inuke’s story writing challenge #6- The Future is what you make of it - or Tyger made a big fatass, humongous post and you are gonna wanna kill her for it

in #writing6 years ago

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(Image credit Quotefancy)

How our future will be relies in great parts on our choices of the next 10 years. Most people do not want to look at the reality of things but we now are the generation that will save or break the planet. Most people are lethargic want to blame politicians and corporations for the ills that plague us today, and in many ways they are not wrong. What they however fail to understand is that we in our inertia and addiction to common power dynamics are the ones who could save this planet with everyday actions and with a commitment to selfresponsibility, accountability and community.

There are so many ways things can go from our point in history - from total annihilation to elevation and true transformation to anything in between. The many worlds theory will say they all are and all will happen, but I digress. Moving on- In this post I will touch on a few possibilities and facts and possible solutions. The reader might dismiss my concerns or hate me for pointing them out, it would not be the first time, but to say it in the words of Rhett Butler “frankly Scarlett I don’t give a damn!” as changes have to occur now to even have a viable 2500. So here I go dragging my usual well used soap box behind me as well as a plethora data and statistics I have crammed in my head. I am obviously only going to touch on the subjects as this post would end up at 500 pages if I went into detail.


Where we begin- the near future :

Our Oceans- It is estimated that our oceans could be void of relevant life as early as 2045, the two main culprits are the fishing industry and animal agriculture. Secondary culprits are the fossil fuel industry and pollution through plastic. Our modern fishing practises alone, if not curbed or eliminated, are said to potentially render our oceans void of life within the next 20-30 years. If we on top of that take in account that runoff from animal agriculture is creating huge dead zones (literally dead water with no oxygen or life ) and finish it off with the occasional massive oil spill from offshore drilling and the megatons of plastic swimming in our oceans it is safe to say that we are in deep trouble. Roughly 60% of our breathable oxygen come from marine plants and our Oceans. Now we all know how fragile ecosystems can be, often taking one species out of the equation can kill the entire ecosystem. Imagine our oceans being as void of life as the dead sea or worse a toxic dead cesspool. This is our foreseeable future if we do not wise up and stop what we are doing. This means stop fishing, stop drilling and stop dumping stuff into the Sea. But we all know that humans are shortsighted greedy asshats and any change might come way to late so let us see what a dead ocean would mean for humanity in the future-

A dead Ocean would most likely result in a dead Humanity as Oxygen is not something that can be artificially created. We can extract it from substances, water is the preferred Medium here that's how they generate Oxygen on the ISS, but we to date cannot create it. We could possibly eventually alter an element such as helium or hydrogen so that it’s atomic structure would come close to oxygen, but even if that worked there would be no guarantee that it would be breathable or that it could be produced on a grand scale. The only possible option we would have, incase of a total Ocean collapse would be controlled dome cities with high velocity oxygen farms with mediums like algae and other high producing plants. Doing this would not be a viable option for a world population as large as ours this would mean that we would most likely lose 60-75% of our world population if not more. There would probably be extensive war around resources and riots amongst the panicking population. All in all it will be a very scary and challenging period to live in. Those who would be allowed to survive would probably be the uber rich, selected scientific and academic minds, exceptional talents, engineers , programmers and experts from different fields. There would probably also be some sort of selection system a lottery of sorts to select an appropriate amount of blue collar workforce who most likely would live a pretty glum life on the fringes of the whole operation.

Let us say that only parts of our oceans would die this would still impact society as we know it severely and a lot would intersect with the above scenario if on a larger scale. As Oxygen levels slowly would decrease people who could afford it would start supplementing oxygen you would see a lot of people with breathing masks, homes apartment complexes wold become sealed ecosystems sustained by oxygen producing plant and water systems. We would see more green architecture pop up, living walls (both inside and out ) houses built with wall gardens even incorporating small trees. Rich neighborhoods would most likely go dome.

The poor and lower middle class would most likely not be able to supplement or at least not to the extent as the rich and the upper middle class. Short term this would mean that a high amount of the population would end up with with lung issues like fluid accumulation in the lungs often seen with mountaineers who climb in high altitudes many would die from this. Others would end up with cerebral oedema which would lead to many very swift deaths often within 1-2 days after onset. Low oxygen rates cause other issues such as decreased sleep quality and duration, which in turn heightens irritability and aggression.It also lowers the immune system’s ability to fight as well as the body’s regenerative qualities. This would mean that crime rates would most likely soar in poorer neighbourhoods. People would heal slower from injuries and get sick much easier with higher convalesce times. Next to all that digestion becomes a tricky thing in low oxygen environments you digest slower with lower absorption rates. This means that you will have people who are dealing with malnutrition issues, are constantly hungry and are constipated all the time. This means that the increased need for food will be cause for further deaths as it most likely will not be possible to feed as large of a population as we currently have on this planet. Low oxygen levels also decrease cognitive function and also impact fetal development. This means that the poor and middle class will deal with cognitive impairment , brain damage and their kids will be born less intelligent and overall less healthy.


Global Warming :

Food- The food Issue will be further exacerbated by the next great threat to humanity- Global Warming. It is estimated that about 50% of the earth's surface will be uninhabitable by the year 2050 due climate change. This will exasperate political issues around migration as well as food supply issues. The main culprits in global warming are animal agriculture and the fossil fuel industry. At first place we have animal agriculture, it not only is the main culprit in water and soil pollution, it is also the main reason for the deforestation of the south and middle American rainforests. In the last 30 years we have chopped and burnt down 90% of our rainforests. The remaining parts, that still produce 25% of our breathable oxygen, are going fast- making way for livestock and crops grown to either supply palm oil or food for livestock. These crops, like most of the crops grown in third world countries and livestock raised, are mostly sold to the first world. The livestock to end up on our plates the crops to feed more livestock in our respective countries. 18% of greenhouse gas causing emissions come from animal agriculture- Cow-farts ect. This is more than the 13% the entire world transportation industry produces - this means every car, lorry, bus, train, boat and plane on the planet! If you incorporate the numbers of transportation to and from the industry as well as processing the numbers shoot up to a whopping 40%+

Next to the whole global warming deal the wastefulness of the industry is abominable. It is not a secret to those who deal with conservation that animal agriculture, next to political red tape, is the number one factor that comes to play in world hunger. The resources it takes to produce a one pound steak would have you shower for a week and could feed 30 people a huge salad bowl full of rice and veggies. This kind of behaviour is just not sustainable, it is complete insanity. This means that eventually even the dumbest politician and human will recognise that animal agriculture needs to be outlawed or severely reduced. This means that in our scenario the poor and lower middle class will probably be eating a combination of plant based and synthetic foods, the upper class might have some animal products probably supplied by small luxury farm units and cultured meat producing vats. And if we end up in that grim future I don’t see things like Soylent Green being impossible either.

In a time of scarcity like this, the concept of domesticated pets will be something the general public will no longer be allowed to entertain. The higher classes might still have the occasional pet but I do not see it as being something that would be permissible. So I guess millions of domesticated dogs, cats and other animals would join the piling human bodies outside of the colonies. Some maybe adapting to their new lives and reverting to the wild. I could also see humanity killing all remaining farm animals and domesticated pets processing them into long term storable rations for later consumption as I said this is a grim unfriendly future.

Fossil fuel another great contender in the Climate change and pollution game are at a 13% stake. They are a great problem we could have taken care of years ago, as several patents and solutions existed and were bought and suppressed by the industry. Obviously even the densest of populations will get the idea that using fossil fuels is not the way to go once their habitat becomes visibly inhospitable. As most of humanity however is very dense and unwilling to change their habits when it comes to this, or anything else, it will most likely take drastic and visible changes for them to react. Eventually however it will happen and renewable energy will be the only source of energy. While we might hope to see such things as Tesla's free energy, I for now bet more on the sources already developed such as solar, thermal and wind power as well as the new Ocean tide generators (which still can be implied even on a dead ocean), these will be refined and liberally used. Such things as solar skins for cars and even architecture will go from fringe product to mainstream- even in our grim future I see these things happening.

In addition to the above I also see a large increase in viral epidemics eradicating large parts of the population indiscriminately. Super viruses and antibiotic resistant bacterial strains will become a big issue. Which will result in strict hygiene and quarantine policies. By the end of everything the rest of humanity will be small in number. During all this madness I could see government launching generation ships to both mars and the moon in hopes of building experimental colonies. Most likely humanity will also have curated extensive gene databases and gene banks of all the species including the non humans they eradicated in hopes to one day fix what they have botched. Wile big money will get your foot in the door of the new colonies the real power lies with those who either are able to gain power through their skills or able to curate and recruit the best minds and skilled professionals. In this world the control of resources is still a factor but innovation will rank higher as you cannot survive on wealth alone in a dystopian environment like this. as above mentioned most likely bitter wars will be fought between nations and dome cities/cities for resources, tech, inventions. It will be brutal and ugly because we are good at that.


Life after 100-150 years -
Life quality for both populations will have improved by now. As technology refines itself even the poorer districts will provide better living conditions, more food, more oxygen, better healthcare maybe even more space. Also it is proven that after 2-4 generations human adaptation kicks in and reverses the negative effects of low oxygen environment. Example people who live in the Andes mountains, or the Himalayas, have higher cerebral blood flow, larger lung capacity and lower haemoglobin levels, their metabolism rate is high but functions well in the low oxygen environment. Their bodies are very efficient, they are stronger and on average have lower risk of obesity and heart diseases. This means the working class will have recovered cognitively and physically. However there is a correlation between low oxygen environments and suicide even after adaptation so depression would still be a factor, most likely medicated away by the powers that be. The people of the higher classes will most likely have worked on improving solutions in all sectors and becoming more efficient as well. Most likely things like wetware and bio mechanics will be something that will have become common place, making them stronger and smarter as well. I believe that by then we might have also found ways to extend biological life and enhance the cell reproduction process thus halting or at least slowing the ageing process.

Gene treatments will be the norm, biohacking to alter genetic makeup as well. Depending on how society evolves the lines between the lower and upper classes will begin to slowly blur or reproduction restrictions on the lower classes will be implemented to gradually decrease numbers while automatisation will take over many sectors of the workforce. From custodial to production robots and machines will take over a lot of the more laborious and menial jobs. This time period is another fork in the road where humanity would have the chance to elevate themselves or yet again fail and just keep on being the world's deadliest parasite. Because I am tired of human stupidity let us just assume we have learned our lesson.


Life after 150 -200 years -
Society will either have evolved into a resource based economy where everyone has a high standard of living, innovation and invention ideas are voted upon by all and resources are allocated accordingly, Or society will be ruled by think tanks, individuals who have innovators and scientist in their employ, or these innovators and scientists themselves. In the first version there will be no more caste system just people who are more respected than others because of their contributions to the community. In the second people will be ranked by their projected worth to over all society and power and privileges allocated by some sort of merit system.

No matter which fork we take some of the outside world might have begun to adapt to the new higher temperatures, so we might be starting to try to repopulate our deserts, re oxygenate ocean dead zones as well as expand our presence in the solar system. Extended space exploration might becomes something of interest, clones may be sent out to explore and colonise or supplement the colonel workforce. Genetic manipulation in general might also help in reclaiming parts of our barren planet, plants altered to thrive within the new realities of their new ecosystems. Wetware and biomechanics will be standard by that time the lines blurred between AI/ robots and humans.


Life after 300-400 years by this time large parts of the planet will have either adapted, been terraformed or artificially made habitable again. As people move out of the cities to build new colonies some might choose to live more of a back to nature lifestyle, while others will create variations of the dominant society and everything in between. We will have released clones of eradicated species into our oceans and habitats hopefully reversing some of the damage. Our space colonies will have become well established in their own right with their own culture. Generations of people will be living there who will have never set foot on earth, their colony, space station or planet being the only home they ever knew.


Life after 500 years At this time we will have proven our metal either we started the same shit different era thing and will have wars with each other over ideology, resources and way of life. Or humanity will have finally become a positive force in the universe. No matter which road we choose the next step would be colonisation of other solar systems, be it to flee our own volatility or to expand our horizons.


The now -
How do we stop the initial catastrophe from happening? It starts with us now today. we need to take responsibility and our power back. There is no bloody hero coming and if you, the reader, do not stand up and become the best version of yourself and your own Hero we are all heading toward the future I project above. I know it is not something most want to hear or look at. Change will always be uncomfortable and you might say “why me if others won’t “ and I will say to you “because if you won’t you will be just one more nail in the next generations future's coffin.-Is that what you want you life to amount to?” Politicians are corrupt even the seemingly “best of them” they are not going to help, or not help fast enough as their own financial and power interests are at stake. The ball is in our court. We need to become energy independent, green and yes plant based.


What can be done ??? obviously I can only touch on solutions I am just trying to provide ideas:

1 - Becoming plant based- You want your kids to survive you need to become plant based and stop eating animal products or at least drastically reduce them. And when I say reduce I mean a few backyard hens and maybe some meat once every blue moon. But seriously 100% is just the most ethical and best choice for our planet, our children’s future and the poor animals involved. The more of us do this, the more the industry will be forced to adapt and accommodate us. It is said that once an idea or practise is performed by at least 1% of the population it becomes accepted and gains traction. You can see this with veganism for decades tethering on the edge of obscurity it hit the 1% mark about 2 years ago since then it has reached about 2-3% of the world population, depending on what poll you look at. This is huge and it has made vegan products and enterprises one of the fasted growing and successful markets right now. By going plant based you drastically cut your carbon footprint and even if you do not se it it makes a difference especially if you inspire others to follow your lead.


2- Energy independence this is something that not many people think they can afford truth is that if you go with conventional companies most can't. What however not many know is that you can build solar panels and wind turbines for a fraction of the cost there are tutorials all over the net, it is doable and not only helps the planet but your wallet. Even housing complexes can do it, if the owner of the building is ok with the renters building their own system and mounting it on the roof. Also writing your energy company and demanding they use clean energy makes them see that a wider public is fed up with their practises and that there is a demand for change. If you can drive a solar car or ride a bike it helps a lot, if you can’t try carpooling and/or using the public transportation system.


3 - Water independence and conservation. Only 1% of the earth's water is potable this is shocking when we think how we defecate in, pollute and squander this valuable resource. As before mentioned you could shower for a week maybe even two for the water used to produce a one pound steak multiply that with the average weight of a male bovine, which lays at 2400-2500 pounds < this alone is complete insanity in a world where we have more and more drought and water shortages! We need to revamp our toilet system. Yes I get it not everyone wants to have a hippie toilet aka standard composting toilet in their home. While they don’t smell if done right the idea just goes against some people's sensibilities. Nowadays however we have more options, modern composting toilets use enhanced tech to compost your waste and look like normal toilets. Obviously they cost more but if it is the aesthetic you mourn it is you best choice to do something and still have a posh bathroom. Everyone else can look up DIY composting toilets, which you can build yourself for about 20$. Those of you who can start collecting rainwater it really makes a difference in consumption and actual quality, look into grey water systems to water plants and your yard. These things might seem trivial but done by many it will have a great impact.


4 - grow your own food and buy whatever else you can in bulk and locally if possible. Not only will this slash costs but it also helps reduce your carbon footprint as most goods are shipped and transported using fossil fuels. Growing your own cuts the transport out completely, buying local reduces it and in bulk reduces it by some. Growing your own food or buying in bulk not only reduces your carbon footprint but it also slashes your costs and the less you have to buy the less dependant you are on our toxic system. If you do not have your own yard to grow, try window, container and/or rooftop gardens. Band together with others in your neighbourhood and start a community garden or join one. Make as much as possible yourself ( jams, yogurt (preferably plant based), bread ect.) it is healthier and really tastes better .


5- recycle, buy recycled -try going as zero waste as possible .Yes it is inconvenient, yes not using straws is less fun however think about the mountains of waste we pile in landfills that leach into our ground and make these places unliveable for hundreds of years to come or the 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in our oceans and the islands of plastic floating that amount to about 269,000 tons. Imagine all that and tell me again how that Starbucks cup or all the throwaway crap we buy justifies this.


6 - become as independent from the monetary system and mainstream society as you can. Create job banks in your community where you offer goods or services against other goods and/or services. Use crypto if you can to make standard purchases. Buy second hand tech if you can to avoid financing companies who send 7 year olds into cobalt mines and abuse and basically enslave their low paid workers overseas. Share equipment and skills , trade and swap them in your community, help each other become as independent as possible. Share resources like cars, buy stuff in bulk together it slashes costs immensely, but it also upps the life quality of all.

Do you really want the state to regulate your relationships? Getting married should be a vow of commitment between consenting adults. Not a ball and chain that can be enforced by the state. Yeah it sucks if a guy or gal walks out on you and leaves you high and dry or refuses to support their kids but ultimately you are giving away your freedom in exchange for control of another human being. These are dynamics that evolved humans should learn to live without if we want to be free we must allow others to be too, even when it is uncomfortable. In the same vein a community is only as strong as it's next generation so as a community we should be willing to support single parents in need - it's takes a village to raise a child.


7 - those of you with medical skills open underground clinics and vet clinics for those in need without money or health insurance- do what you can. Don’t overextend yourself but this can mean a lot and make life better to and for so many who have been catching a raw deal.


8- Parents band together and see what you can afford to open your own schools renting your own space and paying your own teachers with your own vision can be done I did it in Berlin as single mom with 37 other parents I paid about 200 a month and we even had two spots for kids who could not afford it otherwise. the 200$ included rent for the space 2 teachers and 2 meals. For those of you who cannot afford this maybe make the classes larger or create a non profit to cover some of the costs.


9- downsize. when I lost the Mutanthouse Project which housed my larger rescue to foreclosure I felt horrible it was one of the saddest days of my life now looking back the only thing I miss are my trees. The human residents had been leeching off me for years and refused to pull their weight, the house needed repairs they were unwilling to help with and I sat on 68000 in mortgage still to pay. While eventually better people might have shown up it was in retrospect a blessing in disguise. While I am still balancing on the edge of abject poverty my little house, while in a rude state of disrepair, is paid off and no mortgage is pulling me into the deep dark waters of monetary slavery (except for the damn property taxes :P ).

Think about it, are you happy with your living situation, is the house you live in worth the money you have to pay to sustain it? If your answer is no- downsize! Think about a tiny house or a smaller house, you won’t have to pay mortgage on. Free yourself as much as you can from the ball and chain banks want to have you in. If you love your house but the mortgage is killing you think if you feel comfortable sharing your space, maybe build a micro community out of your home or rent rooms out until things are paid off. Or those of you who would rent and would love a space of your own consider a tiny house and land or band together and build a micro-community with like minded people - these are game changers.

Declutter your life, less is more stop buying crap you don’t need it ends up owning you instead of you owning it; and the energy you use to maintain it, or look away from your lack of maintaining it, could be used to make your life better. Keep what holds value to you, be it emotional or practical, donate, sell or toss all the rest. Trust me, it makes life a lot easier, ups your efficiency and ultimately will make you happier. Stop using credit cards, leasing stuff or buying on pump. This keeps you in perpetually indentured to the system that is ruining our lives and this planet. Find creative ways to get what you want . If you cannot afford it on your own band together with people you trust and see if you can buy it together.


10 - Use platforms like Steemit not only to generate money, but to network, finance community projects, make aware of community projects, finance open source- research, bio hacking, engineering and design. Give the system hell and create a better future with the formidable tools we still have at our disposal. Also protect platforms like steemit from people who just want to abuse it and don't be a schmuck and abuse it! Why ?- because it really holds the potential to change the world we live in, but only if we do not make the same mistakes we make out in the real world. Making money is fine, being greedy fucks and ruining a potential world change is not.

If you hung with me though this very, very long post thank you. If try to do as many of the above strategies as possible I am even more thankful, in the end I leave you with this:

The truth is our Future is what we make of it, every single one of us - one deed at a time.



You have painted quite a picture there. But do you really think that we as arrogant humans will ever try the method which you have suggested will ever implement? We are becoming more resilient by every passing day.
We are looking for cheap (monetary) alternates for all the problems and neglects the effects it has on nature or habitats.

Thank you for participating in the contest inuke’s story writing challenge #6: A glimpse of future?. Your post has been selected as an entry for the contest.

Winner announcement will be on 11MAR2018. Follow @inuke for the weekly story writing contest it is exclusively for minnows (new users).

PS: Don't get disheartened, My friend. We are less in number and contribution from each and every one counts.

Have been trying since I was 12. Will keep trying until my dying day. What is the alternative? Be a zombie sheep and just follow the rest of the lemmings off of the cliff? Those humans start with you and I. No hero coming kiddo it's up to you ...

I am sorry, I find systems like this unethical I rather have people read my content then just empty upvotes. While I am grateful for every penny I make here connecting with real people is what I strive for. This platform is to valuable and potentially world changing to have it ruined by greed and stupidity. Post like yours could be seen as spam please in future refrain from doing this on my content. Next time you will be flagged! This is my first and final warning!

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