Here's How You Can Burn Fat, Increase Your Sexual Thrill, Clean Your Blood and Have a Spiritual Experience While Sitting On Your Ass

in #yoga6 years ago (edited)

Today I want to teach you about Breath of Fire. And if you already know about Breath of Fire I want to show you that it's even more amazing than you thought it is. I've gathered some information from all over.

My introduction to Pranayama - the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises - was six years ago when I practiced Kundalini yoga for the first time to a DVD called Fat Free Yoga.

"It has been said that breath of fire is more aerobic than aerobics."
-Ravi Singh

This statement from that experience has stuck with me over the years. In that time I fell in love with Kundalini yoga and have been trying to figure out its mysteries. Six years of breath of fire. I knew that I felt amazing afterward, but I didn't really know why.

In this Fat Free Yoga DVD we weren't jumping around and doing heavy cardio. We were just moving our arms around and breathing a certain way - not overly exerting ourselves at all. How the hell could this make me burn fat?

After all these years, the answer came to me serendipitously yesterday in an amazon review when I was writing about Kundalini yoga and why I recommend it for awakening and expanding consciousness:

What many people don't know is that the reason "regular" aerobics are effective in inducing weight loss is because of the additional supply of oxygen to the cells as we breathe harder. You are not burning fat because of the exertion or exhaustion you are experiencing, you are burning fat because of the increased oxygenation. It is a complicated mechanism but, in a nutshell, oxygen burns fat. The breathing patterns taught in this DVD, combined with the exercises, accelerate oxygen consumption and delivery to the cells -- because of this, as Ravi says: "it can be said that breath of fire is more aerobic than aerobics".

Well, that's just mind blowing. Yoga really blows my mind. It truly is a science and a technology. All those times I spent miserable on exercise bikes to lose some fat and burn some calories...

When a local friend of mine told me that Baba Ramdev, on of India's most famous gurus is curing thousands and he's doing it with breath, specifically breath of fire and alternate nostril breathing, I was like ok, I really need to delve into this and find out the goods.

According to Baba Ramdev;

  • Good for the liver, spleen, gall bladder, stomach, and lungs.
  • No infertility, no gas, no sexual disorders, no constipation, and no acidity.
  • Cures the sexual weakness in the organs hence makes sexual experience and thrill long lasting. At the same time, it also controls extreme lust and so does not go wrong. Helps with low sperm count, irregular periods. It will help in bringing activeness, sensitivity, and divinity into sex.


  • Cleanses the blood and cleanses the system
  • Boosts the immune system and may help prevent many diseases
  • Purify your blood and release deposits from the lungs (Attn: ex-smokers!)
  • Cancer cells hate oxygen!
  • Clarity
  • Stimulates the solar plexus to release heat and create natural energy (better than caffeine!)
  • Increases physical endurance
  • Strengthens and balances your nervous system (handle stress and stay composed and centered!)

On a more esoteric level, it's said that It strengthens the magnetic field of the body.

Every time I post something about yoga, someone replies to me and tells me that they fell off daily practice and now they're inspired to get back to it again. I feel that the reason people fall off daily practice is because they make themselves do a certain set of exercises. But I found that daily practice is not at all difficult because I don't make a big deal out of it. All you have to do, for example, is get on your mat and do breath of fire until you don't want to do it anymore. I mean, it's not a big deal at all. Look at the profound impact this has! This is an incredibly healthy physical exercise you can do while sitting on your ass and feeling calm and meditative and awesome. You burn fat and massage your organs, and are doing more than aerobics while sitting there! How can you not want to do this every day?!

Well, I'm off to do some breath of fire!

If you enjoyed this, you'll enjoy my facebook page You Are Your Own Healer

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I used to do Bikram yoga for a few years and he put breath of fire at the end of his sequence. You would walk out totally pumped though you were pretty wiped too. I was the thinnest I had ever been but intense heat and obsessive daily practice contributed to that as well lol.

This is a great practice and a great post.

Personally Im not so keen on breath of fire as it stimulates my system over much these days but it is a beneficial practice for sure. 💚

Ps I'm pretty sure my vote will come in anyway via the tribesteemup fab is that!!! Xxx Glad to catch this post this morning.

Good morning, friend! 🌅

Morning!!! It's still dark here... longing for sun and hope it comes out a little today!!!


I basked in some today!

Wonderful. I understand it is alternate nostril breathing - pranayama. Raaja Yoga. Part of the 8 limbs. LIke you said, this is a perfect reminder to restart daily practise. :)

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