#xpilarcontest "Imagination" : Dark City.

in #xpilarcontest7 years ago (edited)

I sat on my front porch looking at the dark, moonless sky. Yesterday, today, until tomorrow maybe I will do this. Because in this modest house I have no one. A few months ago my father and mother were gone, and no relatives would take me. Therefore, every time I come home from college I work in a stationery shop near my campus. When I came home from college, I went straight to my workplace. And alternate with other workers. Inevitably, live mandirilah that I now see. No more shopping and eating in my life dictionary. Now, my goal is only one, finish college and find a decent job.

"Miss!! Miss!! Do not daydream! This photo copy got me, "he said a little rough.
"Eeh sorry. Oh okay, "I say a little surprised mixed nervous for seeing his fashion. Fashion luxury like him why even a photo copy in a slum like this?
"Cepetan mbak! Ah very old. Mending me to a photo copy next door. Here's my paper! "
"Sorry mbak," I immediately turned the paper. I accidentally read the department. It turns out he's a boy of literature, is he the same as me? But why I never see it? I boldly asked him.
"Mbak majoring in literature?" Without answering my question, he immediately went somewhere.

"Krieet ..." came the sound of the class door being opened, Devi who was explaining the lesson instantly stopped and all eyes in the room looked toward two strange creatures. Loh is a girl yesterday, who is she? Her sister? How do they look like? Twin?
"Do you two have no modesty?" Devi's snarling made me a little surprised.

How come? If Devi bu be angry and angry, then they are finished. But apparently my guess is wrong, bu Devi finally let the two twins sit on the back seat at the back. Then I looked around, the men looked at them with admiration. The women see them with hate and disgust. Where am I? I still looked at them with many questions. Finally, the bell marks the lesson after it also sounds. I want to go straight to the administration room to pay my spp money, and I see at a glance the two beautiful women's benches have been surrounded by the adam.

Once in the administration room I immediately paid spp and turned out. But when I open the door and want to get out I almost collided with the twins. The twin whose hair is in a small ponytail smile while nodding, while the haired hair is only flat-faced. When I got home, I thought hard. I think the one I met yesterday was the one whose hair was tangled. "Byuur! byuur! "the rain suddenly dropped off without thinking how if we were soaked and sick. I looked for the nearest shade. As I jogged and put my small side bag over my head. And finally I can take shelter too.

One minute 2 minutes 10 minutes passed quickly and the rain had not stopped yet. A few minutes later there was a man who was running fast towards me, then he also stood beside me while rubbing his body. Because of his splashing water a little bit on my face. I can glimpse his face, handsome. My home bus had not arrived yet, and the rain was still showing off the rain that he had. As for the man he was still able to stand with me in this obsolete stop. It was getting dark and night seemed to be coming soon.

"Tuut, tuuut." The sound of car horns startled both of us, then the beautiful pony-haired girl in my class came down with an umbrella running toward us. "Come home with us," he offered. Without waiting, I and this tall man nodded. In our car tells a lot, it turns out this nice woman named Anya, and her cool sister named Vara. While this tall man named Rais, he is a child of medicine. They are the same age as me, 20 years old.

"Via nih cobain my homemade cake. If it's nice to say, if not just aja hahaha, "Anya said come and sit next to me under the tree of mirrors. Since the events back home a few weeks ago, we are getting closer. Well except the Vara who cueknya not lost.
"Vara and Rais where?" I asked because I did not see them. Usually they and Anya like stamps are always sticky.
"They're in the cafeteria again. Eat the meatballs she said. "

Deg. I hate this most. Why is Vera closer to Rais? Whereas Vera women are indifferent. Why should Rais like Vera? Why not with me? Arrgh sucks. I'm much better off than Vera. I'm a self-employed self-employed kid, and now I no longer work in the store but in front of the computer because I've become a novelist. But why?
Via!! Do not you hear what I'm talking about? "I looked at his sullen face, he was beautiful. No wonder Rais likes Vera, because Vera is beautiful
"Why are you guys anyway? Dreamy mulu! "Anya shouted in my ear, suddenly I was shocked.
"Eh no I'm dizzy anymore." I said origin. And I see Anya just opening her mouth and forming the letter o.

Sobs were heard throughout the humble house that had once been quiet. I looked at those who surrounded someone who was like me. It does not look like it's me. And this is only my spirit. I'm confused to see them. Am I dreaming? I want to pinch my hand, but what do I get? My hands are translucent! Then I remembered what had happened and it turned out ...

We were listening to the lecturer explaining, suddenly my seat was rocking. No! Not my seat, but our bench all. We panicked, we ran around indefinitely. Our goal is the stairs. The six-story campus is starting to get messy. I started to panic. Then I saw beside me, it turns out Vera is running among the crowd of other students. He jostled, until he fell and nobody cared for him for all saving himself, including his brother. I turned and ran towards him. I pulled his arm and took him away. But fate did not allow us, the building began to collapse little by little.

A lot of broken glass and when we got to the second floor, suddenly the upstairs concrete cracked and hit my head. I fell, and Vera's hand slipped out of my hand. I struggled to ask for help while holding my head out of the warm liquid. I shouted at Vera to help me as much as I helped her. But he just glanced and ran away from me. And finally I felt my chest tightness because I was constantly overwritten by concrete and glass around me and finally ...

I looked at them, my college friends. Anya, Vera, Rais, and the others were sprinkling flowers on the grave that read Evelia. Vera cried as she leaned her head over Rais's shoulder. Whether it's real or fake tears only God knows. And hopefully God keeps Rais, and hopefully Rais does not fall in love with the wrong woman.


Nice to read your interpretation @jroh

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