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RE: The Siren of the Sea – (PowerHouseCreatives Contest)

in #writing5 years ago

I think this is an awesome result for the prompt, especially using the app, @free-reign! I like the five minute writing thing as a way to get out of my own head, and let my muse take over. I tend to overthink before I even start typing, but with this my overthinking is limited to the actual typing (although I limit my backspace/correct to spelling/punctuation - otherwise I'd still be stuck on the first sentence when the timer went off...LOL!).

The poem you wrote is a beautiful addition to your siren's tale - I could totally see this story being expanded upon, with your poem as the introduction to your fable. Wonderfully done!

@tipu curate


Thank you for the nice words on my story @traciyork! I'm so silly, and it's so funny; I totally missed in zord's post announcing the contest, where it clearly says that the app's purpose is to help us get over writer's block. If I had read that part I probably wouldn't have dissed the thing the way I did! Oh well, it's too late to retract, but not too late to recognize a lesson learned! :P

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