Crazy Sex Facts From Ancient Times

in #writing7 years ago

People always look to the past as a golden age. People were moral, the young were respectful, and sex was not everywhere. The fact is, though, that human nature never changes. If there have been periods where sex was less flaunted, then those were the rare lulls in the sexual storm that is history.


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Childbirth before the invention of anesthetics and modern medicine was brutal, painful, and dangerous. Euripides has Medea in his play declare, “I had rather stand my ground three times among the shields than face a childbirth once.”Is it any wonder then that women sought ways to avoid the horrors of the birthing bed? And sometimes they might just like to have sex without the risk of dying. So they turned to the best available products at the time.From ancient Egypt we find a recipe preserved from 1800 BC for a pessary used to prevent pregnancy. Chopped crocodile dung is mixed with honey and salt and “sprinkled over the womb.” This might have created an effective spermicide, but it would definitely be a mood-killer. The Roman and Greek worlds relied on a more pleasant method—so pleasant that they drove the source of their contraception to extinction. Apparently, silphium was a form of giant fennel used for almost any sickness or culinary recipe. It was so effective, and delicious, that it came to be worth its weight in silver. Alas, it was also impossible to cultivate and had to be gathered from the wild. The last stalk of silphium was seen during the reign of the emperor Nero. So now we have to seek our salad and contraceptives in different aisles of the supermarket.

Rape By Animals

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The spectacles of the Roman amphitheater are often held up as an example of cruelty in societies that view themselves as the most civilized. The blood-soaked sands of the arena, dying slaves made to fight for a braying crowd, all this has entered the public imagination. But the reality could be far worse. The Romans liked to see the condemned humiliated. One of their methods was to have a person raped by an animal.The poet Martial recorded the opening shows of the Coliseum. He described all the animals sacrificed and the gladiator fights. He also recorded a display of a different kind. In Greek legend, Pasiphae is made to fall in love with a bull. She sleeps with the beast, and the Minotaur is born from their love. Martial tells us “that Pasiphae was mated to the Dictaean bull, believe: we have seen it.” There are also references to a Carpophorus, who was a specialist trainer in the use of animals to rape women. We know that he was involved in the opening games of the Coliseum. It may well have been that his bull was the one performing that day. In Apuleius’s novel Metamorphoses, a man magically transformed into a donkey is expected to have sex with a woman, but the narrative spares us that scene.

Pederasty In Athens

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If we had been knowledgeable a incredible discern in society positioned younger people nearly impossible to resist, we'd be rightly appalled. When Plato tells us that the philosopher Socrates enjoyed striking around naked youths, dozing beside them, embracing them, his goal marketplace may not have tested the least surprise. In Athens of the 5th century BC, it changed into held as totally herbal that men is probably interested in boys. There are honestly sufficient literary and innovative facts that display it become a common exercise, as a minimum some of the higher instructions.The older man, the Erastes, turn out to be expected to court the boy, the Eramenos, with items and extraordinary devices. The dating, as quickly as set up, modified into alleged to be beneficial to both. The older man had been given intercourse, and the more youthful was introduced to Athenian society with a powerful protector. Sometimes this sort of relationship is portrayed as definitely a May-December romance, but the boys involved had been very younger. It became considered shameful for anyone able to growing a beard to however be an Eramenos.


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In many social orders, prostitution has been, if no longer unlawful, at that point as a base looked on as something profoundly disgraceful. For the Romans, this transformed into not the situation. The Lupinar inside the remains of Pompeii offers us a look into the field of the Roman whorehouse. Rather than concealed away in a damp back street, it gladly attests the sort of business venture one might need to do inside. Spray painting advises people what's in store from the differing women on offer. Once internal, various picture photos help individuals with less creative ability, or the uneducated, to secure exactly what they had been purchasing. Things had been significantly more noteworthy shameless in Babylon. As per the Greek history specialist Herodotus, in any event when in her life, every Babylonian young lady needed to visit the sanctuary of Ishtar and capacity a heavenly whore. No be tallied who displayed them a coin, they must be given his advances. A few analysts question this happened, however there seems to be enormous understanding that for a few ladies, bearer to God ended up plainly like adjusting folks for cash.

Antiquated Sex Toys

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In 2005, in Germany, archeologists made a startling revelation. Eight creeps of shake troublesome depend distended starting from the earliest stage. While the size is splendid, so is the cutting. This changed into a 26,000-year-antique phallus that a few analysts consider to be the soonest found dildo. While this is the most established dildo discovered, it's miles in no way, shape or form novel. Life-measure penises were discovered since quite a while ago settled from all way of material, even wooden—which shows our precursors were more intrepid roughly chips than we are today. The Greeks with their express stoneware craftsmanship moreover supply some other prized peep into the field of the chronicled intercourse toy. Ladies might be obvious using dildos on numerous vases. Further, they have been not any more demure about them, at any rate in comic scenes. The author Herodas delivered an emulate construct absolutely in light of a discussion among women, one trying to discover who made the other their splendid cowhide dildo. The dildo producer conceals his actual undertaking behind the more noteworthy hover of relatives cordial picture of being a shoemaker. In Aristophanes' play Lysistrata, the young ladies of Greece cross on an intercourse strike to stop a fighting, in component since it has upset the adjustment in dildos.

Pantomime Actor's Phallic Antics

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Talking about Greek plays, Greek tragedies have a notoriety for being grisly undertakings. They were likewise consistently serious. Be that as it may, on the quit of a taxing day of troublesome hitting show, the Athenians got a kick out of the chance to let free the pressure with a snicker. Satire and Satyr plays helped the inclination. Also, along the edge of pointed political parody, something they loved extraordinary transformed into a marvelous dick shaggy puppy story. On degree, comic male characters may wear a vast, and somewhat shrouded, calfskin based penis. This might be whipped out in light of the fact that the play required for anything. The grip of Old Comedy, Aristophanes, procured these phalluses for masturbation jokes, erection humor, weakness thorns, and the give to utilize the phallus as a boats rudder. So if all individuals ever discloses to you dick jokes are rough, you can cite to them from Aristophanes: "Peace, disrespect men! . . . Come ahead and . . . Keep the phallus legitimately upright."

Meandering Uterus

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On the off chance that somebody blames you for being insane, they're blaming you for something very interesting, and extremely odd. To start with characterized with the guide of the verifiable Greek father of prescription Hippocrates, insanity changed into an illness of women with far reaching signs. Relatively whatever might be faulted for madness, yet it turn out to be predominantly idea to influence commitments to lost enthusiastic to control. So what causes insanity? The uterus venturing around the body.This these days moves us as a stupid idea. In any case, inside the notable global, the uterus transformed into thought of as a profoundly disturbing organ. Egyptian papyri convey depictions of medication medicines intended to cajole "a meandering uterus" returned into district. Plato, one of the foundational masterminds of the Western subculture, thought of the uterus as a creature that activated underhandedness wherever it went in the body.

spartan Women

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Sparta progressed toward becoming in loads of techniques an irregular one-out of Ancient Greece. While ladies in Athens had been put away so separated that they have been idea to talk their own vernacular, the ladies of Sparta gained, for the time, top notch flexibility. At the point when the Spartan ruler Gorgo transformed into asked, "Can any anyone explain why you Spartan ladies are the handiest ladies that rule over your men," she stated, "On the grounds that we are the best young ladies which are moms of men."But the wedding evening time can be anomalous undertaking for a Spartan young lady. Her hair could be shaved off and he or she may be wearing a man's shroud and shoes. In this manner dressed, she could sit tight inside the darkish for her better half to take in and highlight his path together with her. A few students of history have recommended that his cross-dressing at the a piece of the lady of the hour swung into to get a man additional used to investing energy with his male siblings in-fingers used to the enjoyments of heterosexuality.

Penis Charms

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The penis showed up anyplace in the old world. You couldn't walk the lanes of authentic Athens or Rome without danger of jabbing your eye out. In Athens, statues alluded to as Herms have been omnipresent. A rectangular column with the zenith of the god Hermes, also they highlight erect phalluses. These penile defenders were thought so important that when in 415 BC, a man went on an inebriated frenzy and crushed the penises, it made a fiasco inside the kingdom. The penis changed into idea to have Apotropaic vitality—it could push back malice. It wound up noticeably painted on frescoes, cut in statues, strong in bronze, and ordinarily smeared wherever people would conceivably want to be secure. Regularly, the phallus is appeared with wings, and once in a while these winged penises had been hung with chimes. These Tintinnabulae went about as both entrancing breeze rings and mysterious defenders.

Egypt's Incestuous Gods

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Imperial family units have much of the time attempted to save their bloodlines unadulterated with the guide of wedding inside little and firmly related organizations, as often as possible with appalling hereditary results. The Egyptian regal possess family much of the time wedded sibling to sister to safeguard every last bit of it in the claim family. This isn't generally a smart thought, however it transforms into more prominent justifiable while you consider that the recorded pharaohs had been viewed as divine beings on Earth. What's more, they have been doing correctly the same as the divine beings in paradise. The most understood case of a sibling sister marriage in Egyptian folklore is that of Osiris and Isis. At the point when the god Osiris changed into slaughtered and eviscerated through his sibling Set, his significant other and sister Isis looked to procure up all his edge components. The most straightforward one she didn't show signs of improvement changed into his penis—which transformed into eaten through a crocodile. Since the Nile had asserted the penis of a divine being, it have turned out to be exceptionally rich and conveyed ways of life to the land. In the primary say in recorded records of a blow movement, Isis standard a shiny new penis out of earth for her sibling spouse and blew life into it.



In fact, the theater in athens was sacred to Dionysus, god of wine and fertility. During his festivals they would carry around giant penises!

Anyways, thank you for posting quality content about ancient history. If you tag anything with mythology I will see it!

If I could just make 2 suggestions to greatly improve your content, 1st would be to cite your sources! Simply include all the links you used at the end. Secondly, if you need some help with editing and grammer check out the @blue-pencil editors here on steemit. They can help proof-read your work to make it flow better!

Thanks for this interesting post, keep on steeming on!

According to my reading - at least for the comic plays - the actors walked around with over-sized phalluses hanging from their crotches. Anyway, that's how it's going to be in my graphic novel from the era - I don't think they were walking around with dildos in hand. :)

I plan to show a scene from Aristphanes' Clouds.

I read they had giant phallice statues! For the parade at least at the great dionysia. And the staff thyrsos is a staff with a pincone on top also sacred to dionysus and symbolizing a penis haha. That sounds like a pretty damn cool graphic novel, when you publish id like to check it out. I love history.

Well, there were definitely phalluses everywhere. Herms were sacred statues with the head of Hermes, and an erect dildo sticking out of the column. :)

woah thats interesting. The greeks and romans sure were interesting, not afraid of penises by all means.

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Hi @stoneboy - a lot of interesting stuff here. I had not heard of silphium before. Some of the language got a little hard to decipher in some of the later sections...

While pederasty was certainly around in ancient Greece, I would argue that, from the sources we have, Socrates did not seem to be a fan of the practice. According to Plato's telling, he rejected Alcibiades' strong flirtations. And he seems to reject in several other places.

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