You Must Stay With Me ... !!

in #writing5 years ago

Elina wiped her tears roughly, her hair frivolous, her clothes tangled. He was forced to go back and forth to the bathroom several times, his body was shivering with a fever, his head was dizzy and nauseous. He wanted to spit out the contents of his stomach but it could not, because from noon there was no food that escaped to his stomach.

His eyes implied hatred staring at the wedding photo in his hand, "Kinanti ..." he hissed trembling. Quickly the woman tore up the photo and spread it in the air, then she turned towards the door and came out of her room. He looked at the cellphone at the dining table and growled and curled long. Then he felt someone was coming and closing the door of the living room roughly. BLAM !!!!

The man came to him with a red face, "Don't ever threaten me! Our relationship has ended since I got married! "The man said to his face with disgust. Elina laughed coldly, "Have you ever told her if you always fucked me as long as you were dating? Have you ever told me if I had a relationship with you first? I'm pregnant with Fadil !! "

"I told you from the start, drop your ingredients, Elina! But you're stubborn, I still won't marry you! Did you hear that? !! "the man replied louder. "Well!!! I will tell the truth to your wife, so she knows how depraved and cowardly you are! "Screamed Elina irritably. He was really desperate. He still wants the man to be the father of the fetus he conceived.

BUG !!! A fist landed right on the woman's face. Elina collapsed unconscious. Somehow he lay on the cold tile floor. As soon as he realized his vision was still blurred, he blinked his eyes and rubbed his wet face. "Shhhhh ..." he hissed with pain. He was shocked to see his palm, "Blood? .." he muttered in surprise then he tried to get up.

He weakly turned back, he saw, his body was covered in blood. Eventually he finally realized and began to be violent. But then he howled long bowed on the floor, his moans sounded so heartbreaking. Suddenly his back swelled big and bigger!

Then the back was torn big, there was a crackling sound of broken bones accompanied by the cry of the baby coming out of his back, the baby was born in a state of wrenching. "You have to pay Fadil !! You have to pay for everything !! "he yelled hoarsely, indicating a wrath that was rising.

Half a meter from the place, there were two young women who were watching three children playing in the yard from behind a glass window. Kinanti smiles seeing her sister who is running cheerfully playing with her classmates. "Thank you, Eva. You make Princess smile again "he said staring at his best friend.

Eva who sat beside her laughed softly while rubbing the back of her hand. "Recently I saw that you were so tense, there was a problem?" Eva asked softly. Kinanti shook her head, "Umm ... I just felt a little exhausted" he explained. Eva extended her neck because her view was blocked by the car outside. "Ouch! I have to call Putri first "he scolded nervously.

"Dafa! ... Amanda! ... don't take Princess too far" said Eva. But the children began to cross a small road near a bamboo grove opposite his house. Apparently they were too cool to joke until they didn't hear. Finally, their shadows vanished covered with thick bamboo trees.

Kinanti saw her sister who was running agile following Eva's two children. Kinanti moved from the living room sofa to want to follow, but was prevented by Eva. "Calm down, they will come home soon." Then Eva looked at Inova who was parked outside the yard, "Is that your car?" Eva asked. "No, it's Fadil, my husband. My car entered the garage and he promised to pick it up this afternoon, "Kinanti explained.

"What's the matter, Eva?" Asked Kinanti. "Ehh, no. Maybe it's wrong, a bit like a car that is often parked at the end of the road in this complex across the road. "Eva said. Kinanti shook her head laughing at the bamboo forest. "Really? I don't see it from here, the same Griya Contractor too? "Asked Kinanti. Eva nodded while smiling.

"Incidentally there was an additional construction of several houses, if the bamboo forest was cut down you would see it, sometimes the construction workers crossed the road home through the alley next to it" explained Eva. Even though there was an irrational story that sounded to him.

It turned out that the three children were playing hide and seek. "Eh, Putri, the bamboo clump that is haunted, bro!" Said Dafa tried to scare Princess. Amanda laughed when Princess's face turned pale. Suddenly the two ran in hiding, Princess felt played. "I'm home!"

The boy was confused not knowing the way home in the middle of the bamboo forest, he circled erratically. Then he heard the sound of heavy objects being dragged, he smiled towards the sound. But then he mumbled, seeing that it was not his friends, but his brother-in-law who carried a large sack. Princess hiding immediately. He saw his brother-in-law put the sack right in front of him.

Princess is silent like a statue, she doesn't dare to speak out. His sister-in-law brought a shovel and started digging. Sometimes he paused, his eyes wildly turned to the right and left. He accelerated the excavation, accidentally knocking his big sack so that the contents partially stretched out. People's hair? Princess asked thoughtfully, she was curious and then peeked.

It turns out that the hair that originates from the head of a woman who drooping down glares at her, her face covered in blood as well as her crusted body and blouse. The ten-year-old boy widened seeing the events that happened before him. He closed his mouth hard so as not to scream.

He turned around slowly, saw Dafa and Amanda waved at him. Then they ran home, "I have to tell brother ... hhhh ... I have to tell brother ... hhhh ... I have to tell brother ... hhhh" he hissed panting. He continued to spur his strength until he almost lost his balance when passing a small road.

As soon as he left the small road, his brother Kinanti had waved. Dafa and Amanda ran to hug her mother. "Ah! You are so dirty Princess, we go home, "said Kinanti, who then said goodbye to Eva. Along the way, the Princess just paused not daring to speak, she was afraid if what she saw was wrong. Yes, who knows he misjudged. Didn't Dafa say the place was haunted, he thought.

The man was shocked to hear the sound running around behind the bamboo clump. He stopped his activities for a moment, then rose to the surface. He went around carrying a shovel while lurking. Nobody. He reached into his pocket to take a lighter and a pack of cigarettes.

He lit his cigarette, glancing up at the smoke soaring into the air. He only enjoyed half of the cigarette, immediately threw the ground and stepped on it until it was pulverized, he reached for the shovel to continue digging. After making sure the excavation was deep enough, he threw the sack along with the contents into the hole.

In a hurry he closed the excavation hole and disguised its surface with the leaves of dried leaves scattered in the bamboo forest area, after being sure the work was neat, he left the place. He took his car to the road, "I have to wash this car before going home."

Three days after the event, the Princess looked back down and lonely as usual. If Kinanti asks what is the cause, Putri always dodges. The aroma of eucalyptus oil spread from Putri's body when Kinanti opened her room. "Are you okay?" Worried Kinanti. Princess just shakes her head.

With trembling steps, he lay down in the room again. "Why are you, Put?" Asked his brother. "I have a fever, Ma'am," he said briefly and covered his body with a blanket. Kinanti approached her sister and sat by the bed, she opened the blanket slightly and touched her forehead. "Your body temperature is normal, how come" he said relieved. Maybe Putri is tired, she thought. "Take it easy, tonight we go to the doctor," Kinanti said.

Kinanti closes her sister's room. Princess quickly entered again hiding into the blanket. His teeth were trembling trembling, his breath was hot to make him thirsty fast. His throat was burning. His hands fumbled and wanted to take drinking water on the table. As soon as he held the glass, he suddenly felt that there was a frozen hand gripping his hand tightly

The princess throws a glass and squeals out loud. Kinanti was shocked, immediately burst into her sister's room. He saw Princess shivering on the corner of the bed wrapped around her with a blanket. He saw the broken glass scattered on the floor, he carefully passed it. When he reached the bed he immediately embraced Princess. He felt his sister's body tremble violently due to extraordinary fear.

He carried his sister and moved to his room. After Putri looked calm, and fell asleep in her bed, Kinanti tried to contact her husband while cleaning the broken glass. A tone was connected from the other side, "Hello, when do you go home? I'm worried about Princess's condition, pa? It was really strange, "he complained. Silent without an answer. "Haloo pa? ..." Kinanti called in a clearer voice. "Yes, I will go home," said her husband.

CLICK!! The telephone was cut off, Kinanti connected her work. He felt someone was watching him and was standing right behind him, he thought it was Princess, after he turned away, it turned out that there was nobody. He put down the broom and continued to take the stalk mop so that no fine glass fragments were left, Do not let someone stab the leg, he thought.

Kinanti checked the window lock and closed the curtain, suddenly she saw a shadowy shadow running towards her room. He turned then ran after him to his room. He looked at Princess still asleep. "Did I see it wrong? ..." he murmured holding the mop's handle tightly and sneaking into the room.

Krieeet !!! He pushed the bathroom door, it was empty, opened the closet, there were only neat clothes hanging on the hanger. He was relieved that there was nobody. Kinanti returned to the kitchen to put the equipment. Half an hour later Kinanti heard the voice of Xenia enter the car garage, she immediately welcomed her husband in front of a side door that was through the garage.

Fadil did not react when Kinanti told him about the strange incident. He continued to bribe his food silently. After finishing eating, he stared intently at Kinanti's face. Not to mention he spoke, her husband entered the Princess's room. "You accompany him to sleep in our room, tomorrow we just take him to the doctor, I'm tired.", He broke up before closing the door.

Kinanti just stared at the door of the room for a moment then went to her room to rest with the Princess, later Fadil was a bit tense. Until always be cool and talk as needed. Kinanti just fell silent without being able to do anything. He stroked Princess's smooth hair, the ten-year-old little girl had to be away from their father and mother who decided to divorce.

After a few months he married, he heard the parents' decision to separate. Putri looks shaken and has an unstable personality. Always easy to despair, easy to cry and very timid. Kinanti immediately picked up Putri so she could take care of the needs and needs of the Princess as before. Soon he fell asleep.

But between half-conscious and not, Kinanti heard footsteps like being dragged. And there was a heavy breathing and choking, Kinanti got up from the bed and tiptoeed and slowly opened the door a little, she peered from the crack of the door but there was nobody.

There is a shadow moving out towards the backyard. There was a woman on her back. He shrieked in surprise, because the flesh of the woman's back was rotting with a large hole and out of it came small maggots writhing. When turning over, the face in front of him decayed slowly, his eyes fell dangling and slimy with pus and blood.

"Arrrhhhhhh!" Princess got up hugging her. Kinanti also felt the beating of their hearts racing fast, she wheezed hugging Putri, both sweating cold gripped by fear. Fadil just stood at the door. "Are you okay?" He asked half-sleepily.

The two shook their heads. Fadil dragged his steps to lie down on the sofa and read on the edge of the bed, pulled the bench in front of the dressing table. "Go to sleep, I will sleep here looking after you ..." he said, then casually closed his eyes.

Kinanti is still scared. He pulled the blanket to hug Princess, "I am thirsty, can I ask to get a glass of water?" Kinanti begged. Fadil moved while shrugging his shoulders. Two minutes later he brought bring water to Kinanti, then he drank half a glass and gave the other half to Putri.

As soon as they started to sleep, Kinanti was startled by a shout. He saw that Princess was sleeping, she slowly descended from the bed. Kinanti felt strange air begin to fill the room, a strange cold. A pair of strong hands jerked his body into dragged under the bed, Kinanti screamed in horror.

He felt that through the long aisle and his body was slammed hard, Kinanti looked at the room was very foreign to him. He heard a woman's voice humming, he saw the woman stroking her stomach on a chair in the dining room.

Then Kinanti saw her husband running with breath hunting "You die !! Just die you !!! "he said stabbing the woman on the floor in the dining room. Kinanti became frightened frightened, her vision became increasingly blurred and finally fainted. He felt someone patted his cheek. It turned out he was dreaming again.

Kinanti looked at her sister's lips who were trembling in fear, "Brother ... also ... saw it?" He asked in disjointed with a choking voice interrupted by tears. His hand pointed to Fadil's body lying on the floor covered in blood with a large hole in his back. Kinanti shouted and roared with fear, until finally several neighbors arrived.

Based on Putri's information, finally the bodies of women in the bamboo forest were found, the forensic laboratory report stated that there were dozens of eyes wounded by sharp objects in the stomach of a young pregnant woman. The victim was named Elina, a co-worker of Kinanti's husband.

Fadil allegedly impregnated Elina but did not want to be responsible for all her actions. Because he was threatened by her, he panicked and killed him. Upon agreement with his mother, after the funeral of his deceased husband, Kinanti and Putri returned to live with their mother. They sold the house, and did not want to go back there. (GUEST)


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What an Erie story lol creeped me out when the flesh started rotting! Really disturbing but I enjoyed the read!

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What a dark story... wow.

Thanks for sharing... and congratulations on being featured by @chekohler in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

Wow. I don't know what else to say. That is a good thing btw. Well done @tofoe.

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