"I Am Not The Yunk." (New documentary 2018)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #yunk7 years ago (edited)

I am not the yunk.jpg

"After countless messages, countless phones calls, and with countless people out front of my house, I have to set the record straight. I am not yunk or "the real Yunktoshi Nakamoto." The world didn't need me and didn't want to hear what I had to say. They needed the spirit of something collectively. They needed the yunk, so the yunk was conjured into existence by a collective force. This projecting has formed an entity, a way of life, a thought, an all encompassing belief. They didn't need me to do this, they just needed me to be the spark. Now yunk is everything, it's all things, it's no one, and everyone at the same time. Yunk is not something that you understand, and it's not something that takes long at all for you to grasp. Yunk is just something you never knew that was missing inside of you." - @Yunkzilla

"In this critically acclaimed documentary we will dive into the world of yunk. A movement that was spawned in the depths of Steemit.com and Steemit.chat. The world didn't know what it needed until the yunk made its arrival."

- New York Times
Follow us for new information on the film and more clips, and interviews from the documentary. Yunk somehow made its way to the tags list in Steemit.com, it's growing at a rapid rate, what will be next for yunk? Remember if you don't yunk, do you really even exist?
credit / @needmorefat


(All copyrights and images / @yunkzilla of heyfearless and North x North)



I can't wait to pre #yunk my tickets to the #yunk motion #YUNKture. Man im gonna get all my #YUNKettes and #YUNKee's tix!

I just realized all those awards say 2012. Yunk doesn't exists in time, so it has the power of the 4th dimension. I has One awards in 1820 even.

OMG YUNK can travel time :O we need more of that



Please send me the VIP BackStage Meet & Greet passes. I will Pre #Yunk as well.

Can we bring our #Yunksters ? Or is it 18+?

It's NC-17, and it's supported by Mel Gibson & Nicholas Cage

Oh #Yunk...

I'll let the wife know to get a sitter for the #Yunksters .

I'd still like #PreYunk access tickets and will pay in #YunkCoin 💰

Oh yeah! I did hear that the premiere does take #yunkcoin I'll see what I can do about the pre-access. The #yunk is strong with this movie

#yunk mother cris errytim she watches this movie

I don't like how they villainized the yunk-mother for the first half of the documentary, but it's heartfelt when you learn her true intentions. I guess love can exist in the coldest of places at times. #yunk has become an interesting profile and this movie highlights the potential for good very well. 5 out of 5 yunkstars

Hi, all friend please upvote my post and follow me.
please comment me. davinger.

@davinger, you should try to engage with the post your commenting on. You should start a conversation. It will make more people inclined to follow you, because they get to know you a little. Fishing like this will be harder for you to find true genuine followers in the long run.

@kryptik I better see your beautiful #yunk illustrations in this documentary

*Spoiler Alert - Unfortunately there's a huge falling out between @kryptik and @yunkzilla. Most graphic design by @kryptik was censored or removed. It was all because a bag of Cheetos. It's so sad when good friends can't look pass something like a simple turf war.


This goes so much deeper than I thought.

Upyunked We Need more Yunk in this world to make it a better place, :)

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