The Map of the Mind in the Post-Fictional World- Original Art DecodedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

I was writing a story not long ago about my mind. Weird topic, I assure you, and we won't spend time on the details of the story-- instead I intend to show here that there were some corresponding features in the story having to do with a coded map-- a hand-drawn guide, rarely seen in it's entirety. When viewed as a whole, the map tells a story of consciousness and a daring journey into a space portal, and could be a clue to a way to help consciousness into the physical world, a way to be. 

the map
Two little towns, side by side. They are different in many ways, but those differences can be simplified and examined with the help of the map. To use the map properly, there are some keys which will unlock the hidden secrets drawn into the image, and the primary decoding tool will be; to consider that the map is a representation of the mind, and the image is a drawing of the human brain. 


 The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, and these opposite sides of this commonly used device have been shown to have distinct characteristics. While 'right-brain, left-brain' qualities may be disputed scientifically, here the study will be based on the supposition that the right hemisphere of the brain is guided by female qualities, while the left hemisphere is wired for male tendencies. 

The Right Brain 

The qualities generally attributed to a feminine expression are those of nurture and care, and any kind of warm motherly gesture. The right brain may have such qualities, but it is also the place of art poetry, and emotional appreciations of all kinds. 

The Left Brain 

The left brain is considered the masculine side, with strength, protection, and provision being some of those qualities. Here is also found stern logic, mathematics and order, and a sense of dominance seems to be attributed to this male expression.

The Center

 In between the two halves of the brain, in the center of the skull, is the pineal gland. While science again finds a dull way to explain this little pine cone in the middle of everything, the curious features of the gland bring up interesting concepts in the study of mind. To study the map, we'll approach the pineal gland as a third eye, or the window of imagination, perhaps the 'seat of the soul'.

Two Little Towns 

Looking at the map again, note that Hill Valley is on the left side of the canvas, while Lakeland is on the right side. By corresponding this to the brain, we can compare the towns to the hemispheres of the brain. 

Hill Valley

 The town of Hill Valley is known for it's rigid police force, governmental powers, and law enforcement, with a citywide TV news broadcast controlling most of the information available, maintaining order. 


 The neighboring town of Lakeland is an art project more than a town, with a voluntary society as a foundation of interaction. There is no police force, and a surplus of farmed land and produce create an atmosphere of abundance and freedom. 

The Middle

The map was supposedly drawn when the towns were built, and shows the encampments which preceded the construction of the streets and structures. The camps are named by letters, and include camps 'A' through camp 'M'.  In the center if the map, by no coincidence, we find Camp I, or 'eye'. This center area contains a ridge covered in pine trees, and corresponds to the pineal gland. Here, like the human mind, exists all of the mystery, and all of the answers. 

Spooner Lake 

Looking once again at the full map above, Spooner Lake's shape may seem familiar. It somewhat resembles the basic pattern of the Mandelbrot Set, and the infinite mathematical symbol represents the complexity and self-repeating nature of consciousness.

Mental Problems

 The troubles which are associated with the two towns can be singled out using the coded map, while the troubles often encountered in mind can be then be exhibited by the two little towns.

 Forcing Change

 In the story of the two towns, the characters tend to make the mistake of trying to change the town that they live in, and there are also characters trying to change the neighboring town to be more like theirs.  
They tried to think of ways to sabotage the expressions of the hemispheres; to persuade the left-brained Hill Valley to be less authoritative, or attempting to fasten unnecessary rules and regulations onto the right-brained Lakeland.

The Fractal Story

As the characters hacked away at the nature of the two towns, hoping to turn platoons into parades in the strict and orderly Hill Valley, or attempting to incorporate a centralized money and food system into Lakeland, their intentions could be seen as beneficial, but their methods were futile. The work-- the greater work, would be to integrate the qualities of both towns into one metropolis, a balance which would end up focused in the middle, somewhere in the pine forests and the mysterious underground Camp I. 

When the focus is in the balance, then the whole population of the two towns would benefit from the existing qualities from both hemispheres. They could enjoy the care and nurture of the feminine spirit, while logically building tools and systems using straight masculine forces which would aid in medicine and research. They would be creating a gentle strength, while doing no harm.

Real Life

The story about the two towns was always based on real life. It was a duplex of towns manufactured for a purpose, and while Hill Valley was twisted in propaganda, conspiracy 'theories' and dis-information, it was fairly easy to take examples and trends from real life to create the atmosphere of mass-hypnosis in that town. As the author, I was already soaking in that world. 

Lakeland was far more difficult to examine in the story. I tended to use the Rainbow Gathering as an inspiration for that town, where friendship is the main exchange of value, food is free, and the illusions and hypnosis of the square Hill Valley are openly discussed and taught. With so few real life examples of such a community, the Lakeland world seemed whimsical and made of fantasy. 

The Mass Awakening? Nope.

 As the characters tried to force the hemispheres to change, they were fighting something, and were not dancing with it. When things became so convoluted that the News was on the News, the story was predicting such chaos, but the nature of chaos is unpredictable. The characters were waiting for me to save the world and end the story, but I was doing it wrong. I was thinking that a parade could blend the warlike nature of Hill Valley with the artsy spirit of Lakeland, and all the cops would throw their guns in the lake or something, with flower in their helmets. It would have never worked like that. 

There would be no forcing of submissive spirit onto another.

 No, those hemispheres are separated for a reason-- the best parts of both sides are naturally collaborating in the middle, through the imaginary eye which consciousness tends to focus upon, the portal into the physical world. 

 About that Story…

 If I couldn't imagine how a mass enlightenment or 'ascension' sort of event could happen in the real world, there was no way to imagine it in the story. I had the poor characters thinking they would change things in their towns, and that suddenly something would snap.  
Episode after episode, I wondered myself exactly how that would happen, the big finale-- it was supposed to be a parade. But the characters weren't seeing the big change, and there was no way I was going to write a soap opera.
All I know to do is to offer the map, and the key to open it's secrets, and then in real life, we will all see how this thing transpires. Real life became too much for the map's little story, even parody has become useless, and exposing secrets is now happening widespread, faster than I can write. 

If you wondered what happened with the characters of the map's story, they are trying to internally change things, balancing their brains, and in their Fictionarium they have a copy of the map, so they will be fine, I suppose.
thanks for reading

all images by me, map is watercolor, ink and pencil on canvas 2016  

questions, comments or concerns, press 'Reply'  below



Is fictionarium an actual term that I've just never heard of before you or did you coin it?

I made the term up a few years ago when I started writing the story. When I finally googled it a few months ago, my steemit articles were the top hits, so any previous versions of the word are thankfully not being used much.

I edited my comment on your other post. For a reason. We have chat for things like that now.

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