Smile! Taoist Yoga/Chi Kung (Qigong) is for EVERYONE!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #yoga7 years ago (edited)

No REALLY!  SMILE!   Think of Someone or Something that just warms your Heart!  Now connect with that FEELING!

Good.  Now we can start.

This post is meant to explain the spiritual, physiological, psychological and intangible benefits of simply smiling.  Smiling more, smiling with intention and learning to connect with the ENERGY of EMOTION and learning how to Consciously use that Awareness for greater HEALTH, MENTAL PEACE and SPIRITUAL GROWTH.

So let's start simple.  Your body and mind are connected.  There is something we call the Psycho-somatic or Somo-Psychotic relationship.  Your body affects your mind and Vis Versa.  If you've ever been in a bad mood, or being going through a difficult time while healing from sickness or injury, you may have noticed that you do not heal as quickly as when you are well.  Sue Johnson, references a study about couples in positive vs (shall we say) less than positive relationships and the effect that has on healing small cuts, in her Book HOLD ME TIGHT .  Check it out if you get a chance.  AS you can imagine, those in positive, loving supportive relationships healed faster than those who were unable to connect regularly in love and appreciation.

You might have heard of Masaru Emoto, a famous Japanese researcher into the relationship between consciousness and WATER.

Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto

Perhaps you have heard about the relationship between Body Language and your Mental Health.  Or how you can consciously readjust your mental state by holding what they call 'Power Poses" for at least 2 mins.

 Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy

Maybe you heard of the HeartMath Institute.    

 The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence    

  TEDxSantaCruz: Howard Martin - Engaging The Intelligence of the Heart    

Here is a simple technique, like the first sentence in this post, but further:

Heartmath's Quick Coherence Technique 

Here is another side:

Laughter yoga: laughing away the stress

Happier in 5 Minutes | Ida Abdalkhani | TEDxOhioStateUniversity

Ok, how we feeling?  Grins all around?  Starting to see where we are going with this?

If you are still with me, I'd like to Introduce an Ancient Practice from China, that has been given to the world by Master Mantak Chia, from the Universal Healing Tao

If all of the previous stuff makes sense to you, and you would like to see how far you could go with this understanding.  Try this practice:

  Mantak Chia Inner Smile for daily life practice    


another site:

OR, you can try all his stuff FREE for a few days here:

I HIGHLY recommend kindling your new curiosity into this system of  Taoist Yoga.  As someone who has learned, taught and continued to study Indian systems of Yoga for more than 1/2 of my life, I must say that my exposure to Mantak Chia's work has helped to inform all other systems I have studied, while contributing practices and understandings I have never found anywhere else.  I am not a Certified Healing Tao Instructor, however, I have learned a lot on my own and would like to eventually raise the funds necessary to attend a course, someday.  Maybe with Steem?

If you would like to check out his Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort near Chiang Mai, Thailand, they offer courses regularly.

Otherwise, I recommend getting a copy of Transform Stress into Vitality

That way you can learn on your own pace. 

I hope you see why being emo is bad for you, scientifically, why/how you can gain control of your emotions and use them to your advantage and that there is no need to be skeptical to old timey things when scientists and entire Institutions are proving the validity of these practices.  Or just try it for yourself, if you are still scowling as you read this... ;)


Plus it's Fun!



RESTEEM   For Others (think someone could use a giggle?) , UPVOTE for me and Comment Below!!


What a fun post, thank you!

Most Welcome! Thought it would be good to give some grins and giggles to the Blockchain. :)

Nice for yoga classes for Kids tho!

Good morning! This is the first post I've read today, and what a great way to start the day! I don't have time to watch all the videos before I head to work, but I look forward to seeing them this afternoon :) Thanks for the post and spreading the love!

So pleased to hear this added a boost to the start of your day @busybuzzing ! Brings even more smiles to my face. Hope you enjoy the rest when you get a chance :) Cheers! @ecoknowme

Awesome post! I have practiced qi gong for about ten years and it's amazing how great it can make you feel. Good point also on how simple things like smiling and how you breathe make a big difference in your happiness and mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Cheers @daodesam ! and welcome to Steemit! checked out your intro post and looks like you will have a lot to share on here. The Healing Tao system has a lot to offer, but only recently has the 'science' been proven to explain how and why all these simple practices work on deeper levels. Thanks for the comment! See you around the Tao of Steemit!

The Tao to me is all about reconnecting to Nature and living they way we were meant to. I see from your posts that you certainly reflect that.

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