Important updates to the YouTube Partner Program! Demonetizing channels.

in #youtube7 years ago (edited)

Youtube is changing the Partner Program!

Few days ago I received this email on my inbox:


That was related to an old channel I created 2 years wich managed to generate some something around 300$, I'm not surprised since It had only 4 videos.

The way I see this is that they're planning to destroy new content creators.

Why? Up to 1000 subscribers is a 2 - 4 months long journey IF you'll ever make it up to 1000 subscribers.

But, does it stops here? I don't think so... think about all the fail, cat, funny viral videos we use to see once in awhile popping on the trending feed. These videos can generate up to 1 - 20 million views in a matter of days and payment up to 2 - 3000$. Creators that upload this kind of content enable ads (and I don't condemn them) to make a quick buck. They will end up probably submitting it to bigger channels (and lose 40 - 50% of the revenue) or post them AdFree.

Is it good or bad?

There is the downside that it will be harder for new people or a monetary loss for viral videos, but, on the contrary YouTube content quality was decreased over the past years. People are streaming copyrighted content illegally, there are thousands live streams online right now doing just that.


And no matter how hard YouTube tries to stop them, they always come back stronger! From streaming copyrighted content to skipping the video every 3 seconds to even cropping and altering the video sound or quality in order to trick the "copyright detection algorithm".


So, what do you guys think?

Has Google reached its peak? For me it looks like they can't find a way to block them programmatically and they are trying to increase the limits to demonetize them hoping that they will eventually stop.


I tried Dtube but it can be slow for some and it does take a while to load compare to Youtube, personally I still prefer youtube and embed it in my steemit post, that way i get a lot of viewers too.

I believe this is a response to the Logan Paul incident. if YouTube thinks punishing small channels is the way to go, they are wrong, there needs to be another uploading plat form, YouTube is going to drive away so many people. There was but it got shut down, Daily motion has a limit where you can only post videos up to a hour long, so that won't work for streamers as some streams are a lot longer than that. But Now that DTube is on the market. I might move my videos to DTube.
Here is another thing, if you are a part of a network, they will release you.

Most youtubers out there don't know about the huge potential of DTube, you should post on both YouTube and DTube.

yeah but at the same time I like to embed my YouTube links from Steemit to drive traffic to my channel

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