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RE: Living life

in #writing6 years ago

It took me 3 years to figure out what will I do if i stop my Photography business in Singapore. I worried that how will i help my family month after month after month of sending cash.
I did and let go little by little and finaly 2017 I sold all my gear and said.. I want to change and do something for myself and not always think for others first before me.. I DON’T WANT TO DIE UNHAPPY.
I travel and do things I love today.❤️ 2BEB938E-BE87-4392-BCD7-4295E122688C.jpegLove your post. @elvielins


Exactly.... The chains made by us that seem to hold us back... This right here inspires me more, and makes me smile. Thank you! Gonna be following you on your journée, @elvielins :) subscribed by the time you see this.

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