Optimizing SEO On YouTube Videos Part 2 (Transcriptions), Contributed by @TangerineTravels

in #youtube6 years ago

If you saw our last post, you may have been introduced to some important things to know when it comes to ranking in YouTube and Google for your YouTube videos. This post is going to focus on the importance of transcriptions and the easiest way to get transcriptions for your YouTube videos.

If you want to rank for particular search terms on YouTube, you should be doing several things:

  • Have content that's highly-relevant for those search terms
  • Consistently put out great content (YouTube will eventually recognize this and rank your channel higher)
  • Have those search terms in the title
  • Put those search terms in the tags
  • Include those search terms in a well-written description
  • Write a complete transcription of the video

What is a transcription?

A transcription is a written dialogue of the video, written word-for-word. YouTube offers default transcriptions but they are awful and often miss many of the keywords that you mention in your video.

If you watch the above video and click the "CC" at the bottom, you can see the transcription that we wrote for this most-recent video of ours.

Why are transcriptions important?

Having transcriptions allows users to turn on closed captions so they can watch the video with subtitles.
This allows:

  • People to watch your videos when they can't have the sound on.
  • People who are hard of hearing can watch your videos.
  • People who are trying to learn your language often like to read captions as they watch the video.
  • If transcribed into other languages, people who don't speak your language can watch your videos.

All of these things open up a whole new audience who can watch and understand your videos. But not only that, transcriptions are indexed into YouTube's and Google's search algorithms. Any keywords or phrases that you mention in your video will help your video rank higher in search results.

How do you get transcriptions in your YouTube videos?

Pay a company to transcribe your video

There are a lot of companies out there who will transcribe your videos for a fee - usually about $2-3 USD per minute of video. If you have a large YouTube channel, you might find that it's well worth the money to pay for professional transcriptions. But, if you're just starting out like us, or if you're not yet earning much from your channel, $20-30 for a 10-minute video is a lot of money that adds up quickly!

Hire someone from fiverr

It's not a professional company, but hiring someone on fiverr is going to give you YouTube transcriptions at a much more affordable price.

Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 9.54.19 PM.png

From this Fiverr user who's located in Pakistan, you can get 10 minutes of audio transcription for $5, which is a significant discount versus using a professional transcription company.

Do it yourself

Writing a transcription is easier than you might think! I'm going to go through a few steps of what it takes to write a YouTube transcription for one of our videos.

Go to the video page in your Creator's Studio within YouTube that looks like the screenshot below and click "Subtitles/CC"

Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 10.05.18 PM.png

YouTube will have created their own subtitles using their software. They're pretty good but it makes some terrible mistakes that need to be edited. YouTube often screws up some of your most-important keywords.

In the screenshot below click on the bar where it says "English (Automatic)"

Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 10.07.12 PM.png

On the page below, click "Edit"

Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 10.09.56 PM.png

From this page, you'll be able to edit YouTube's automatically-generated subtitles, which is much faster than writing your own. After you are done editing them, just go ahead and click publish. Your new transcription will be indexed into YouTube and Google and you should see your viewership increase.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @TangerineTravels


This is amazing.

I could remember back then when I was much more younger, I don't watch some movies for the following two reasons :

  1. If they speak too fast
  2. If they don't transcript or subtitle it.

I do practice the same thing on YouTube until I learn to be more attentive to those fast words. Their are many like me out there who is facing with the same issue, this will help them a lot.

If YouTube have anything like whale and you are not one yet, just prepare yourself because you are becoming one soon.

Our greatness indeed lies in our service to others, you are trying to serve your audience well by coming up with those secrets, and lots of them would keep flushing in because they know you will serve them better, then greatness come... Lol
That's why they end up calling it overnight success at time
Thank you sir.

So transcription can be done on your own? Wow!. Never knew, not even for a minute. $20-$30 is quite high if you are just starting out like you said.
This is really nice I must say. Thank you for this eye opener. I definitely have so much to learn where YouTube is concerned. It delights me to know you are doing great with it.

This is awesome information to develop our YouTube videos channel. Thank you @tangerineTravels.
You mentioned when you got 250 subscriber and when it's April 18th you got 500 subscriber wow that make me to impressed. You will surely get 2500 on your subscribers on your next video. I wish you mercy journey back to US. You guys are awesome.

Good information for Youtube Marketers. I Think some man will be profitable who can't rank his video after watching your video.

This post is just lesson. I've been wondering how to get subtitles coz most videos I watch now are full of correct subtitles and didn't know how. Thanks so much @tangerineTravels. I will try it too

I have plans of starting a YouTube channel soon. Thanks, this is helpful.

Great info and tips, but I still do not like you tube.
Thank you for your videos.

thank you for this information. I have been looking for a way to activate those subtitles since my little sister asked me to help here with it. Thank you! I contributed some posts to this handle submitted through steemit.chat, I hope they have been noted?

hi bro😍،Is it possible to support me?

wow very excellent you tube information

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