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in #writing6 years ago (edited)

You could say she bought me a volcano...

Well I know that for questions like this the answer is usually some really inexpensive gift that was really thoughtful and meant something significant...I have had many gifts like that from my wonderful family but this post is about a really expensive gift, but the importance behind it was significant.

In 2012 (the year that the world didn't end...What practical jokers those Mayans were) my eldest Daughter Jade was dropping some major hints about what I was gonna receive for my 40th birthday and just how much I was gonna love it. Truth be told I would always love anything my family had chosen for me, so this was a given anyway.

So my big day arrived, I was actually 40, even though I was still around 19 or 20 in my head and still am if I am honest. I began to open my gifts, I got some cool clothes, a voucher to buy some trainers from my favourite sport store, some razor blades I always get some razor blades as they are so damn expensive and I hate to buy them. I should mention we are not a family that has a lot of money or savings, we have always made ends meet and had an OK life for which we are all very grateful.

Finally there was an envelope...It was wrapped in beautiful shiny paper, curious I thought.

I wondered if it was a voucher for something, I carefully peeled away the sellotape as I hate ripping expensive looking wrapping paper. Inside was some sort of payment confirmation printoff, I realised she had bought me concert tickets of some kind. I began to read the confirmation letter and I couldn't have been more amazed and emotional about what I was seeing.

My wonderful Daughter had paid for a holiday to Lanzarote in the Canary islands as it was a milestone birthday for me. Now this already sounds an awesome gift to receive and it was but the significance behind it was what was truly beautiful. She had decided to do something special, amazing and out of the ordinary for me because it was my 40th and she knew that I have always wanted to see an active volcano. I didn't think it was gonna happen to be honest as I say we have never had a lot of money and there was zero chance of that changing anytime soon as we were in a financial mess.

I told her she really shouldn't have spent so much money and I sincerely meant it and she told me to uhmm...

"Shut up!" haha.

My birthday is in September and she had booked it for the following September so that it gave us all plenty of time to save some money for spending, this was a great decision. So the following year me, my lovely lady and my 2 beautiful daughters went on an amazing holiday and we went to visit the active Timanfaya national part set in an almost alien, lunar looking, volcanic landscape. She actually bought me an experience rather than a holiday...

You could say she bought me a volcano...

Images courtesy of the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.

Good luck Steven...Nicely done. Regards

I really love that father and daughter love between the both of you. Only if all families on earth would love themselves, then this world would be a better place to be. My friend you have really got a wonderful daughter. Make sure you keep her safe so she can do more for you in future. Composition of the article is just perfect. Hope you win the contest.

Thankyou so much my friend.

You are right of course, our children are our greatest treasure and we must cherish them always and remember to have many happy times and savour every moment of joy. These memories will become more and more important as we get older and each build our own lives.

I am as ever incredibly grateful for your comment and most importantly for your kind words and thoughts.

Take good care, best wishes always from me and mine to you and yours.

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