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RE: Replay: Weekly @YouAreHOPE Transparent Town Hall with @SirCork - warning this show gets pretty foul with NSFW language ratings & includes a visit from GrumpyCat himself

in #youarehope6 years ago (edited)

Yea now I have listened to the whole glorious rant I realize you probably don't.

Maybe you are right and they just share the same mo, but I am not 100% convinced just yet. I have seen some strange things here and it would not surprise me at all to learn this was just another political maneuver.
Thanks for taking the time I appreciate it : )


No, I mean I'm pretty familiar with @berniesanders from the past year, we've exchanged comments, and so forth. I am pretty sure Grumpy is not Bernie because of very specific reasons, mostly around the language. Grumpy clearly is speaking english as a second language. Bernie is quite comfortable with english grammar and colloquialisms, but the chumpycat often uses phrases that expose translation errors or improper grammar typically exhibited by non-native speakers.

One such example is "since today" - not something comfortable english speakers would say, we would say "as of today" or "starting today" but in looking that phrase up to confirm my feelings, I was lead to duolingo and lengthy discussion of that exact phrase, exhibited mostly by spanish or french speakers. I believe Grumpy cat may be not a native english user and bernie definitely is, based on speech patterns, pop culture references and the kinds of insults he uses.

This is by no means scientific, purely anecdotal, but I know how Bernie talks and upon deeper inspection, they don't sound alike much at all.

The occam's razor too- Bernie simply wouldn't hide under a new name, despite having a ton of names, he uses his main one for his actions, he ain't skeered. GC however is a total coward.

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