Six Reasons I Recommend Kundalini Yoga for Awakening and Increasing Consciousness

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

Six years ago I started a new life and I stumbled on Kundalini yoga. One fateful day I googled "yoga for weight loss" and found a DVD called Fat Free Yoga. It was incredibly odd and bazaar. It didn't include anything I associated with "burning fat" like cardio. Instead we did breath of fire and did all these weird movements that helped optimize our thyroid function. Totally bazaar and like nothing I had ever seen or experienced before. And I wasn't sure I believed the movements Ravi taught us really did what he said they did. But it felt good. I felt kind of weird making these odd movements while making odd noises. And that was really good for me. Mainstream life is too normal and mundane. We have to do some weird stuff.

Well, I got hooked. One by one I ordered all of their DVDs. And then my partner @inaliz started practicing with me. I noticed immense changes in him taking place in a super short period of time. One day after practice he called up his father who he hadn't talked to in years and confidently and maturely unleashed years of hurt and told him how it's gonna be. Like a badass.

Life also led Ravi Singh, the teacher of these life changing DVDs to a studio in Asheville where I got to take teacher training with him.

Kundalini yoga is magic.


Your whole life transforms on all levels when you start practicing. When you take on a meditation for the prescribed 40, 90, 120, or 1000 days and beyond you bet your ass you're going to start seeing your life change in the direction the meditation is intended for. It's incredible. One day a couple weeks ago the thought dropped into my mind to do Sat Kartar, a meditation to open to love. It felt so right that I committed to at least a 40 day practice. Just a few days in I could feel my life really moving in that direction. My relationships were and are becoming a lot more loving. I was questioning how I can love myself more, and my goal is a whooooooole lot more confidence because I realize I am far more magnificent than I have realized and given myself credit for.

Kundalini yoga is a technology.


Now, I often wonder as I do these meditations why in the hell chanting three syllables that have no meaning to me while making certain movements make these things happen in my life and make them happen fast.

Just read this paragraph from the 3HO website about one of the main Kundalini yoga meditations Kirtan Kriya to get a taste for how precise and scientific it is:

This meditation brings a total mental balance to the individual psyche. Vibrating on each fingertip alternates the electrical polarities. The index and ring fingers are electrically negative, relative to the other fingers. This causes a balance in the electromagnetic projection of the aura. Practicing this meditation is both a science and an art. It is an art in the way it molds consciousness and in the refinement of sensation and insight it produces. It is a science in the tested certainty of the results each technique produces.

Meditations have coded actions to their reactions in the psyche. But because Kirtan Kriya is effective and exact, it can also lead to problems if not done properly.

I swear - you don't have to believe in it. But it will work anyway. It's so complete.

The human body is one magnificent mechanism.

It's incredibly time effective.

You really get a bang for your buck with Kundalini yoga. In one eleven minute meditation you can be working your arms and chest, getting in touch with yourself, quieting your mind, opening your throat chakra, and opening to love. With even a fifteen minute or thirty minute practice you can lose weight, be in a meditative state, get stronger, move your body, strengthen your spiritual muscle, increase your flexibility and infinitely more. Which brings me to:

It's VAST.

What do you want to work on? There's a kriya for that. Literally. Anything. Cut through darkness, detox your liver, balance the hemishperes of your brain, prosperity, heal your shadows How about gaining the ability to heal from a distance and also healing your father issues at the same time?! There's even a meditation to adjust your magnetic field after an earthquake

It's better than drugs.


Kundalini yoga has some really trippy shit. Try waking up at 3:30am as the teachings suggest and doing Long Ek Ong Kars and see what happens. Awakening and increasing your levels of consciousness should happen in its own time. We don't want to force it. I admittedly crossed this line in the summer of 2016 by taking in more energy than my body could handle, and that made for a very strange and difficult year that would resemble any of the kundalini awakening stories you've heard. When you feel it's time to stop, stop. Kundalini yoga is a vast technology specifically designed over millennia for your awakening. Psychedelics can bring on an experience you're not ready for. KY is a specially designed process to work organically at your own pace.

It's for the whole person


I haven't practiced many other kinds of yoga extensively, but I never got anything deep spiritually from any of the other kinds of yoga I practiced. And many spiritual paths neglect the body. Kundalini yoga opens you up to your body and lights you up and will have you running on all cylinders. It uses the body for connection and awakening. We are humans, and we're here to be humans. We're not here to be spiritual entities with our head in the clouds, ego repressed or resisted with this lifeless body just dangling there. The body is magnificent, and you'll experience that with Kundalini yoga. It awakens the body. It awakens your awareness of spirit.

After you've been practicing Kundalini for a period of time you start to feel like a wizard with a host of spells in your toolbox that you can use at your disposal.

I can imagine that anyone reading this is gonna be like holy shit I gotta get started on this. I recommend getting started with one of Ana Bret and Ravi Singh's DVDs. They're very user friendly for newcomers, and Ravi is a truly magnificent teacher.

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I haven't try yoga but I have family members that have tried it.

In fact, I think anyone who tries yoga ends up recommending it, so I think it must be worth it.

I like knowing it had a positive impact with your partner since I have similar issues and perhaps this could help me.

That, and it would perfect your life in all areas!

Thanks for coming by and commenting @dedicatedguy.

Love this! I've been doing kriya yoga on and off over the years and whenever I do it my life transforms and I wonder why I forgot how helpful it is... so I started again 5 days ago... and once more... AMAZING THINGS are happening... I'm bookmarking this post so I can try the meditations you mentioned! 💗🌟

Kundalini yoga is perfect for the "I fell off" sydrome! We commit to 40, 90, 120, 1000 day practices. There's a specific thing that happens with each time period practice. There are different levels of becoming. Of course beyond 1000 days is mastering it. But if you miss ONE day, you have to start all over in the count. And ain't no way you'e gonna let that happen.

Really glad you enjoyed this. I took a lot of time putting it together, and I would love for people to try out some of the amazing meditations I linked. They are so magical and incredible.

What did you get me into this time? Just kidding ;>)

I tagged you in my latest post for more info on what I'm talking about, haha

Thank you! ❤

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