
I'm not sure if I referred to Hiroshima anywhere in this post to be honest..?

The first nukes were set off at Trinity and they also did extensive tests on Bikini Atoll to my knowledge.

Oooh. I'd heard that ancient technology was far more advanced than our current tech but I've only seen some limited evidence to support the theory.

Yes, we have what looks like planes and spaceships carved into ancient temple walls and whatnot but until we uncover one of these ancient machines it's all speculation and theory. :/

From the ancient texts I've seen I'd call it more than theory- I think it was essentially one group of ETs that controlled a group of humans that attacked another group of ETs that were the leaders of humans with a nuke.

I do think it's plausible that extraterrestrial life may have in fact come down and perhaps seeded this planet in their image but I'm a man of science for the most part so unless I can prove it through an accepted method it remains in the realm of ancient sci-fi.

I want to believe!

pfunk72 - 2 hours ago: What's with the downvotes bud? - Edit: (a.k.a.) Flags

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.

Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

pfunk72 - 2 hours ago: What's with the downvotes bud? - Edit: (a.k.a.) Flags

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.

Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

keep talking fuck boy. Your mouth is costing you. And your flags peanut. Now be a good bitch and stfu and I might think about going back to my blog. lol

You beat anything up spitting crackers out of that dicksucker yet

Get out here fukboy before i go down your follow list and individually attack every one of them. Bring that fuckin dick sucker out here boy.

lol, I'm having too much fun with this shit.

Thanks for the info.

Although is it not possible a meteor containing nuclear elements caused this somehow? I dunno. I have heard of ancient india's nukes but it's so damn hard to say for sure (for me anyways)

pfunk72 - 2 hours ago: What's with the downvotes bud? - Edit: (a.k.a.) Flags

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.

Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

pfunk72 - 2 hours ago: What's with the downvotes bud? - Edit: (a.k.a.) Flags

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.

Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

pfunk72 - 2 hours ago: What's with the downvotes bud? - Edit: (a.k.a.) Flags

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.

Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

pfunk72 - 2 hours ago: What's with the downvotes bud? - Edit: (a.k.a.) Flags

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.

Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

lol, I'm having too much fun with this shit.

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.
Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

Stahp posting on my shit you annoying delusional moron:

Read that, Understand it. Live it. I tried to help your sorry ass and you went full mongoloid on me. You deserve every damn flag you get for not acting like a decent human being and taking the pass you were given earlier today. I tried to help you bud, You spat in my face.

Grow up for f**k sake. You're an embarrassment to our network.

You don't show respect by spamming and flagging shit.

Not sure what backwards ass upbringing you come from but up here in Canada we treat people how we want them to treat us. You act like an asshat you get treated like an asshat. That is life. Not just STEEM but the whole damn world operates in a similar fashion.

Please stop spamming, flagging and crying that you are a victim here. The only victims here are the people that had to be exposed to your nonsense.

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.
Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.
Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

"I'm just gonna post the same shit over and over again because I have the brain capacity of a piece of feces.." Fuck man you are a barrel full of pathetic butthurt dipped in stupid:

Pretty sure your mom would kick you out of her basement if she saw you being a dickhead on the internet like this. Grow up, Move on and realize you aren't doing shit but making yourself look mentally ill.

come at me fuck boy, time for talk is over shit stick.

Says the dude having a fucking mental and spamming / flagging people.

Guess what? We aren't the one acting like a god damn child. You are.

PS. Thank you for an actual reply. Look at you go! Now stop spamming the same shit over and over again and go have sex with your dog or whatever it is anti-social wankstains like you do besides get triggered and act as shit sponges on the internet.

did i mention all of your possible family members including sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, anyone is a faggot. Worthless pieces of shit that breed and support shit of life. Oh, just did.

pfunk72 - 2 hours ago: What's with the downvotes bud? - Edit: (a.k.a.) Flags

They wont stop, so now i have started again. I stopped and tried another way for a while. It's been a month.
Everyone has thrown bots and flags at me since day 1 on steemit. 4 accounts later, ive had enough. SO many times now, so long. Whits end. Fighting back. I'm sorry my friend. I do respect you, and a very few anymore. To you, my apologies for the flags. Them, i'm not even close to sorry. I want peace for one day. This has been inhumane to anyone coming to this blockchain.
And see @timcliffs response.
@timcliff 70 · yesterday
From what I have seen, you have been harming the user experience by downvoting random user's posts. I have no interest in helping you. Sorry.
So i'm not equal or human because I return a favor?
Fuck everyone if every time I reach for help and peace to be pushed away. If a war is what everyone wants, I have proved i'm a soldier till death. @klye wants to apologize publicly then like abuse done by @berniesanders and protect him, fuck him. he is a lametard child to me, seriously. his judgement is awful tho i know well he is a good spirit. Over his "i'll help", "wait I won't help" bullshit.
Should have never fucked with me the first time in the door on the first account. Should mind their own business. From here out, I will be focusing on the introductions and new users making them aware of the abuse unless everyone has a bright idea to leave me the fuck alone finally. If not, every new user coming through will either turn back out the door, or be aware of everyone's bullshit. These are promises I keep. And again this is just the beginning. I'm showing what I can do with 4 negative accounts. Wait until I have 20 accounts at your respect. This blockchain is building a thorn against itself and embedding it. I want peace. That's it, peace. Or the karma and true rewards will eventually be reaped by those that so deserve it in time.
There is no github fix for me, i'm just as good as karma. They would have to take everything away from every new user to control me, and there would be no With that said, when all who are attacking me with flags stop, I will. They will dissipate their own issues into air. I know more about this blockchain than most, in an even smaller amount of time. I will not sit around and debate with people as they act like they are deciding my fate as if i'm a number or statistic. I control me, none else. When that golden value is learned, I'm sure peace will come naturally. No matter this network, or any other. Karma will win, and even defeat itself with enough time.

Sincerely, ~ 0uchie, eatincrayons, apocalyptic rogue, rogue, re4d101, iBrat, iBigbrat, Immune To Ivy, topikzmonster, livemoral, livehonest, iloveupvotes

Clearly. Simple things amuse simple minds.

Instead of being a pretentious waste of breathe why not go make another account and try to blend in with the locals rather than basically wasting your time and effort in some childish spamtard game.

Hell, You could probably make some money on here with your creative writing if you stopped fixating on the past and actually wrote about something people want to read or learn about. Just my actual non-hater advice.

//Turns back on hater mode..

Ooh yeah. And your mom smells like dick cheese! lol

// I'm just fucking with you.. You realize you can't troll me because I'm just shaking my head and using you for my own amusement right? I'm like you but with roughly 70+ IQ.. ;)

This is going to be fun, forever. You amuse me with your typos trying to talk in madness. Sit down my little bitch and be good. Pats you on your nerdy little fukin head and walks off*

blah blah, blah blah blah blah...blah blah. lol. I hear ya bro! xD

That akward moment when you realize you are in a fight on the internet with someone who actually is mentally handicapped... Fuck. I'm sorry dude.

I didn't realize you were actually suffering from some form of learning disability or handicap else I'd not been so harsh on you man. If I had to guess it would be FAS or something similar that effects the learning and behavior development in the brain.

Fuck I feel like an asshole. Sorry for not understanding you better, :/

Feel terrible now, Please forgive me for the name calling and whatnot.

hey stupid, you can mute, but you have hella followers and comments to attack. keep posting. I'm running short on shit to abuse like you fucks did me. lol

yo fuckboy. Get your gay 3 dollar bill ass out here fudge packer. lets hear more of that mouth you suck dicks with bitch. cmon. hoover looking ganked up ass mother fucker lol.

mr i hate homophibic comments lol, gaydar going cray cray here! sees klye* boop* Boop* BoooooooooooooooooooooP* there's that fudge packer. Git em boys! lol

Get out here fukboy before i go down your follow list and individually attack every one of them. Bring that fuckin dick sucker out here boy.

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