

I shall wear that badge with PRIDE!

You did what you do, again. :-)

I just can't help it;)

Wonderful little zap story...

The homeless man may be poor in material goods, but he is rich in kindness and still knows the right thing to do, dispite his life situation.. Who knows what his story could be and what misfortune brought him to where he is. I know the type of woman in this story. She cN be found strolling around Grafton street with a designer bag draped over her shoulder, bought with Daddy's money...

Exactly what I would have said had I more than 240 characters to do it!
I'm a great believer in a spot of the aul reciprocation, but sadly most these days can't even spell the word. They've no problem with entitlement though.

So much said in so few words... Impressive.

I'll have to try to graduate to 100 words next and work my way up from there;)

How very bitchy of her!

Obviously not a believer in a little reciprocation.

I guess not. Some are all for one, not one for all.

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