The cousinous ghost of a cousin becomes real

in #writing7 years ago

Please feel free to read it .... !!

When I was still living in the Philippines, my parents often took me and my other brothers home in the countryside. Usually we are very happy to go there, because that means the beginning of summer vacation. That is, we are far from the city, away from school. Much more fun, most of my other cousins ​​will be together, so it does not turn out to be a family reunion.

We practically own a house there; It is our ancestral home, belonging to our great-grandparents. But it's not a fun holiday story I'm going to bring, but a story that might be called "weird."

At that time, probably in the mid 90's. Incidentally not all my cousins ​​come on holiday. So there are only a few of us. It was the rainy season. Almost every day it always rains. Therefore, we are just inside the house not playing outside. The Filipino boys who grew up in the 90s, must know very well that a rainstorm must be a light.

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So as we all expected, when the lights went off, we hurried to light candles and oil lamps to light the room. And this will always turn into an opportunity to start sharing ghost stories.

Sata that I have always been a coward girl. A little wink or a squeak can scare the hell out of you. My cousin loves to frighten me the most. Their stories are so horrible that they are so real. Well, for tonight, I'm asking them not to make the story too scary, because then I can not go to the restroom without company.

They laughed but agreed. So we decided to start our storytelling session. My oldest cousin is really a reliable storyteller. He really knows how to build the right atmosphere and he really can make us all scream and run to our parents. He could be waiting for the right occasion, sometimes not saying a word until the silence was overwhelming, using the sound of crickets, dogs barking from afar, the trees glittering in the darkness of the night which sometimes I wonder if that's all coincidence or he's right be able to control things like this?

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This story is about a young woman who is about to get married. He happened to be a resident of our town (Barrio). It was still a Spanish period. This woman is the most beautiful woman in town. Many men from neighboring towns and even the next province came to visit him for an approach and might even want to win his heart.

He is a fun person. Never turned to his applicants. He even wants to meet all the applicants so far and this only helps make him more famous. Until one day, a man appeared at his home. The man is a local peasant who is almost his own age. The man is modest and humble, a hardworking and devout Muslim. The woman immediately liked the man.

This hurt all his suitors. One of the accident suitors is a Spanish plantation owner who has power and has relations in church and even Spanish troops. They conspired to get rid of the farmer. They kidnap the farmer, pull him into one of the lakes and shoot his head from the back and let him float in the lake.

Knowing that, the woman is very heartbroken and intends to drown herself into the same lake, the lake that happens not far from where our ancestral home was.

Making the situation worse, before committing suicide, the woman is said to have condemned to "never bring peace" to the descendants of the two Spanish men responsible for killing the peasant.

My cousin suddenly said "Today is the day he died 300 years ago. And if you all do not know. We have Spanish blood in us ... And we live close to this lake ... Just think about it. "

The story gave me the creeps of death. But then again, I think, it's just a story. After finishing the story, my other cousin decided to go get some water. I live with a cousin sitting there.

In the darkness of the room illuminated only by a candle I saw someone appear from the left approaching me, I squinted and I saw my mother in her nightgown and sitting not far from where I was sitting.

One of my other cousins ​​was thirsty too, so she got up and went to the kitchen. In the living room only left me and my mother. My mom then said she wanted to go outside because it was in the heat. Believe it or not, even after the long heavy rain, in the Philippines, the temperature at home can still reach 30 degrees Celsius.

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I thought that was a good idea because I also felt a bit hot. The terrace is just outside. Because the chair outside was soaked, so I knew my mother would not sit there. So we just stand out there enjoying the cool cool breeze.

Inside, I can hear all my cousins ​​have returned from the kitchen and they all call me. One of them asked where I was and I shouted back that I was outside on the porch and they started calling me to go inside.

My mother then looked at the lake, after hearing about the story, I asked my mother if the story about the woman was true. I was surprised when he nodded. I thought my mother could not believe such stories.

He suddenly started walking toward the garden of our family. Oddly he headed toward the lake. Incidentally at that time the flowers were in full bloom, especially after the recent rain. I wanted to see those beautiful red roses so I went to the garden.

Then my mother glanced her head back and I caught a glimpse of the side of her face that would forever be etched into my memory ...

Her eyes are white and empty and her mouth is stretched to the earlobe !!!

I do not know how long I stood still, when I suddenly realized and heard my hysterical cousin scream "KRISTY! BILIS !! "which means" KRISTY! FAST !! ".

Without me understanding it all I instinctively started running towards them and I started crying when I realized I had walked out of the confines of our house and was halfway to the lake. And worse yet I'm being followed by what appears to be a floating white dress and I do not bother to think who or what it is !!

I kept running towards my cousin from inside the house peering out through the window. One of my cousins ​​crying, telling me to hurry and never look back.

When I got inside the gate, I finally got the feeling that I was not being chased again. My aunt's dogs suddenly show off their teeth growling to whom or whatever is behind me. As a religious family, the gates of the house are also decorated with crosses.

And by the time I got inside, we all heard the most sinister evil laugh I've ever imagined. Even the laugh's voice suddenly ringing in my head as I write this story (not something you want to hear, believe me). I kept crying while all my other cousins ​​came to me, reassuring me I was safe now.

That's a little story that I share in my post this time a little horror. Hopefully times love this story ....
Wait for the next stories in the next post ...

Thanks you for visiting my blog

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