Training the Modern Slave- Intro to Part 1

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

What a planet! Such lively livestock.

Trying to get this domestic herd of humans to do anything productive on this funny farm that we call Earth might seem like an overwhelming task, but controlling the mind of an entire society is actually quite simple.

If your planet is covered with humans, then your planet is blessed with a perpetual energy source, as these humans are constantly producing energy of some sort.

Whichever plane of existence we wish to examine, be it the physical world or the world of thoughts, emotions and ethers, human beings are creating a tremendous amount of energy within that realm.

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Harvesting that Human Energy

Your human population would-- if left to grow wild-- naturally share their energy within their own families and local communities, and would easily thrive on that shared human energy. An equilibrium would thus be established which, if left unhindered, creates the abundance that this planet is famous for, and that abundance would be enjoyed by the inhabitants as a whole, as of natural course.

In this series, we will learn how to siphon away at least 90 percent of that human energy, leaving just enough for their basic survival needs, or less.

They Have No Idea

When it comes to domesticating a wild herd of these humans, one thing must be kept in mind; the individual human is highly intelligent, and cannot be controlled by any means, while a group of these same humans is only about as smart as a cow, and can be shown the way to pasture with as much as a handful of grass.

It doesn’t take much of this sunny, open field to suggest freedom to the herd mind, and they will quickly learn to love the barbed-wire protection that this pasture seem to offer as they freely graze their lives away.

The new group will gladly trample any individual who tries to interrupt their free meal, and within a few generations you will have a herd that is self-farming and easy to manage.

As long as they believe that the fenced pasture is their own idea, then they will accept the nearby slaughterhouse as an equally organic notion, built according to their own design.

Training the Modern Slave

Each new generation of humans must be captured early, their perceptions and beliefs must be tweaked, and their natural tendencies to share the abundance of their planet with one another must be sufficiently stifled.

It’s all in their heads.

The intelligence of the individual human easily outmatches any attempt at controlling them externally, but when the group mind takes over a society, those individuals will be told that they need to shut the hell up. The group’s collective mind is therefore the engine that we will examine here, and not so much the strengths and powers of the individual mind.

Here in this series we will not concern ourselves with the individual human’s opinions or suspicions about what is going on here, because when the group mind is managed properly, those individual humans will be marginalized and effectively silenced anyway.

Those who insist on pointing out the enslavement of the herd will quickly find that their friends and family have already built solid reenforcements for just such attacks on their cherished creation, and every confining piece of barbed wire that is snipped by individual humans is replaced with cement walls, instantly erected by the group mind as a response to any potential liberation.

Where To Begin?

Energy seems to be the ultimate product that a human population can offer, and it is something that is easily harvested once the group agrees to hand it over.

In Episode One of Training the Modern Slave we will cover the various forms of human energy, and one of the best ways to constrict and manage a population’s energy flow is with the use of a fiat dollar; a centralized, government approved energy resistor that can be sprinkled into a society according to the needs of it’s masters.

The series won’t end there though. Eventually, and while supplies last, lots of other tools will be discussed here, individually covered and detailed-- tools that have been effective at cultural conditioning and for the consistent programming of that culture for many centuries, plus some newer ones that fit right in with any rigorous plan for planetary enslavement:

  • Money, Energy

  • Government, Authority

  • News, Hollywood

  • Language, Magic

  • Medicine, “Health Care”

  • Vaccines, Eugenics

  • Weather, Climate Control

  • Energy, Exotic Alternatives

  • Recycling, Planned Obsolescence

  • School, College, Education

  • Mind, Body, Community

Cannabis, hemp, law, the human condition vs. human nature, guns, food, radiation/light management, and anything else that can be used as one of the tools for the capture of a human mind, the devices will be sorted out in this series.

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Will ‘Training the Modern Slave’ Ever End?

As each topic is covered from the list above, that tool of enslavement will lose more of it’s grip on the group mind, and each of these mind-control devices will begin to collapse.

This collapse is inevitable, so the order in which the above topics are covered here in the future will not necessarily affect that collapse.

This may be the last chance for us to use the ‘tinfoil’ tag on some of these topics, as the entire world is experiencing a bout with awareness that won’t go away, and is spreading throught the group’s body like a potent medicine.

The world is changing quickly, and the intent of this series will be to help with that change, and to assist in bringing that awareness into the public mind. Episode One is coming soon.

images above are mine, 2018. For more posts and variety, please click below:


click @therealpaul for more


Excellent read Paul, looking forward to the rest of the series.

Hey thanks for reading, now I have lots to do!

Well now, that was read evoking more emotions and thoughts than I have energy to deal with!
So, a whole series you say? I cant wait!

Oh it does get heavy around here at times, but I try to approach it with a devilish laugh, keep things on the lighter side of it all ;) Yep, the 'Modern Slave' series is due, since the lid is about to come off of some of these topics, I have to beat the rush!

Let me just share my favourite part of what you wrote today:

When it comes to domesticating a wild herd of these humans, one thing must be kept in mind; the individual human is highly intelligent, and cannot be controlled by any means, while a group of these same humans is only about as smart as a cow, and can be shown the way to pasture with as much as a handful of grass.

This is quite the profound statement you've got here. I can't seem to stop liking it more every time I read it.

I already knew that the many are capable of a higher form of tyranny than the one. A group of humans under the flag of a corporation or state lose certain human elements of their humanity. Call it an application of the bystander effect? A corporate board has not N empathy, where N is the number of members... but 1/N.

However, I had not really noticed that this formula for empathy was also applicable to intelligence and critical thought. I think it's true, though, and makes a lot of sense.

I think the plan there was, that if I shade in enough of the background, the hidden hand which is holding that clump of grass will be revealed; tis us, entrained and entranced in an agreed-upon decision to trod, as a group, across the pasture for one reason or another, by our own free will, misguided as it may be.

I'm not familiar with the bystander effect, and that formula is new to me as well, but I can see how, logically, the world would improve were empathy to become more abundant.

you took my imagination to the next level with this one

Good to hear, the future will be made of next-level imagination today.

this looks great to me the first part was brilliant bro :)

I have to hurry with the series, the topics are all about to be revealed to everyone anyway, I feel.

Looking forward to each installment! Many will be enlightened, I am sure!

Episode one is underway now!

Excited about the start of this new series, let's see what you prepare for Episode one!
Possibly with photos of you hot sexy posing for a calendar.

I have started that episode already, it should be revealing!
Meow. Okay, so... you still live in Italy, barely even halfway across the world, not far away? ;)

Nah, I live in Cambodia!

Only about as intelligent as a cow, haha, isn't that the truth. I for one am looking forward to this series!
Speaking of our energy, there was a point in time I remember wondering if something out there feeds off the energy. Negative energy I should say, like senseless violence and cruelty. Not a pleasant thought.

I just looked that up in the Urban Dictionary, that energy is called 'loosh', apparently a term started by Dr. Robert Monroe, the author of a few influential (to me) astral projection books. I hear the term used occasionally in terms of extra-dimensional influences on the world, but I still can't figure out who or where the alleged consumers of this loosh might be.

Why do you insist on chronicling a blueprint on how to subjugate us? Hahaha! I mean, I'm not opposed to it, but I'm curious as to how the wheels turn in your head.

haha, I wanted to beat the rush-- pretty soon everybody will be experts at world domination, and it will be another 1000 years before any of this stuff will work again anyway. Sometimes I like to write these things as if they were training manuals, so that readers might notice that the slavery I'm describing is the actual world as it exists now, and not some future dystopia. These blueprints are designed to bring awareness to the conditioning that cultures currently undergo to keep things messed up for most humans, and good for only a few. I believe that this will all be common knowledge soon, and readers can say that they read it here last!

Oh yeah, definitely. That's exactly how it read. Like it's some prophecy for a dystopia but it turns out that we're actually living it in the here and now. Quite unnerving!

Another reason to write this series is so that when all of these conspiracies come unravelled in the near future, I can make a series of "See? Told Ya!" posts that should be fun for all. ;-)

Hahaha! It would be great fun!

after reading this can't wait to check out more about this it looks damn interesting :D

I just put Part 1 up a minute ago!

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