Why do oranges disappear? Part I

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I was about 15 years old when I lived in an area totally removed from civilization, surrounded by farms and fields of oranges. I lived in a house at the base of a mountain that had no water service, she had to take it out of a tank with a bucket and pay a truck to fill it; Plus there was no cell phone signal of any kind, no TV and the shuttle service was almost nonexistent. 

I always wanted to read or to do among many things there was a merey tree in the back of the house that always when he put his fruit went out to eat them and save the seeds and then supposedly toast them.

Once I went to a friend to go and eat oranges and we ended up entering without realizing it in a private property grabbing some big, sweet and red oranges. 

I remember it as if it were yesterday, we were approached by a robust man with a worn out cuff pointing at us with a shotgun and told us that we had to get out of there !! My friend and I were lost we did not know how to give back we had to get to the dirt road that had brought us there, I tried to tell the man that he apologized but we did not know and that if he could tell us more or less towards which direction we We could go because we had drifted away. 

He just told us: "Do not eat those oranges and go, it is not possible that they have come here" "it is impossible" to see the attitude so strange we began to walk quickly to where we knew more or less we would leave. Suddenly we noticed that in the bag we loaded the oranges suddenly came a very liquid red stream staining everything. At that moment we heard a shot of the shotgun PAAAHHHH .. !! And as a shout exclaiming something ARGRHHHHH when we turned around we saw as several plants that were around us began to move alone, it seemed as if a spirit was moving them strongly. We started running very hard ..! When we saw the robust man with blood ....  To be continued 


Tenia aproximadamente 15 años cuando vivia en una zona totalmente alejada de la civilización, estaba rodeada por fincas y sembradios de naranjas.

Vivia en una casa en la base de una montaña que no disponia de servicio de agua tenia que sacarla de un tanque con un tobo y pagar un camión para llenarlo; además no habia señal de celular de ningun tipo, ni Televisión y el servicio de transporte era casi inexistente.

Siempre buscaba que leer o que hacer entre tantas cosas habia un arbol de merey en la parte de atrás de la casa que siempre que botaba su fruto salia a comerlos y a guardar las semillas para despues supuestamente tostarlas. Una vez fui a donde un amigo para irnos a comer naranjas y terminamos entrando sin darnos cuenta en una propiedad privada agarrando unas naranjas grandes, dulces y rojas.

Lo recuerdo como si fuera ayer, se nos acerco un señor robusto y con una braga desgastada apuntandonos con una escopeta y nos dijo que teniamos que salir de alli!! mi amigo y yo estabamos perdidos no sabiamos como devolvernos teniamos que llegar a el camino de tierra que nos habia llevado hasta allá, le trate de decir al señor que disculpara pero que no sabiamos y que si nos podia decir mas o menos hacia que dirección nos podiamos ir porque nos habiamos alejado mucho. 

El solamente nos dijo: "no coman esas naranjas y vayanse, no es posible que hayan llegado hasta acá" "es imposible" al ver la actitud tan extraña empezamos a caminar rápido hacia donde mas o menos sabiamos que saldriamos. de repente nos percatamos que en el bolso que cargabamos las naranjas de repente salio un chorro rojo muy liquido manchando todo. En ese momento escuchamos un tiro de la escopeta PAAAHHHH..!! y como un grito exclamando algo ARGRHHHHH cuando nos volteamos vimos como varias plantas que estaban alrededor de nosotros empezaron a moverse solas, parecia como si un espiritu las ajitaba con fuerza.

Empezamos a correr muy fuerte..! cuando vimos al señor de la escopeta tirado con sangre... Continuará

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