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RE: Notes #33 - Playing Dice With God

in #writing7 years ago

I hope that you are getting better and your cough is not to bad, that sounds a bit platitudy, but I hope that my good wishes come through my clumsy words :-)

Your words on the other hand are never clumsy and one of the best lines that I have read in a while comes from your post :

I survived (clearly, unless this is ghost written)

I loved the wit of that line!

As for God, I tend to be ambivalent about the man(or woman) but I read about Pascals wager when I was quite young and it has kind of stuck and to a certain extent I think that it is probably quite a sane bet to make. I am sure that there are more clever men and women than me who could argue out the flaws in Pascals thinking, but it kind of makes sense to me.


Many thanks, and no not platitudinous at all. And how's that for a word - platitudinous? Sounds like it has something to do with a water based Australian animal. The Latin variety.

Thank you for groking my words. I tried to sprinkle some brevity and wit in there and not make people feel like it was all take and no give.

As for Pascal's Wager, I have not heard of that before. I will take a look and see what I think. Always love to be presented with new concepts or thought processes, especially around old stale ideas (and I have many of those I cherish).

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