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RE: Novice to Expert

in #yoga6 years ago

I'm going to take this test later and see what my learning styles are. I have a couple of early ideas, but it will be interesting to see what this site says. I'll share my results with you when I do take the test.


That would be great. I was quite surprised at the result. I thought visual would be lower. I like the test but all the ads kind of bugged me. The information was worth it though.

These are my results:
Visual - 8
Social - 14
Physical - 9
Aural - 8
Verbal - 16
Solitary - 12
Logical - 8

I can't believe social is so high. I'm one of the biggest introverts I know! I also thought visual would be a little higher. I was a big visual learner in school, but I'm happy that verbal received the highest score. It is an interesting test, and it was fun to take. They pegged me really well in a couple of areas.

It's really interesting to see these things about ourselves. And social and solitary are close, which is a kind of dichotomy.

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