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RE: Animated Drills for Mastering the Crow Pose and Beyond

in #yoga7 years ago

So this is street-yoga Austrian style. Not a lot of sukhasana in it, is there...? Excellent routines for the SAS and it will definitely keep the unyummy mummies - we normally associate yoga routines with- at a safe distance! (We - the afore-mentioned - can do crow-pose by the way - even if we haven't strengthened our arms on a park bench. Having said that, we probably just did strenthen our arms carrying the baby around for the past 3 years in one arm, and the shopping-, washing- or cat-basket in the other.


Why, after a while kakasana becomes sukhasana and you can practice dhyana in it. And having a baby just to strengthen your arms for crow pose is a little bit of an overkill, don’t you think? :)
You surely know the concept of sthira and sukha. If sukha prevails, you have to to put in more effort to keep the mind focused again.

You're very right there. I'm turning into living proof!

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