Yoga 2.0 - Flow VideosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #yoga7 years ago

Good day, Steemians!

And God said, "Love your enemy," so I obeyed and loved myself. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Is there anyone else out there with a wicked little critic
inside them that whispers ugly things throughout the day?
A voice in me says mean things sometimes
about how I'm not being good enough or wanted,
about how I'm not lovable or valuable.

I used to fight it and yell back internally,
but that constant conflict and struggle all but guarantee my own suffering.
It's exhausting, and I don't want to do that anymore.

Yoga is one of the tools I have now to practice
love and acceptance of everything that IS, right now.
It's amazing how soothing and nurturing a practice is,
how it releases a flood of feel good chemicals
that bring the body & soul to life in a way that even the inner critic cannot deny. 

Yoga is a practice of loving yourself, right where you are with all that you have.
And with practice, my inner critic has diminished
and been replaced by what I call grace.

I share yoga in hopes that others may know a similar peace. 

How do you deal with your inner critic?

💛 Sara! 


I hear my inner critic. I understand that he is part of my journey and that everything he tells me does it because it wants to protect me from suffering. He believes he protects me. Lives this illusions. But I AM conscious and realize that it is not true. That's why I accept he says to me, and tell him in a loving way: "Thank you for trying to help me, for you try to protect me from suffering, but now you can rest and allow me to make my choices and BE MYSELF." GRATITUDE

Beautiful, @zennaalma - thank you for sharing! I too realize that my inner critic tells me lies, and that it developed because maybe it once served me in some way. It's so interesting to shift into an appreciation & gratitude mode for this habit after fighting against it for so is such an incredible place!

Like how you change the spot every time. The bamboo is so rich in this video.

It's really great by the bamboo, nice and flat with less chance of naked dudes wandering into the shot :)

hahahahaha tru!

yoga is so relaxing and good for health

Yes it is!!! It's amazing ૐ

i got a gift for you :)

Oh how lovely!!!! Thank you, @hassanabid that's so sweet!!

hehe not more than you <3 :) my friend :)

I can't remember having an inner critic for a very long time. Do you think that there's something wrong with me?

Ahhh, that must be a very refreshing freedom!! Definitely nothing wrong with that, although I would assume it's much more uncommon & unique to be free of it. Hopefully I'm wrong -- wouldn't that be great if most/all people knew true love and support for themselves??

Yoga is best exercise for the inner self (soul or spirit or thoughts whatever you call it). Moreover, The Physical body gets tougher along with strong willpower. Yoga is an alround fitness mantra for whole body.
I control inner critic by doing little of meditation, but majorly by Hitting the Gym.
P.S. Can i ask you for a favour, plz help my blog sometimes if you may!

Yoga is an alround fitness mantra for the whole body.

Yes, I agree, it has multiple benefits for the multi-dimensional being. I love it so much!

I'm glad to see you're talking about the issue of mercury in fillings in your latest post. It's a seriously important topic and a major threat to health!

Thanks for the help...much appreciated

You're welcome!

Ohh Sara its so nice to see someone doing yoga, i did it for so long and then i stopped, and i do feel like my inner peace isn't the same and I'm more stressed and i dont sleep well, i dont know! its hard to start it again and it requires time and dedication!

I have that same experience, Alla! Even as much as I love yoga, I still fall out of the habit of daily practice sometimes and make excuses as to why something else is more important than taking care of myself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

If I fall out of daily practice, I find that it's so easy to keep NOT practicing, and I notice that my discomfort grows and grows and grows until I take it up again. Yoga is always so easy and accessible, yet excuses and avoidance are so strong! Good habits do take a lot of commitment to build and poor habits take time to break.

Yoga at Steemfest 2???? We can practice & celebrate health & happiness together!!

Great vid! And I'm with you in hearing the inner voices and finding a remedy through present-mindedness achieved through meditation, yoga, art, etc. Sun salutations are part of my daily routine. Do you have recommendations for some additional yoga stretches I might be missing? Upvoting and following you.

Thank you for watching and commenting, @cabelindsay! Sun salutations are so valuable for warming & opening the body and aligning all the chakras - I'm glad to hear you're finding time to prioritize them daily.

I'm a big fan of hip openers because I habitually store tension there. Whether or not I take a full on yoga practice, I incorporate some form of hip stretches daily. I also like headstands and other inversions, because it's like giving your body an oil change.

For personal recommendations for you, I would like to ask where do you frequently find yourself achey or tight? Is there any mental/emotional condition you face again and again?

How nice of you! Yes I often hold tension in my neck and head. I used to try headstands, but wasn't sure about safety. I wonder if there's another "flow" of yoga poses that are gentle yet comforting for the head-shoulders area?

Yes! And it's really important to incorporate them in your day if you spend much time on the computer or mobile devices.

True. Yeah, I'm on the computer a lot, unless I'm in the field with the camera (or the kids). My occupation is videography, and there's a lot of screen time involved in the editing.

Check out the link, I think it will help you a lot! There are some very simple stretches that can make a significant difference in how you feel if you practice them daily.

Hello @saramiller, since some days i wanted to ask you this, but i always forgot! What is the real length of the video? How many minutes you did this whole set of yoga?
Thanks so much!

I don't set a timer and instead practice until I feel I've given my body proper attention, which means it really varies from day to day. I like to hold poses for about 5 breaths, and I notice that my breathing is much faster on days that I'm more anxious or stressed so my practice is sometimes a bit quicker paced!

That said, I like to take 30-90 minutes to do a session. This particular video probably took about 45 minutes.

Thanks for asking, @progressivechef!

Oh thanks so much for taking the pain to reply to this @saramiller! Really appreciate!
I wanted to know how many minutes can a good session last, i think 45 minutes for a beginner like me will be good.

Honestly I think even starting with just 10-20 minutes a day can change your life! Or deciding to do 5 sun salutations a day, that's another good place to get in. You can work your way up as it feels good. For me, making the commitment to just do SOMETHING is the beginning of a really valuable practice.

The yoga is the best way to realax our self and forget the world and concentrate just with our self, i never try it, and i hope to get someone to make me practice this yoga, because i know has lot of benefits on our mind and body too, thank you for your nice post.

You're welcome, @creativewoman! While yoga is a great practice for personal improvement, it can be fun to have a "yoga buddy" to get started building a habit for daily yoga. You can really motivate each other to take the time to get on your mat, and you get to share the experience of perpetual improvement!

Perhaps you and your sweet family could take it up together! <3

I love that Gibran quote! My "thing" is to get up every day and promise to be the best Jesus I can be. I am not delusional, I do not think I am Jesus, but unless and until he gets here we all really ought to start trying to step up... And if you agree, then I will tell you that there is only one miracle you have to do: Get up every morning and forgive yourself for sucking so badly at being Jesus.

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