Violin With The Rising Sun - A Short Story in Writingimpact

in #writingimpact7 years ago (edited)

It was a beautiful morning today, and there I sat, taking a break from my early morning jog to behold the beauty of the rising sun upon the ocean. I could feel the sun radiating life and hope into my body as I sat down. How beautiful nature is, I thought. The stillness of the beach enabling me to ruminate over beautiful thoughts and memories.

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Deeply rooted and lost in my reveries, I could hear the sound of beautiful music, like a love scene in a Hollywood movie. I thought it was coming from my subconscious, but it got louder and more distinct every second that passed. I opened my eyes and I was stunned. It was a beautiful lady playing the violin. Though I could only see her silhouette, I knew only a beautiful lady could produce such a beautiful piece of music. The sound sank deep into my soul; it was just perfect.

What a beautiful choice I made to take some time here today. Would there ever be a more beautiful way to start the day?

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She must be ignorant of my presence as she expressed herself with so much freedom; or was she intentionally pretending not to see me? I don't think so. Her grip on the bow, rubbing gently on the strings produced sounds that made my heart melt. It was like paradise. I thought of going to say hello and tell her how beautifully she played and probably I would hear a charming voice in response, but why should I distract her? I would just wait here until she is through, then we would talk for as long as she would permit. I would just stay aloof and enjoy this music and the scenery for as long as I could.

While waiting, the music suddenly stopped. I raised my head to see her running towards a car waiting afar off. Was that it? Shock written all over my face. Who was she running to, I thought in my mind. Did I just lose my chance of conversing with this beautiful lady? I watched with awe until she slid into the car and the driver zoomed off.

I was disappointed. Why did I not take that chance when I had it? Well, I will be there again tomorrow morning, hopefully, life will shine on me and she will be there again. Good night...

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wow, really emotional

😁😁😁 The writer missed his chance.
Hope life truly smiles on him tomorrow...

You got a 3.80% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @tolustx!

Love your details on this complete story, Well Done @tolustx. Thank you for your entry.

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