I don't get it, what is steemit's problem & why do they need to flag my original photography regardless?? Am I just a horrible photographer? Is my work just that bad & ugly?, ? , i'm not going to change!! ! 8 cent STEEM coming up soon then! K!😭😭😭

in #wtf5 years ago (edited)

Maybe I'm just a bad photographer and don't know it??? Photostreem blocked me too so that's what they wan't me to think. That's what @themarkymark told me too, he said my photography straight sucked?? He called my pics generic ordinary pictures! And then he told me my camera sucked! I don't believe it, I just don't and if they don't stop I will just posts black or grey squares in the future!! Take your pick, black squares auto or photography??
Screen Shot 2019-09-19 at 8.35.16 AM.png https://www.tate.org.uk/art/research-publications/the-sublime/philip-shaw-kasimir-malevichs-black-square-r1141459

I'm allowed to use beem to post my pics, this site sucks because they keep flagging me right before payouts!

I'm never going to do a real post again, fuck this shit! I don't think I'm buying any more steem this weekend, just going to save my Bitcoin up! DONE! Will keep autoposting my stuff regardless weather they flag me or not since it really doesn't take much for me to post! Steemit has big problems, not sure if it will really make it, how come it never hardly gets up over 17 cents now? I used to be the biggest proponent for STEEM, now I'm the biggest hater of them all! I'm going to start flagging again soon, just charging up a lil! I'm fucking pissed at Steemit and it better die out, or do something better soon! I'm sorry but this just ain't going to work out it seems! Sorry, my bad for telling everybody steem would be good, time to move on & find something new! This is crazy doing the same thing over and over every day expecting something different to happen with Steemit! They don't like us, (or at least they don't like me) they block us(me) for that reason, and that reason alone is good enough to fail STEEM! I'm personally sending STEEM down to 8 cents! I've been driving this price the whole time, been saying this same thing since what was it 90 cents? They got bad Karma,I'm the karma price control! lol fuck you steemit, get ready, i'm about to take half of your money away, were talking like 10 Million dollars or something! lol do you get it yet, this is costing you way more than it's costing me!


If it did go up I'd power down and sell, but it ain't!
Screen Shot 2019-09-19 at 7.34.28 AM.png

The whole reason I bought this stuff is so I can power down and dump at the top. We'll see 8 cents and maybe some steemians will die and we'll have one last spike after they finally thrown the towel and quit!!

Hopefully the people in charge of mack-bot die! Also hopefully whoever is in charge steemit dies! That's all we can hope, time meditate on that one! Sorry I just tell the truth! One day steemit might be ok since people don't live as long as tech, and certain few people are the problem with steemit!!

So...Sorry I can't upvote you all as much, I need to save most my upvote for myself as long as these morons keep flagging me, it hurts you too! I need to self vote my own post now to try and make up for the extra flags this HF season. It is moreimgportant for me to have visible posts than to make curation for me.

I wouldn't even self vote if it weren't for their flags! I got over 80 K STEEM now & still and can't get this thing to work for me yet!!This is failure!! If it is not profitable it will die! I'm an investor and I'm telling other investors to beware of this STEEM scam - stay away! I got suckered in and now I see the light, it is a ponzy scheme because now they won't let me make my rewards after I invested for them all these years!!! BIG SCAM ALERT! I feel like I got cheated out of STEEM and tricked from the beginning!!

If this don't stop I will replace my pics with black!

IDK anymore, I will still make the same if they are black because nothing = nothing!


I have suggested weeks ago that may think to change a few things up. But you kept instead doing the same things, it's like you wanted to be hurt and downvoted.

Do you know what's the funny thing in all of this? People are getting rich by downvoting you, and you are repeatedly giving them a reason to do it. I even think they are doing it automatically.

I think at this point, you can only blame yourself, you are always feeding your enemy and throwing wood on the fire then complaining about the heat.

All in all, it's your SP, your investment, you can do what the hell you want with it … but I still believe that you can use in a much better way than just being a practice target.

OK fine sorry. You were right, I was wrong and was shocked I had to try and hide the evidence! jk I'll try to reverse the flags! You also nailed it that I wanted the flags, so I was extra pissed! I know exactly what I am doing and was extra shocked that someone else out there could see right through me! lol goodJob DR. Detective Frankensten!

I didn't get your message back then, sorry and fuck off! Anyone attacking me is out of line and part of the propaganda! I just post photography!

Thanks for another flag for no reason at all. What are you gonna flag now, dimwit?

See ya!

I just stopped by to upvote you since our feud seemed over, but there was nothing left to upvote? lol I was just playing around with you one last time for old times sake! You were one of my favorite flags! So sad to see ya go! later!

Hey bro, I must admit I wasn't expecting that lol!

I've been away because I have a very busy schedule and some personal issues. Thanks for your interest!

You're welcome!!

For the flag last night!

Fuck you, don’t be calling names. I don’t flag in my comments, only upvotes? ! Wasn’t for nothing, it was for everything! Today was mute/block day, u were on the list, that was something!

Stay positive man. Steem is still awesome.

no black pics. :(

Nice, at least someone spoke up! I won't do black pics, I'm trying to change for the better, or at least not get worse from here! I was just bluffing, I wouldn't! The thought did cross my mind, that's why I posted it, however then I would get even more blocked from the platform, and that would not be good! Thanks!


Which witnesses are you voting for?

Are ur efforts against the flags working?

Not a lot of witnesses right now, however things are getting better!! I'm trying to change little by little to use my votes more wisely!

good to hear ;]

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