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RE: Notes From an Amateur Writer #21 - Writing Myself Out of Existence

in #writing7 years ago

I am glad I stumbled across this. It is interesting when you do a 360 evaluation of yourself and your view of the world, "perception is reality even if not in actuality" (Tony Robbins). When you actually vocalize and give life to what has been hiding in those secret spots that you attempt to overlook, it can be a very vindicating experience.


I'm glad you stumbled on it also. Always like getting thoughtful comments, so thank you. I tend to do a bit of self evaluation in my writing. In the blogs that is. Today's one maybe more so. I go with what feels natural when I am writing. Perhaps like you say, it is because it feels vindicating, or at the least liberating.

I find that there are some great voices here, which forces me to strive to be better in discovering how I want to describe the world. Allowing what boils from within to be released to the keyboard can sometimes be a challenging task. Keep up the good work, I am looking forward to seeing where this adventure takes me. Thanks...

Yes there are some wonderful voices here. I have noticed, and like you also, I find it pushes me. I try to read as many I can, within my areas of interest, and soak up their styles and ideas as a form of learning and encouragement.

What you've mentioned here,:

...discovering how I want to describe the world. Allowing what boils from within to be released to the keyboard can sometimes be a challenging task.

is the premise behind my Notes From an Amateur Writer blog series. Just wanted to write and explore, and hopefully offer something readable. And to help continue to develop my story ideas and skills.

Thanks again :)

Thanks go to you. I am looking forward to catching up on your series, it will be a weekend of binge imagination stimulation.

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