The Creative Writing Challenge Pre-Launch Post #3

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

If you haven't read the pre-launch posts #1 & #2, stay here, because I'm about to summarize everything in this post.

@steemfluencer presents-.png

It was four days ago (Saturday, July 29) when I published the first announcement about the Creative Writing Challenge. It came as a natural extension of the recent writing challenge organized by @merej99.

This time we'll be paying attention to creative writing. Once developed, this skill is able to persuade people in taking certain decisions, melt hearts, inspire and motivate large groups of people, encourage the same groups or communities to be supportive to a certain cause, etc., etc.

Because words, my dear folks, aren't as ingenuous, as we might have thought at a younger age. Words are a weapon able to renew relationships, build skyscrapers, unite enemies, you name it.


Do me a simple favor and let me know:

Why wouldn't you want to sharpen your creative writing skills?

Aren't words like powerful weapons for you?

Do you think it's worth investing the time you are given into getting to know yourself better by accepting my request to take part in this creative writing challenge?

Here are my personal reasons to become a better story teller:

  • I'd like to tell the exciting stories of extraordinary people living their remarkable life out of their comfort zone and challenging the status quo
  • Be able to create amazing stories based on simple ground like an old picture
  • Tell my own story (probably not in the next 5 years, but still.. would be nice to be well prepared by then:))

If you feel that there's a writer deep inside you and this nature is looking forward to be out, then do not waste the time you are given anymore.

This creative writing challenge is a golden opportunity for boosting your inner creativity and leading you to a brand new, better version of yourself.

Are you ready to jump with me in this new challenge?

Price pool

The current prize pool is 10 SBD. It will be increased and we are looking for sponsors to donate 1, 5, 10 or any other nice looking number of SBD.


In a sequence of 9 posts you'll receive a different creative writing challenge to write and publish on your own Steemit blog. It will be like a game and those of you who cope with all the tasks will share the price pool at the end. People who end up close enough to the finish line will be rewarded as well.

If you are patient enough, you'll still see a table with the dates of all the 9 challenges in advance.

I'll be submitting the instructions in a separate post during the Monday-Friday time frame and we won't count the weekends. Before that, we need to get enough participants with some informative Pre-Launch Posts.


Here are few less obvious benefits of taking part in this challenge:


  • the expected significant improvement of your creative writing skills
  • a chance to build some new healthy writing routines (the same hidden benefit as @merej99's challenge)
  • an opportunity to compare your work with the one of your colleagues and discover personal weaknesses to improve
  • a connection with other people who share your interests will give you a chance to get and give feedback during the challenge and hereinafter
  • other participants will encourage you during the whole challenge - this synergy effect is probably among the strongest benefits of becoming one of the participants

How to take part in the challenge?

If you would like to take part of this journey just leave your comment below and mention that you'd like become one of the challengers.

Current list of challengers:
8 Steemians had the guts to jump in since last Saturday. Thank you for the increasing interest! We are forming a great group of challengers ready to test themselves in the unpredictable waters of the upcoming storm.

Name of challenger



P.S. Cover image was made on


Come on, come ON! Let's get this shizzle running! LOL

Who else can we scare up for this challenge?
@dreemit @cryptologyx @thesimplelife ... who else?

Thanks for spreading the word @merej99! Would be nice if we could enjoy a bit larger amount of challengers. Now, let me finish with the post with the first challenge. See you at the other side! :)

I am ready! Let's get creative!

Welcome @greatness96! Allright, we are almost ready to launch the challenge. Anyone who sees the Creative Challenge Contest Launch post with the first task will be able to join with a flying start by Friday, Aug 3 by Midnight.

I would really appreciate any extra efforts on your side guys to spread the word and invite people who actually realize the value of such kind of contest.

So ready and excited for this challenge. @hope777, @enjar, will you join?

! Yes guys, you still have about 24-36h depending on the time zone. Start with the rules and the benefits of participating and if it sounds appealing enough to you then just jump in.

I'm looking forward to this and am ready to work my creative muscle!

Brush up your creative muscle and make a final pre-warm lap @flemingfarm! :)

By the way, I expected a bit more serious discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of having a weekly task instead of a daily task. Anyway, the whole atmosphere around the event lead me to the conclusion that we should make it a daily challenge. You'll see that the requirements aren't so high and you won't need a lot of time to write your posts.

No problems. It was more a point to consider than a request. I am good on the schedule you choose.

Allright, count me in... somehow, I'll find a way to squeeze it in! And maybe that's why we call these things "challenges!"

Welcome on board @denmarkguy! I promise to be both funny and challenging! :)

More details will be revealed soon. I'm using these pre-launch posts to spread the word among followers, fellows and few people outside Steemit. The goal is forming an interesting mixture of challengers with various backgrounds. And this should result in various interpretations of the tasks.

So glad you are in!

I'm also quite happy! We really have people with various backgrounds.

I just got news that two more of my friends are joining and hopefully a few more respond!

Yeah, I'll bite. One of the challenge days I'll likely be on a plane the entire day, but I'll do my best. I love these kinds of things. They keep me sharp.

I had to greet you earlier. Welcome! :)

So, did you write your entry in the plane?

No, I'm still on the ground for another few days. I fly out next Wednesday.

Pfff...I've really thought you wrote it in the air. Anyway! It was a real masterpiece :)

I'll be writing challenge three over the Atlantic tomorrow.

Awesome! That could be the most authentic atmosphere for a task like that!

Posted on post #1, but I'm on board here as well :)

Cool! I'm so happy about your decision! :) You've joined at the right time @negativer!

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