Exposing Steemit's secret tag #yunk / What is this secret upvote society?

in #yunk7 years ago (edited)


Today I bring you into the secret world of yunk. I go undercover to find out how deep,
this rabbit hole,
truly goes.

This secret group uses a tag that gives you upvotes, comments, and resteems if you use it...

Today started off normal like any other day. Then somehow I ventured into the #general chatroom of Steemit.chat. Nothing was out of the ordinary, just a few trolls and a few hatchlings to steemit accidentally posting their links in the general chat. Then something happened. A name or a word started catching my eye in the chatroom, "yunk." Then I saw the word again... and again... then I started to scroll up to see if I may have missed more of the word. There it all was, right in plain sight. Some sort of code being passed between certain people. The words they were using was unfamiliar as if they were using their own code or some sort of cryptic language.

Some of the words I saw were:

The yunkening

What did it all mean? As I sat there seeing a pattern most people would have not shifted out through the muck of your average steemit chatter. So I started to play along. I started to add yunk into my sentences to see what kind of results I would get back. I felt like everyone in the room stared quietly for a second to see if I was the real deal. Then everyone went right back to chatting. Was I in?! Did I pass?

Did I make it into some Eyes Wide Shut secret society? I think I did. I was in a completely different word now. People started talking to me, and telling me more inside information on this yunk. It's some sort of hero to them, not something they worship, but something they highly recommend for a way of life. Is yunk some giant head in the sky with the almighty power? NO. I found out that they're all yunk, yunk was not a single entity, but a group of people as a whole. "WE ARE YUNK..." I got a little closer to one of members, here he is:
(His identity is concealed)

@sayha is what he goes by

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I must have passed the test. Who ever this @saywha person was, they were clearly high up in this yunk chain. @saywha provided me with a key piece of information that apparently I was privy to. He told me about the special hidden hashtag #yunk. If you use this hashtag in any of your post the group will automatically upvote, resteem, and comment on it. He said the only stipulation was the hashtag #yunk was that it had to be exceptional content. This way it can be circulated with this hidden society within steemit.

I ventured deeper into this interesting study. I found cryptic post such as this one from @saywha describing what a yunk is. The post is not clear to me and everyone else I presented it to has told me to leave it alone, to walk away from it. Here is the posting - https://steemit.com/yunk/@saywha/how-to-yunk

He wasn't the only one that reached out and after the finding out this #yunk tag I started to go deeper. The more I felt like Alice the more the members made me feel welcomed. I wanted to test this tag out, so I placed it on one of my most recent post that has not yet been paid out. Sure enough the upvotes started coming in, and comments too. I saw a resteem on some of my new post with the tag yunk. Then I started to notice something else. The money on the upvotes were getting stronger, there were not randowhales being issued randomly for the within this tag group. I start receiving comments that were saying upvote for #yunk tag/5 out of 5 yunk for this. I started to see who the players really were. Here's a few of them I was able to make contact with:
@mobbs (The one eyed man)

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He had a weird post about a yunk: https://steemit.com/nature/@mobbs/weird-sex-part-1-reproduction-from-hell

She goes by the name @siragrays

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Who are these people? They are legion they say, they are all yunk. @siragrays seems to be also a higher up member is this secret society. Here she talks about the birth of the yunk: https://steemit.com/yunk/@siragrays/when-the-yunk-became-a-trend

@satchmo (The analyst)
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She's one of the more active ones of the group. You'll see her actively comment, upvote and post. https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@satchmo/trade-crypto-currency-think-in-milestones

@kryptik (The Architect)

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You'll see this key player in the chatrooms. Even if he's not there, he's always watching...

@reneenouveau (A.K.A. @illuminaughti The high Priestess)

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She seems to be one of the founding maidens in yunk. Her steemdb reads like a veteran to all of this. Could she be the beginning of the yunk? She has infiltrated other groups. How many yunk members are around you? They could be anywhere, waiting for you to show your call sign as a yunk. https://steemit.com/blockcorp/@reneenouveau/acceptable-workplace-nicknames-block-corp-or-business-office-roleplay

There's many other key players that are involved such as:








Many more are out there, are you a yunk?

Is a growing soceity? From what I can tell, yes. They're a small supportive community, for now. They check the yunk tag regularly, so if you're brave enough and want to see it for yourself, I suggest to you to dip your toes in and tag your next post with yunk. Good luck, and good night.
(*disclaimer - @yunkzilla is not responisble for anything that happens after you made the decision to move forward in the dark world of yunk. *The people's pictures will be censored to help keep them anonymous.)

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(All copyrights and images / @yunkzilla of heyfearless and North x North)



It is like saying 'beetlejuice'. Don't say it three times in a row or something might happen:)


Yunk is going to break the internet.

I was so Yunked up that I forgot to sleep.

Vote @yunkzilla for witness and become Yunk.

5 out of 5 yunk rating for you.
You have the most yunkcoins I've ever seen!

I'm fucking watching you man.


Red Bull and Meth baby woooooooo!!!!

I'm no longer afraid of your yunk rays. I have the protection of the people, the community can see through your yunk. There's going to be no place to hide. We're going to flood your tag DDOS attack style.

I yunk this up, what's up with that censured thing LOL. And why @saywha has two?
We are here for the Yunkz @yunkzilla

1 for saywha 1 for yunkmother. This has always been and always will be.

And so the Yunk-Universe was born!

I knew you were one of them! I just added you to the list. I'm going to expose your society now that the word is out there. I am safe from the #yunk!

This made me laugh, in that mysterious, esoteric way of the yunk people. 6 OUT OF 5 YUNKS!

I think I still have to proof read it still. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm happy that I was able to expose some of these characters that are involved in a plot to take over steemit. THey must be stopped.

We are yunkees...We forgive never forget xD....Yunk Nation

Ps: soon applying for US president

We have a yunk-gate issue here. This is worse than pizza-gate. I'm blowing the whole top off of this one!

Welcome to the Yunk Crew!

The secret word of the day is yunkbear

My spidy senses tells me to stay away from these secret societies, but I am intrigued and want some YUNK,

This appears to be a yunktastic tale. I tagged an old post and a new one, ain't seen no yunk love. May have to go sit in the corner and yunk.

@aboutyourbiz their eyes are on it. They normally wait for the proper time to strike. I heard the rewards are worth it. I fear for your safety though. You've ventured into some waters where I can't seem to go.

Uh oh, I'll see if I can find a life yunk, thanks for the warning

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