Story From A Picture #2

in #writing6 years ago

Rufus T Engleton was a fine hog. His purpose was to clean up the scraps and he did his job with both vigor and determination. There wasn't a stray scrap of food that could escape his notice, and when he was on the job, none of it would go to waste.

Over the course of his short life he had grown from a little piglet who depended solely on his mother for support and sustenance, to a powerhouse in his own right. Rufus had trained a farmer and his family to provide him with whatever delicious leftovers they didn't want. Not only did that mean that Rufus didn't have to search for food, but he also got it delivered right to his doorstep... that they also maintained and paid for.

Yes, Rufus surely was living the life when one day he was not-so-ceremoniously removed from his pen and loaded onto a truck. Now this was particularly aggravating as he had already made big plans that day with a local sow, Susie Riddleton. Granted, Rufus being the size he was, all his plans were big plans, if you get my drift.

No, that was Rufus' drift. Sorry about that. He was never great at taking baths.

Anyhow, he was loaded into that truck by the farmer, and off they went!

I wanted to get the creative juices flowing, so decided to do the second installment of my "pick a picture, and write a five minute story about it" series. I have another picture that I started working on a story for, but I got stuck, so trying to blast free the mental block on that one.

Was the story any good?

Image Source

Ono Small.png


I think I meet Rufus after he went for his ride. He was cold, so, I warmed him on my spit.

Ha ha ha, I guess I don't need to write any more on that story. We already know how it ends. Thanks for helping me fill in the gaps.

That looks delicious! :)

Good ol' Rufus. It's amazing how we can live in our own little worlds, thinking we're in charge of it, and then find out, rather unceremoniously, that things are not exactly as we constructed them in our minds to be. Rude awakening of all rude awakenings.

Still, I feel for the fella. He may have been a little delusional (but what context did he have), and yet, it sounds like he was a good hog at heart.

That hog in the picture looks very content. And Rufus matches it perfectly. :)

It sounds like I did a good job of matching the story to the picture. The hog was supposed to have an air of confidence about him. Not arrogance, just surety that things would be fine for he was amazing. Not sure what happens to Rufus, but it doesn't sound like it's going to be "business as usual."

Yeah, I got the feeling there was other type of business in store, unless I'm totally reading the intentions of the farmer wrong, and Rufus actually rules the roost, if I can mix barnyard metaphors. :)

I mean, maybe it's actually Rufus' birthday, and they want to surprise him with a trip to Hog Heaven, the porcine equivalent of Chuck E. Cheese.

Or, maybe they just couldn't leave him alone by himself while they all went on a vacation that the farmer and his family had been putting off for years.

Or maybe it was meant to be some kind of special date all arranged by the lovely Susie Riddleton.

His imminent demise and subsequent hamification and baconation could just be my cynical side showing through. I should not be so hasty in my conclusions.

You draw some understandable conclusions. I may have to continue the story further if I decide that another 5 minute writing session is in order.

Hey, happy to help, or compound the matter, whichever I've actually done. :) Hog on adventure. I can see it now.

Another picture and another 5 minutes story on a random subject, this thing is getting all over, may its high time I give it a go too :) Thank you for the inspiration @themanwithnoname

I'm glad it inspires you. Give it a shot!

it surely does and I have some ideas already to work on with this 5 minutes writing initiative

haha! dang humans always interferring with plans, I thought it was great and didn't want it to end but I think the end was probably near for poor Rufus but he had a good life..

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