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RE: A Strange Encounter in Nowhere, Japan: An Almost Speechless Stranger, Shadows, and Snow.

in #writing7 years ago


“Wait. ちょっと待って。Wait.”
“待ってない。No. I have to go. You have to get out. I have tried to help you. You must get out.”





So you couldn't determine her country of origin by hearing the accent of her English or Japanese?

No. She barely spoke. I was guessing she was from the Philippines or Thailand. In broken English she told me she had been around the world several times working as a prostitute. Maybe even since she was very young. She said she had no native tongue. That’s why I wondered if she was one of those “nameless,” trafficked women used by sex rings around the world by various organizations, both underground and above, like the cops, gangsters, etc.

That would make the part of the story about a child quite difficult if she has been around the world with someone else that she also has to look after. Sadly human trafficking is a big issue (even Australia is not immune from it).

I once helped a woman who appeared homeless and was pregnant at the time asking for money by taking her to the supermarket and buying some food (instead of potentially chipping in for the cigarette she was smoking at the time!), but then you see them back at the same spot asking for money the next day and you have to wonder whether it is possible to help people like that, or if they have to get themselves out of the situation because it is a very vicious cycle. For anyone interested the 'Struggle Street' documentary made in Australia reveals a lot of the issues that disadvantaged people are up again. This is why I am so passionate about education because I think it is the first step towards equality.

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