My next writing class begins in one week. Write with me?

in #writing7 years ago

Dear Steemians,

I LOVE teaching Writing through Trauma to Truth parts 1 & 2. I do this through the Center for Creative Writing. It's a job that fills my heart with joy because it is the work I CHOOSE. Supporting individuals in the process of acceptance, release and recovery by exploring their trauma on the page is life-affirming.

A little bit about my classes: They are one-on-one, completed through email and customized to you, the student. Topics you want to avoid? No problem. Others you want to dive into? You got it. I enjoy catering your syllabus to your needs, and responding to your writing each week with constructive criticism and conversation. You don't have to work through your trauma alone. We can be a team.

Writing through Trauma to Truth is based on Expressive Writing as a practical tool for healing. Studies show that short sessions of expressive writing followed by a self-check-in are as or more effective than traditional talk therapy. I believe this is because we are able to take control of our narratives on the page. We also get to go one step further.

When you write with me, you learn to reframe your narratives so you not only accept and release, you find joy. That is my goal with every student. But I only have two openings for Writing through Trauma to Truth beginning February 27th. If this sounds like an investment you'd like to make in yourself, learn more using the first link in this post. I'd love to write with you!

One last thought: I practice what I preach. I am healthy after a lifetime of abuse BECAUSE I WROTE THROUGH IT. I have tried many types of therapies, traditional and otherwise. Now I am working with a therapist to develop a Writing through Trauma workbook. I regularly have students attend my sessions on the recommendation of their mental health professional. And so I am dedicated to my own trauma writing practice, a good amount of which you can find by scrolling through my blog.

I don't hide it. I write it.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up to write with me.



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I was not ready before to except help and support. Now I feel so lucky to have the support without having to ask. I am going to sign up. If I don’t make this class I know I’ll have a chance at the next. Thank you @shawnamawna

I am so excited to work with you!

This sounds like a really neat approach! I certainly use writing as therapy, because I think that vulnerability is the key to unlocking self-acceptance, and there is nothing like getting feedback that helps you look at things from different angles. If my life was not the hectic mess it is at the moment (I have just moved country with a family of 4) I would definitely sign up.

Also I have used a degree of writing with my patients but it has always been focused on goal setting and completion of tasks, things like SMART goals and the CBT box with Thoughts, Emotions, Physical symptoms and behaviour. We keep it concise and short because many of my patients have either verbal or written (motor & cognitive) communication problems. I like it because having to be succinct leads to conversations looking for the right words that go in quite deep and help me understand the perception they have of their situation. But even for the more able ones I have never thought of writing prose. I am now getting into learning more about Acceptance and Commitment therapy and I can see how a written approach would aid that sort of process. When you get that workbook done I would love to get a copy. Good luck with it.

I'm excited to hear you're interested in the workbook. This statement is so important:

because I think that vulnerability is the key to unlocking self-acceptance

I completely agree, as well as with your statement that feedback offers new perspectives. I love what I do and I'm excited to continue sharing.

I have found SO much healing through trauma. I just wrote a post last night (that I haven't posted yet) about my currently struggles even recognizing what is going on with my mental health/depression, etc. because it looks so different than it used to.

This sounds like a wonderful program.

Will you post the piece you wrote? I know I'd love to read it, but I also respect when we choose to keep work private. I'm glad you use writing for release. It's such a gift.

I did post part of my writing about my Bipolar Thoughts. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around things and the rest of it felt too... disjointed at the moment. I feel so scattered sometimes when I try to write about my emotions combined with experiences. Sometimes its hard to distill it down to just what needs to be said, instead of rambling on forever.

Writing does a lot on us differently, while you write out of trauma, I write to quench the fire in me.., I try to put myself in someone else's shoe and feel the pain and hurt in it.. It then generates a fire in me that sets my ink into motion....
It's passion!!

I want to channel this energy better, I want to improve my skills, I want to write with you.

Nothing will give me joy than learning at the feet of someone whose work really inspire me.

I'm in!!

I would love love love to write with you @sammynathaniels. You are a creative, wondrous soul. I hope that day comes.

I hope that day comes.

That's my prayer!!

Your classes always sound so amazing, it's such a pleasure to promote them whenever I'm able. <3

Thank you, Rachel! I look forward to the day we co-facilitate something!

Me too! I would love to take a course from you - I suspect I'll need it when I'm finally done with my M.A.

Trying to write through it is a constant struggle. You make it easier. Thank you. Some day I will take one of these classes.

You will be most warmly welcomed, my friend.

My heart is filled with joy seeing you dedicating your life in helping people with
trauma related issues. God bless you for your good works. @shawnamawna.

Thank you so much. It is such a joy to be able to do this type of service.

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