Prisoners of Geography - A real mind opener in to the world today

in #writing7 years ago

@Vibeof100monkeys books reviewed ....

In one of my Volgs I spoke of the current book I was reading and said I would write a review once finishing it; that time has now arrived, yay! Since; I have decided I am going to make this new series and review all the books I read, great your thinking.  Seriously though, I feel reading develops imagination and increases knowledge ( my mother always said "reading is your sword" ), something TV and computer games don't give you (most of the time). Also by others sharing books my eyes have been opened not all I agree with! But seeing from another perspective helps create a greater understanding.

I try to read a serious book then a nice happy or comical one creating a balance, although recently most have been quite serious; humour next I think. Now i'm not the quickest of readers so dont' expect review very often. This is mainly due to lack of time, I know its a poor excuse but its my reality. Completely of my own doing; not managing my time to allow for reading, something were all guilty off.

Anyways less of the jibber jaber get to the review...

Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall - I would recommend this book highly!

Tim Marshall - The Author ...

So this book goes through each continent and describes its geography an how this has effected its past, present and future. Tim Marshall has been on the front line reporting on a number of recent conflicts including Afghanistan and Syria. He is considered a leading authority on foreign affairs and has worked for most of the leading media outlets. His blog is The What  and The Why. Anyway that enough about him, before reading this I though his opinions would be very in line with media and quite narrow minded. Thankfully though the were not so.

The book then ...

The book itself was extremely interesting! The chapters are divided in the continents of the world roughly. Each chapter starts with a map of the region and the boarders and disputed boarders. Tim then goes into detail describing the countries origin and brief history. He then discuses the geography and how this has affected its development. This part I found very interesting as I studied geography A'level years ago and still have an interest in it. What was incredible I found, was just how much the geography has effected the structure of region and in turn their conflicts over time. I know this sounds like an obvious connection to make but it's the finite details that are very interesting.

What really struck me was how much the UK has messed (keeping this post language appropriate) up the world. This we all know but to the extent that this book described is shameful. Its not just the UK though (but mostly) France have done their fair share of damage and in recent years the USA. What I concluded from this book is nearly all of todays conflicts are due to action taken by UK and France last century. The cause will not surprise you but very interesting none the less. I don't want to spoil too much although its not as if i'm killing the plot by saying. Around the 1900's were the Brits decided to explore; they came across beautiful nations they wanted to rinse of their resources. Now here were many tribal communities who had different ideas, religions and ways of life; The exploring Brits and French decided they had the right to divided their new found land into countries. They did this without a thought for the locals (not much had changed since), without writing the whole book; the conflict caused due to these lines that they placed on their maps had basically developed into todays wars!

The book is not simple reading and is quite intense. However I found it highly interesting and eye opening. A lot the history I knew, but this book expands on the reasons behind the history, also connecting a lot of dots. At points yes it does seems a little in line with the western agenda but it does also bring some criticism were due, not enough but some all the same. The added discussion of the geography of countries and why the have invaded others I found very interesting making a lot of sense. Now i'm not agreeing with war in the slightest but I can see their reasons, they should have dealt with it in another way but this is society for you. 

The major thing I take away from this book is that lines on a map cause massive issues! In a effort to bring people together  (the justification for it) they have failed to understand individual cultures, forcing people together. This action has been left to bubble under the surface and now is coming to light. I completely agree we should mix cultures and have diversity but not force it. People need to be accepting that others have differing ideas that they believe are right and who are we to judge them on that! But we have not! And the results are what we are seeing today; them claiming back their heritage and individualisation. How this is been acted out is the completely wrong way; but it has been caused! Both sides need to sit back an look at the bigger picture before any ground will ever be made.

Lastly the book talks about the future of each continent which is equally interesting. It gives a perspective of what is to come and how China, USA and Russia are lining up to take control of the Arctic seas. What I find disturbing is just how much the reliance on oil and the appearance of military might dictates global actions. If were just we free to travel and were not so manipulated by our countries media and corporations then solutions could be found i'm sure.

Anyways I would go as far to say this is essential reading to anyone, it clarifies many situations. It does promote a lot of Western ideas I disagree with but also raises enough questions about them to really stimulate some deep  judgement of them too.

Go and read it and Enjoy, even if you think you know I guarantee this will open your eyes to something!


Sounds like an interesting read!

Gonna hunt it down to see what it says about Afghanistan!

Do its very interesting history there. It's a lot to take in I will probably had to read again sometime in the future but the general idea stuck with me. Enjoy :)

Wow interesting book, I hope I can find this in the $2 bookstore lol.

They did this without a thought for the locals (not much had changed since)

It is nice you're not one of those people who doesn't recognize this.

Well worth a read! Thanks I like to think I have a good overview of what going on, with the info I can get my hands on. I think thats why I was bought the book because my view were known.

The most interesting think is just how much the UK has messed up this world back in the day. Everyone know about the British empire and how brutal is was (is) but for some reason don't think there could ever be repercussions and this is what we are seeing today !

Thanks for the review, I will try to find this book! :)

im following and voting for you! dont think i will read many books, you do a good job making this review x

Great news thanks. I was an interesting book, just hope I can keep it up. Although got to read another book before I can do another, might be a while ;). Hoping it will encourage me though. Have a cracking day

Have a cracking day is your theme tune like wallace and gromit!

Haha, you know your the first person to make that link. I used to do a cracking impression of Wallace, think it got embedded in me ;)

haha yes this is what we see from UK at christmas!

Haha yes we do do some good sometimes ;) Makes my Christmas complete watching it with some wensleydale and a glass of port :)

Haha i'll take that as a complement. Like I say were not all bad ;)

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