Socks, Diagrams and Getting Old

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Creative flow comes in some strange ways for me these days. But a muse is a muse, and I'm not complaining, I am going to use this inspiration to make you laugh, or I will try to..

To begin this story, we have to go back few hours, when my brain wasn't fully awake to digest any conversation, let alone a conversation with my father who likes to talk over the phone, especially when you say that you are busy (e.g. on the toilet). So, his call interrupted my "let's get normal" ritual, that involves looking at the price of steem and SBD, checking emails and then Instagram browsing for few minutes (so that I can keep up with how many kids my friends have).

Instagram sight-seeing went on for few minutes, while I made some coffee to overwrite my "don't talk to me" program. And with the firs sip came the funniest thing I saw (for me at least), and I will explain why.


Two things:

  1. I have a problem with being a grown up and in general getting older;
  2. I am more of a -give a gift-, than -receive a gift- kind of person.

Gifts don't have a lot of meaning for me, especially material ones. I love experiences better. But, this diagram made me think about so many things, that I couldn't believe what few lines drawn together can do (no pun intended with "the lines").

First, I have a big problem with getting responsible enough to survive like a "normal" grown up. As a matter of fact, I think that "grown ups" are not that smart or capable in the first place. But, I had to accept the fact that I am living without my parents, that I am responsible for every meal, and clean house and laundry, but I never (ever) expected that I will forget (and I did forget) to buy SOCKS! Until one morning I had no pairs left (some got lost in black hole, or where ever they go to, and some were just torn). No one ever gave me a book that said:

"You are a grownup now, buy some socks"

I am a nerd, I would read it!
Maybe I will write something like -what to expect when you are expecting- kind of book, only for people who need a list of thing to do and buy, to be and feel like someone responsible.


My mother (a very responsible grownup) saved the day, or better yet my year when she bought me and my fiance some socks this month. My happiness was out of this place, and until I saw this diagram I couldn't put my finger on it "why socks made me happy".

The point is that I remain lost in my search for great responsibility. Somehow the minute I feel like I have it all under control, some trivial thing pops out. Still have so much to learn! Or is that a common thing? No one really talks about it, they all just look so well equipped with all the information, and there is me walking barefoot along the way.

With love,


I've reached a compromise with socks. In the summer I wear my Crocs, in the winter I wear my socks and Crocs. No one can accuse you of being grown up when you do everything in Crocs 😉.

That said: socks do sound really nice right now...

Hahaha love your comment, and your solution :)
(don't really like Crocs) :grin:

I'll admit that Crocs aren't perfect. While I've figured out how to play soccer with them, kickball still gives me trouble... (thankfully most people have forgotten the time I kicked my shoe higher then the ball)

Anyway, I'll shut up and leave you with something to ponder:

You have one new follower just for this photo and comments! :D

Oduševljavate me kao lepo pišete i razmišljate, bravo Tamara.

I also am the type of person that likes to give gifts rather than receive. I can barely keep the gift a secret because I’m so excited for the person to open it and - hopefully - be very happy with it.

I wouldn’t call myself OLD yet but I was pretty happy about some socks I got for Christmas...which may be worrisome lol.

Hahaha that was worrisome to me, and made me write this blog!
Thank you for stopping by and for leaving a comment!

nice post i love u

very nice post

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