Lost in time - Fiction story (part 1)

in #writing6 years ago

Today I will write another story, but with with a little different idea. I would be picking random images from internet ( epic fantasy artworks ) a then try to write a story that can be based on that image. Hm, I came up with this idea few days ago, when I started to participate in amazing writing contest. I liked format of short fiction stories, so I thought maybe I should do something to improve myself. This is the way to become better in telling stories. I really hope you all like the idea, and the content to go with it.

Today, image is

Winter came earlier this year. Maybe there wasn't snow yet, but in this land you can always feel it in you bones. I knew it was coming much earlier, but I had a problem. I I did not know what age, nor what this city is. I didn't remember anything until two days ago, when I woke up in the vicinity of the city. Only one thought was in my head " Find a Master, he will help you ". I do not know whose voice is that, even the voice is embedded in my thoughts. I only know that I have to listen, because only there is hope for living.

I felt in one moment electricity passing trough my body, something like power that does not belong to me, but at the same time it is part of me. As I walked through the muddy streets beside the frozen merchants, I thought about finding that person. I do not even know the real name, I do not even know where to go, this city is not known to me.

After some time, when I entered deeper in the city streets, suddenly a saw blue light above a building. There were many people around me, but nobody else noticed it. At the same time the electricity in me, became stronger, more tangible. I figure that as a sing so I went to that building. When I came in front of the door I remembered one more thing. I was a wizard. Where that came from I'm not sure, but that is a solid fact.

Looks like in this wooden house someone used magic, but in the same time I couldn't feel another human in there. Strange, I don't even know how I knew that but it was another fact. So I entered, there was not another choice for me. Voice was lauder and more commanding.

On the ground floor there were two rooms, both without furniture or any sing of life. Something pulled me to go up the stairs. They lead me in only room on this flour. In the center of it was one chair. Some flashes, smoky memories from my past started to appear in my head. However, I could not understand anything, in any case not enough to help me. I did only logically and obviously, I cautiously climbed the chair and sat down.

Then, everything happened in a second. Master appeared in front of me, or a vision of him.

" Welcome back Marius, we have been waiting for centuries for you to come. I know you don't remember anything now, but you must be patient. Here you will receive basic knowledge of who you are, or were. After that, you will know how to find us. Yet, you can't use you power, but it will come to you for a few days. One upon a time, you started a journey. It's time to finish it now. Farewell. "

How long was this vision lasted? I remember things know. Such a great feeling.

I came out from that house with a smile on my face and an killing instinct. My life has been returned to me.

To be continued..

Image 1


Hello @stormlight24, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Hey, thank a lot :) stop by again :)


Quite interesting. Your story reminds me of Dr. Strange. I hope you have seen the movie or atleast try to watch it.

Good one.

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