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RE: The Slaker's Guide to the Great Remission: Why Slack? (part 2)

in #writing7 years ago

Some real gems here:

"Claim your just desserts. It's a bass-ackwards world and stressed is just desserts spelled backwards."

"You don’t have to do things that you know are wrong simply to make a buck."

Well, I never did. I never bothered to understand why people did. It's blindsided me a few times, I admit.

"...dedicate some time to serving others simply for the joy of it..."

This one's kind of an issue for me. I fix stuff for folks. It usually costs money. I discovered I couldn't afford to do it without they paid me, and in order to be able to keep on doing stuff for folks, there had to be enough of them getting broken stuff fixed from me regularly enough to keep bills paid.

The other day, I just said the hell with it and gave the little old lady next door my back steps. None of us could afford to build her new ones.



They've done studies that show people are more pleased when they give something than when they receive something. That's human nature, not selfishness. Selfishness is a developmental stage in children, like shitting their pants. People should and would get over it if the idea wasn't shoved down our throats over and over by media and culturally cited examples to stunt our development.

You probably miss my posts because I'm a morning person and you are an evening web surfer. I have to go to your blog to find what you've posted since it's so far down on my feed page. My Slacker's Guide is a fairly long manuscript and there's a lot more to come. Thanks for reading it.

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