STEEMIT YouTube Ambassador October 2017

in #youtube7 years ago

Do you produce Youtube Videos?  Do you promote Steemit in these videos?  Well if you do then you deserve some recognition for the promotional work you are doing.  And that is the simple aim of this post

If you missed last months Steemit Youtube Ambassador Post and winner you can find it here

Using Power BI, I have connected to Youtubes API and have pulled data for 152 videos published in October with the key word Steemit

If you are interested in learning how I connected Power BI and Youtube, I have a detailed article Decoding M – Exploring the YouTube Data API with Power BI which is located on my website

High Level Overview


106 YouTubers created 152 videos reaching 93,822 people.  Rx Hussain produced 6 videos using Steemit as a key word.  But its not the number of videos that will get you Ambassador of the month.  It is the reach and engagement that the video creates

Detailed Analysis

Sorting the data by the total number of views, which is basically the reach the table below shows the top 20 YouTubers representing Steemit.


Sorting by average likes per video


And then sorting by the average comments per video


YouTube Ambassador October

Last month @suppoman came in first, this month @suppoman was knocked down to second place.  With 1 video reaching 10,749 people 324 likes and 77 comment 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

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But in first place with 1 video, 13700 views, 1169 likes and 215 comments is @rebellunion.  With the Youtube channel Die Lammer Show. 

The video is not in English, but I did translate many of the comments to try and get a feeling for the sentiment.  It appears to be positive

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I am part of a Steemit Business Intelligence community. We all post under the tag #BIsteemit. If you have an analysis you would like carried out on Steemit data, please do contact me or any of the #bisteemit team and we will do our best to help you...

you can find #bisteemit  on discord

Follow, upvote and resteem 



Organizing the work of many can overcome disproportionate distribution of voting power!

Great works, I wish you success

Hi Paula

Have you seen @rockingdave's work?

I'm super impressed with it, he's producing animations, and customisable ones on request. I think they'll be great for your facebook feed, if not for Youtube.

@terrybrock I watched at Steemfest, he's a great speaker :)


yes I have actually, and we are looking at getting stuff done for steemitbc

ace :)

I'm working on a personal script for my facebook. 'So, where's Asher been hiding this past year' :)

I am very happy to have found your article
I will start making videos from now on an I will post the on all social media websites
I do want to bring more members to and to have a better chance to grow within community
Thanks to all 106 Youtubers for promoting
Have a great time Steeming

Look forward to seeing your videos

This is fantastic intelligence coverage! Thank you! Nice to see Steemboaters spreading the word.

thank you

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