Lost in time - Fiction story (part 2)

in #writing6 years ago

Marius woke up in the middle of night without obvious reason. He was lying cluttered between the two buildings that used to be a warehouse. These few days after that meeting in abandoned house, he spent wandering thought city. One day after another mist that lay over his memories slowly vanished and he started to recall the bigger part of his life now. He remembered how everything started, his first touch with magic, and a learning process.

It was a hard path, many would say it was deadly. And just like that he was boy of seventeen again and one of Masters came to his village one rainy day. Marius was in a barn taking care of sheep and horses. Master just entered and sad "I'm Master of Battle, I'm sure you heard of three Realms. You need to come with me, never to return". That was it, only a few words were sad and I only took my bow and the toddler are full of munition.

He led me to the distant part of the Continent called Eternal Hills. I was so stunned, there was no buildings, no people just three caves. One for each of Realms, Cave of Battle, Cave of Art and Logic, Cave of Life. Three Masters, the only three that existed in this Age.

My first trial was in a Cave of Battle, hm I remember it lasted 43 years of human life. I was only student, only one in this Age who can handle such a power. I learned how to use sword, bow and combat without any of them. Learned to hunt and track. I couldn't feel the pass of time in the Eternal Hills. There was only my, Master and lessons to learn. No more than once I was wounded, and my life was on the edge of death. I become better than many before, Stronger. After 20 years, as Master sad, I started to use magic in combat which made my skills deadly.

Hard rain started and she brought me out of dreaming. In this moment I still could not remember what was my Journey, but it will come to me soon. But now, I feel better almost as good as Ages ago. Now, I see magic everywhere, and I can channel it.

I got up and started walking to the square, there was one Temple of Realms, so maybe I can find some clue there.

Slowly I entered in the Temple and started to pray. In that moments of meditation a Priest approached to me and asked me to follow him. He led me to the chamber below the main hall. There he sad "They sad you would come one day, I'm blessed that this is that day an I'm here to witness it. Three books are here, you can now start, please. And one man left you a Letter about 50 years ago." He gave me that items an left.

As I started to read, power in me started to grow.

To be continued..

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