Rider’s Gift

in #writing7 years ago

Rider’s Gift

An original story by @steemfluencer

This is one of the brightest memories from my childhood.

Deep, deep into the forest of Darrington Woods there was a creature living among the trees. Nobody knew what it was and I knew only few people who had seen it.

No one knows why it chose to settle in the woods of Darrington, but everyone here grew up with stories told around the table at night after dinner.

My uncle once told me that it's a hobbit and that once he saw him riding a huge purple cat.

I didn’t really know who to believe, but I knew that I really want to see it or him with my own eyes.

А friend of my father, once told me that he heard the creature singing a song. It was an unparalleled kind of melody he couldn't compare with anything he had heard before.


Image by @azbeen

I remembered every single thing I've been told about the creature. What I needed to do now was collect money and buy a gift. I had to go into the woods and put the gift under a tree hoping that the creature would discover it.

And please, don't think I was a stupid and naive 8 year old boy. I’d bet that most of the kids my age wouldn't even have thought of entering the woods themselves.

One night I checked the money I was trying to save and counted $4.53 already. That was enough to buy a gift box and include dark chocolate, burger and soda and finally my a sheet of paper with my message to the boar’s rider as I started calling it recently.

I still remember the message inside.

Dear friend,
My name is Jason.

I don’t know what your name is, but once my uncle Raymond saw you riding a wild boar and I finally decided calling you The Purple Cat’s Rider or just Rider.

Inside the box you will find some food I bought for you, because I thought you have never tried anything like that.

This is my gift to you! Take a look at the tasty food inside the box. There’s a drink as well. I hope you’ll like it. I also hope that one day we could become good friends.

If we ever meet I will show you my collection of baseball cards. I think you’ll enjoy an Autographed Washington Nationals Gary Carter 2001 or 1978 Cramer Pacific Coast League - I have them both.


You could call me, if you have phone. Mine is 424-244-2952.
Talk soon.

A few days later I left the box with the food and letter inside under a tree nearby the Lost Lake.

I was impatient to see if the Rider would discover the gift and read the letter, so the next day I visited the place and saw that the box wasn’t there anymore.

I was happy and tried to imagine how that mysterious creature reacted when he saw and opened the box.

When I told my parents what I’d done they started shouting at me and forbid me visiting the woods alone.

They said that uncle’s story about the big purple cat and the creature is a fairy tale and I should stop my foolishness and focus on studying. I didn’t accept that very well, because somewhere deep in my heart I knew that the The Purple Cat’s Rider exist.


It happened about a month later.

I was getting back from school and suddenly my eyes spotted the box that once belonged to me. It was left near a tree. I took it and opened it with excitement. It was empty.

What it could mean?

Was it a sign that the Rider accepted my gift and put the box here to give me a hint that he would enjoy another burger and soda?

I brought the box home and didn’t share anything with my parents. And I guessed the box would be still out there in my room at our house in Darrington, if I didn’t visit the forest again without telling anyone.


It was almost dark, but it was too late for me to return back. I was silently heading to the Lost Lake holding the box and using my phone as a torch.

It was July and at even though it was already 9 p.m. kids were still playing outside. I weigh up that I had about 30 minutes, before my parents call me to get back home. I kept on advancing between the trees and spent another minute of sneaking in, removing branches from my face and staring at the space in front of me; I finally reached the Lost Lake.

‘There you are.’

He spotted the same tree and left the box on a pile of dark green moss.

‘Done! It’s time to go now.’

It was already 9:08 p.m.. I left the place in the same silent manner I approached it. When I reached the closest bush able to serve me as observatory I bowed behind and tried to hold my breath while observing the area around the tree.

I heard a few birds singing and probably a squirrel or two moving around. There was no sign from the Rider.

I remember that I was whispering in the dark.

‘Where are you buddy? I’m Jason. You shouldn’t be afraid of me.’’

At 9:13 p.m. I decided to give up and leave the improvised observatory getting back home as quickly as possible.

It was already midnight and there were no any sounds in our neighborhood. I went to bed an hour later and I still couldn’t fall asleep.

For my own surprise the weather outside quickly changed. It got windy. The sound of wind-blown leaves mixed with a whisper from the wings of flying birds.

А silhouette of a cat appeared on the window. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another silhouette on the top of the animal, a silhouette of a creature riding the cat.

I jumped out of the bed and finally saw it: a small creature holding a watch. The cat’s neck was also wrapped with a watch. He’s fur was purple.

The Rider stared at me and smiled.

I opened the window and they entered quickly jumping on my stool.

‘Hello you both. Can you speak?’

The creature replied without any signs of oppression:

‘I can, he can’t. My name is Toby and his name is Roby. We came here as we’ve finally found a way to find your address.’

‘Awesome! As you know, I’m Jason, nice to meet you in person finally. Would you like a cup of tea? I will also bring some food for Roby.’

I was so excited that I interrupted Toby trying to be helpful.

‘No, we are fine, thank you Jason. We decided we finally need to show up and thank you for your gifts. No human being ever did such a kind gesture! In fact, we were supposed not to be seen at all, but my wool-gathering state in the past few decades led to few failures. Anyway, let me continue my story.’

‘About 50 years ago, I fell in love with a princess called Zoara. She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. I was torturing myself for not revealing my feelings and finally wrote her a love letter. Unfortunately her father, king Tozmenos found the letter and punished me for breaking the Royal rules. I was the king’s jester. We had to leave the kingdom and find a new home. The woods nearby seemed to be a good home as we’ve found everything need to survive there and live peacefully. The issue we struggle with is that we don’t meet anyone out there. Bears and wild roars avoid us… they are not a good company anyway. Fortunately the rules allow us to get back in our kingdom as the punishment will be over by tomorrow night. We came here with a gift, because it’s just not polite to receive gifts and not to give anything in return. Would you accept my watch as a sign of our gratitude for your gifts Jason?’.

‘Sure I will. And I will carry this watch until the end of my life.’

‘There is no end dear Jason, but you better discover it yourself. Anyway. We are ready to see your collection of baseball cards’.

‘Oh yes.. I totally forgot’

We spent the next hour and half talking about baseball, my education and future plans after graduating the school.

I was listening to Toby’s story about their kingdom and I will never forget the time we spent together.

Someone knocked on the door and I suddenly woke up.

‘Jason, it’s time for breakfast.’

‘Oh nooo… It was a dream… it was a dream!’, I was screaming.

‘Hurry up young man; we wouldn’t wait for you forever’


It happened one more month later. My mother was helping me to put my room in order as I never could find enough time to tidy it.

Suddenly her mop touched a small object under my bed. She pulled it out and we saw it: a watch. Toby’s watch!

‘So, it was real..’, I stiffened with astonishment.

‘What was real dear? Who does the watch belong to and why are you hiding it below your bed’.

‘It’s the Rider’s Gift mommy; it’s the Rider’s Gift. This watch is mine and I will carry it until the end of my life.’

30 years later I still couldn’t explain all the incredible events that happened that summer. I don’t believe in small creatures riding purple cats anymore, however that watch is still on my hand.

Rider's Gift is a submission for @gmuxx's Art Prompt Writing Contest #9



Very nice; this was interesting from the beginning.

Catch the magic where you can, whether it be a watch or a story or a beautiful dress or song. When you get old you stop believing in those things.

Thanks for the feedback @negativer. I tried to include what really matters and cut any unnecessary details. I'm sorry for not re-writing the letter in hand and not making a picture of a box with the items inside under a tree. I think it could have improved the overall experience of readers.

Nice story, got hooked from the start. :-)

That was the goal! Thanks for reading buddy! : )

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