Living life

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

We only have one life to live.... Are you actually living, or just crawling through life?

Many go through life focusing on what’s not important.
For some reason I am yet to understand, we always seem to be in a hurry(myself included)….man made deadlines, reputations/expectations to live up to, people to take care of, and what have you.

True happiness can only come, when you screw what anyone says and do what you really want to do.

If travelling around the world is what gives you peace and joy, why not take a gap year and do just that?

It might mean taking a position with lesser pay, and people will most likely think you have gone crazy for seemingly taking a step backwards, but imagine the peace and rest of mind that comes with that.

Stop living for people and live for you; there is a time to take care of others, and there’s also a time to look out for yourself first.
If your head isn’t right, how can you be of any good to others?

You could be dead by the end of the year, month, this week, tomorrow, heck, even today.

When the end comes, will you be at peace with your choices?

We work so hard to make a living, but yet most of us aren’t actually living; advanced zombies with briefcases and backpacks we are.

If you dropped dead today, what happens to all that cash?

If you burn out, what’s next?

At the end of the script, would you be pleased at how well the movie ended?

It might not be every time, but sometimes, it’s perfectly fine to sit back, throw your hands in the air, and just chill.

Say to yourself…..amma stay true, and amma do me!

Trying to be someone else makes you just a copy, and who says how good a replica you will be.

There can be only one original, and who can do that better than you?

Here’s to your inner peace, rest of mind and true happiness.
Cheers to you for nursing the thought, taking a step and actually doing you.


Thank you. Appreciate. :)

Really good, thank you for posting.

You are welcome.... Thanks to you too.

Very good post, I invite you to visit my blog

Thanks a lot. Would definitely do that.

It took me 3 years to figure out what will I do if i stop my Photography business in Singapore. I worried that how will i help my family month after month after month of sending cash.
I did and let go little by little and finaly 2017 I sold all my gear and said.. I want to change and do something for myself and not always think for others first before me.. I DON’T WANT TO DIE UNHAPPY.
I travel and do things I love today.❤️ 2BEB938E-BE87-4392-BCD7-4295E122688C.jpegLove your post. @elvielins

Exactly.... The chains made by us that seem to hold us back... This right here inspires me more, and makes me smile. Thank you! Gonna be following you on your journée, @elvielins :) subscribed by the time you see this.

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