Huge Welcome to YT Silver Stackers and Pourers!!

in #youtube7 years ago (edited)

Hello all you crazy YouTube defectors!!!

I missed you! Help catch me up!

Just a week ago @Mikegpo dropped a message on my latest youtube video ( HERE )

Yeah....I haven't been doing much on YouTube in last 12 months. We moved. I lost my preemo fossil hunting location (where we had made so many videos for our Healthy Family Variety Channel YT channel ).)
And income and "life" have been a bit of a not so much precious metals investment.

Well, I got into Steemit and my first cryptocurrency (STEEM) in July and have been blogging for coin ever since!

I am no less a silver bug..... As you can see here:

ANYWAY....I checked in on @mikegpo and see he is up and running here on Steemit. And of course, I see lots of familiar faces in the comments section!!! It makes me feel warm and happy inside!!

So.... I want to hear from all the Steemit newbies from the YouTube Silver community!!! Please tell me your story, and (if your Reputation is less than (50)) you will get a $1.50 or better upvote for each comment!!!


  • tell me your YouTube username and if you knew me from there
  • are you still active on YT, why or why not???
  • what brought you to Steemit and what are your expectations here?
  • if we know each other, please share anything else to catch me up on your life over the last year.
  • and for everyone, add whatever else you like!!

Best comment will also get 1.0 STEEM transfered to your account!! (PLUS 5 more will get Steem Tips too!!!)

I can't wait to hear from each and every one of you!!!

Let me know if you have any Steemit questions!!! I have been on Steemit for over 6 months....I may be able to answer them!?!

Please share this with all the YouTube Silver community on Steemit....I want to hear from everyone!!



@em3! How are you, sir? My YT name is Silver Back Stacker. I just started stacking in September of last year but quickly became quite the addict and zealot.

I became disenchanted when I saw how morally deflated many of the smaller YT content producers were with the announcements by google about the impending demonetizations.

I myself was closing in on 10,000 views and anxious to click that button to have my channel reviewed for monetization. I knew it wasn’t a lot of money, but it was an accomplishment.

Unfortunately, like Lucy van Pelt cruelly does to Charlie Brown, my aspirations were dashed along the rocky shoreline of corporate greed.

To answer more of the RULES I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of your channel, but I wasn’t a sub. I am still active on YT. I’ve been on SteemIt for just under 2 weeks. At first I was all kinds of frustrated, I’d spend lots of time writing a post and get only like 2 upvotes if I was lucky. I posted my first DTube video in the last couple of days and a light went off.

First I figured out how to use the wallet and discovered that I had been building value. Then my first video on DTube (a test video actually, my second YT channel trailer) got a pretty nice response. So I decided not only was DTube and SteemIt for me, but I should, like Pit Bullion, try recruiting people away from the dark side.

I’ve got about 320 Subs on YT and a lot of the people I do care about. I try to respond to all the comments and help people where I can. What I did yesterday (as far as I know I’m the only one doing this so far, but I hope other content makers follow suite) was to split my video in half. Get them interested on YT with the FIRST HALF, show them some silver...

...then before the climax end the video and ask them to click the link in the description which will take them to DTube, for PART TWO of the video

People are uncomfortable with change and many stackers are suspicious of all things block-chain and crypto. So it’s going take a lot more coaxing, lol.

My expectations on SteemIt? I’ll call them hopes. I hope all the savers and stackers from our YT, instagram, and Facebook communities make their way to SteemIt and DTube where they can hopefully make some money to add to their stacks, enjoy more autonomy (with regards to censorship), and learn something about cryptocurrencies. Cryptos aren’t to be feared, they’re a tool and well, if you’re careful with your tools you might just build something special.

My stack actually began with my father handing down to me a couple of pounds of coins that had originally come from my great-g-grandfather. This stash held a variety of coins from all over the commonwealth before during and after WW2 And for official reasons he was not allowed to join the Armed forces in the World war. Instead he operated offered his services as a railway rest stop and Billeting for Service men traveling back and forth during the war. He prepared meals, bunking space, postage, and even laundry service for those who need it. He received in voluntary payment and tips many of these coins from servicemen and people as they passed through his town station. The bulk of the coin was Canadian but sprinkled in were coins from Newfoundland, India, England, Europe, even Hong Kong. Among these coins was a 5oz Johnson Mathey Bar my Father included from back in the early eighties as a souvenir of windfall when silver hit almost $60/oz Canadian and purchased a nice car with it’s proceeds. This was before my time and it turns out he was a bit of a collector.
When I was little more than a Tomboyish toddler one of my favorite memories is playing Pirate with the kids next door. The dolls and teddy bears were of course part of the crew, with a large cardboard box made into a grand sailing ship, and the reward at the end of the day of imaginary pillaging was the gold foiled Chocolate coins. One day my Father let us play with that stash of coins as booty and he said a lot of them where silver and that money used to be Silver!
Then I was an adult, the coins came into my possession after my Father passed away unexpectedly. There was a time I was in need of cash and I came pretty close to selling them for the bullion value just to pay my bills. I spread them out on the table and remember all the fun times playing with them. They bought back sentimental teaching moments. How hard Great gramps worked very hard to save them. And realizing how valuable they really were. I honestly believe my Father intended for me to pass them on to future family generations. He even added more surprise silver coins in those old cardboard flips than I remembered. Finishing my Nurses diploma I got quick employment and worked long and extra hours as the Bills that finally faded away, saving for a home for my kids, contributing into a pension.
It wasn’t until more than three years ago I still kept finding that my Income bought less and less. I’m a frugal creature and living on a strict budget allowing myself few frills. Taxes also began to taking increasingly bigger bites out of my income quoting figures often above the official rate of inflation. My voluntary Pension was being eaten up not just by fees but inflation too.
Then there was the day I was “Red Pilled” that my dollars are not a real representation of value and really a terrible store of wealth. I recalled one of the stories of Great great-granfather back in the Old Country how his neighbors lost their savings when the local banks went bankrupt while he himself held a physical hoard of Silver coin. I came to realize I have the Stackers gene. I also do Cryptos as a means to continue my Stacking goals; a little Bitcoin, Litecoin, and for fun Dogecoin as my long shot.
I have a modest YouTube Channel of the same Name, Kerris L Ravenhill. I don’t know Mintage numbers by heart, I can’t claim to understand grading, and I don’t have the time and resources to flip coins in the retail market. But I buy what I like and a be little bit of a Gothic drama queen about it.

Aye, but be warned when me language digress to 18th century spake, egress with caution with sword and flintlock at the ready, and be not faint of heart cause yea be treading in dangerous waters….. but there be where the adventure and freedom be its greatest. Arrrh!

First of all, thank you for the warm welcome! We have crossed paths several times and it’s good to see you again. I know you remember me from YouTube by the same name here Stackin Ag47. I honestly thought I would be the last one here, with my long time pessimistic outlook on crypto currencies. I did several videos bashing them and pointing out the flaws and deception behind them. But this platform is different. I like the fact that we are rewarding members in crypto for providing good content and engaging conversation. To me it makes steemit dollars, a crypto backed by knowledge. Which to me is the most valuable thing in the world. With knowledge, positive advancements to benefit mankind can happen. So to me steemit seems like a place where I want to focus my time and talents. And the fact that screwtube was messing with channels content, demonetization, and controlling the algorithms to censor speech, that was when I started to say 🖕🏻Google. And then when they said they don’t care about the small channels I said that’s it! PitBullion our Don was the first of the metals mafia to come to steemit and plant the mafia flag. So when he said how much fun this platform was and how great the people are here I said I’m in!! We are hoping to grow the Metals Mafia brand with the steemsilvergold community and the other communities that intertwine here,to provide truly organic growth to happen. I will do some pouring videos and interact with the YouTube community. The channels and people behind them are great and I value the friendship from them. But things change in life and I think this is a change for the better! I hope this was an entertaining and enjoyable read. 👍🏼🍺🥓DA175655-5418-48FB-9246-EAB660F6AA2B.png

Yes. Yes and yes.

Was a great read....I hope to hear this in depth (and more) from many others!!!!

One question I am seeking to get answered.... "Are you staying with YouTube?"
....because my "em3" account is about to get booted from YT monetization....and I am thinking of putting forth the effort to revitalize it and boost my subs to 1000...or slowly abandon(I don't really want to).

I would hate to abandon my Subscribers on Youtube so I will stay as long as I can until either YouTube outright bans me or until my Subscribers (with a little encouragement) move over to Steemit. Heck, all this YT Nanny act is emboldening me to developing my story arc to be more edgy and pointed (to the TPTB) as the antagonists. Ever read the works of Charles Savoie? The Silver Stealers. I think it is just as eye opening as The Creature from Jekyll Island.

I’m not giving up on my YouTube channel. But I’m definitely focusing my energy towards the steemit platform!

I'm trying to get away from YT, but... DTube seems buggy as heck. The Devs have work to do. Five upload attempts to DTube have resulted in 2 published videos. And I'm waiting... Plus, because my YouTube video (part1) references my DTube video (part2) I can't publish there either... The question maybe should be "am I sticking with DTube?" Lol... yes, yes I am.


I am Silver Wolverine on youtube. I actually started my steemit account back in July 2017. After about a month I just went back to youtube 100 percent and neglected my steemit account. I been doing videos on youtube for one year and currently have 867 subscribers. I really like doing youtube videos and enjoy the youtube Metals community. I have been monetizing my videos on youtube. A couple months after being on youtube, they start the policy you had to have 10,000 view to being able to monetize. I was around 8000 views at that point. So it didn’t take too long to get there. Now I received the email from google last week that if you don’t have 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours monetization will be taken away. This didn’t and still don’t sit well with me. I feel this is being because of jokers like (youtubes) golden child Logan Paul..I would like to continue my youtube account and hope to get 1000 subs in the next couple of weeks. I think the 4000 watch hours will be a tough task. I’m working on that. Lol. Google can kiss my ass. Youtube is no longer about “you” its all about google. Awesome post.. Thank you!!!

Hi!! 👋 It's me, Silver Vessel! I am still active on you tube, but not as much as I used to be. I will make videos supporting a friend or a trade, etc... But not for just some random silver pick ups. The Don, Pit Bullion got our asses over here on steemit, and I havent looked back! I am still lost as hell, and dont know what I'm doing, and dont understand half of the things I need to know here. It will be a challenging learning curve for me for sure! I dont expect to take off over night, but if I keep at it and keep posting quality shit, I will learn more along the way and hopefully be a beneficial platform for me and everyone else! I have not made 1 penny from you tube! Its great seeing familliar channels here! Great to see you here too my friend! Excellent post! 👍Untitled_3_2560x1440_15.12Mbps_2018-01-20_17-30-21_0.00.266.jpg

Here's your first penny for this post Vessie-kins.
Dumping my Facebook account like a Bad Ex.

And there is your next 3 cents!!

hmmm..... we never started pouring silver! what happened?


Got busy with the move. Life. Etc!!


On YT I am channel goudhaantje and active since 2014. I follow all salivates, silverino, cct's etc and have some 350 followers myself. It happens that I just posted a post on steemit this morning about my first month's experience. HAve fun an dfeel free to share.

(It prolly wont count as an entry.... We'll see.... )

Heading over now to read up!!

Nope! :-D
It was a good read...
But doesn't qualify as an entry!! You gotta WORK for what I got!!!!

Just stoking the fires.....
The 4 posts I upvoted to the top are the top contenders. Not everyone wants to share that much and that is ok. But if you are interested in the upvote or prizes..... Ya gotta follow the rulz and pour out your story to me!!

What's up man. You can blame me for dragging them over here. Some kicking and screaming. Most of the guys are part of the Metals Mafia crew. I made a big choice about steemit about a month ago and decided I needed to bring everyone with me so I don't get lonely and don't have to bother Ray and damus too much 😀 I will let the guys know about this post

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So when I said something to you...was that before or after your re-"come to steemit" moment?

Either way... Glad to see the migration! Better as a herd than a stray individual!

One question I am seeking to get answered.... "Are you staying with YouTube?"
....because my "em3" account is about to get booted from YT monetization....and I am thinking of putting forth the effort to revitalize it and boost my subs to 1000...or slowly abandon(I don't really want to).

Don’t abandon it, It’s a great channel! For some reason YouTube isn’t letting the communities fully integrate together. Their are great people over there and I like doing videos. I will definitely try to help this platform grow!

You have received an upvote from STAX. Thanks for being a member of the #steemsilvergold community and opting in (if you wish to be removed please follow the link). Please continue to support each other in this great community. To learn more about the #steemsilvergold community and STAX, check this out.

Well hello my friend !!!Nice to find you here !!!!! As you know my name on yt is mikegpo ! Been on there a while posting coin and poured silver videos . Was pulled over here by Pit Bullion and my Metals Mafia brethren !! I never made a nickel off of yt and don't really mind if the same happens here ! I am in it for the fabulous friends I have made !!!!Untitled_3_2560x1440_15.12Mbps_2018-01-20_17-30-21_0.00.266.jpg

Just stoking the fires.....
The 4 posts I upvoted to the top are the top contenders. Not everyone wants to share that much and that is ok. Yours is if you are interested in the upvote or prizes..... Ya gotta follow the rulz and pour out your story to me!! XD

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