Manager: Boss or Leader?

in #writing7 years ago

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For sure many of you have seen this photo somewhere... well today I will try to put down in few sentences what my feelings are.


I was so pleased to have been chosen for a such important job and to start working in a great team... at least this was what I was told at the beginning...

With those words I don't want say that my working team is not great, because they are very good... but my main issue is regarding the line manager. I mean I can understand that managing people will not be easy... I can understand that, anyway my new employment we are short in staff and this will give all the stuff more workload...

What I don't understand is... why only my workload is increased by 100% compared with actual monthly amount of duties?

I have been asked to increase my duties taking more from a colleague that is pregnant... of course I said I will do it if I can help my colleague I will be pleased to do it... then my manager asked me another duty... and I accepted... then another one and carry on filling almost every single day.

I have to work as well during the weekend as he asked me to do it... I am new in this job so every duties for me is a new thing to deal with so clearly is giving me stress. The few days ago he asked me to swap a duty and I refused for the first time as I couldn't add another duty in a week where I have 6 duties in 7 days... I still have to work on my cases. Well funny enough he said "of course you can't you have so many duties already I am sorry".

What happened next?

Well he didn't care and he added me other 3 duties in the following two weeks. Including the day I said I didn't want to have it as I was already overwhelmed of things to do.

I didn't have a chance to speak with him if not few minutes to tell him that is not normal what he is doing...

The other day he asked me to work as well on a Bank Holiday (festive day) and I said that I didn't want to have another duty as I got already plan. He said please this is a big favour... and I said... I have already done 4 favours in 3 days and you gave me already other 5 duties that shouldn't be in my rota.

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Last Friday 6pm I have sent a request to a friend of mine to cover one of my duty as I wanted to have a small break... my friend accepted and my duty was removed from my rota.... what my manager did first thing in the morning today?????

He removed a duty from a colleague of mine and he gave me filling the ONLY DAY I HAD AVAILABLE in 4 weeks.

As you can imagine I got enough of this situation... and I am quite angry with him. I have tried to call him and he didn't answer and he didn't call me back.

If you were in my situation... what were you doing?

Do you like me.png


yes man, right words... this post will be very significant for many people... thanks

cheers buddy

I think what happens to you is very complicated, many things into consideration if you want to take a decision.
To know, is your boss the owner of the company?
I mean a privately owned company.
Then is your income enough?
How many employees are working in this company?
And others thanks.

no he is just a line manager... not the boss of the company as it is a public company. He got people commanding him too... my income is not enough to be pissed off in this way to be honest.
Other people are not pissed off like he does with me...

Working for other people sounds like its rough

are you self employed?

Thanks. The best post!!! My resteem and upvote + Its cool

cheers :)

Mate, this is a great situation.. from my point of view. Your manager is a guy who still have the potential to learn new things. When is his birthday and what kind of opportunities there are in front of you to surprise him and send him hidden messages for the way you feel? I'm serious... this guy will become an awesome manager with conscious employees like you. Just be persistent and update us what's happening with your situation. I'd love to read for your progress and hopefully your disappointment is already part of the history.

not entirely sure you are right on what you said... but never mind I will update it

Yep... it's a deep deep thought of mine :) I tried to explain that you could still benefit even with a manager like the one you have. But yeah, it's a touch challenge.

helping others is a very good thing and i love to do that too but it's not possible to make everyone happy. everyone has its own limits and stamina to do work.if i have been through that situation, i would probably left the job already.

I could ask for a reallocation... infant this is one of the thing I have in my head...

A manager is a boss bcos he usually manages somebody's idea

so he is not doing it.

If I were you, I would probably wait him off from work.... and talk to him directly. Try to be good temper-ed. And let him know how you really feel... Is it possible to hire someone else?

i have tried to speak with him but he was busy and now off in holidays

I guess company managers are just born to be mean all the time as they have many bigger responsibilities and afraid more to their superiors.

well don't know... seems he is playing hard with me

Yeah I understand @webdeals maybe just stick yo your responsibilities without forcing yourself on your work or your work will just be unsatisfying and frustrating to you. It is just normal too that we can never get along with everybody.
But some people are really likeable, some are not.

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