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RE: A Place for Storytelling [@celfmagazine contest 9]

in #writing5 years ago

Es genial que se mantenga este concurso. Esta vez traigo un relato algo diferente a lo que normalmente presento. Es un cuento corto que habla sobre la solidaridad, de corte infantil. Con una narrativa sencilla, es algo que escribí a partir de unos dibujos que de mí hizo la genial y buena compañera @marpa, quien los cedió para mi historia. Espero llegar a tiempo, saludos!

It's great to keep this contest going. This time I bring a different story to what I normally present. It's a short story about solidarity. With a simple and childish narrative, it is something I wrote from some drawings that made the great and good friend @marpa, who gave them for my story. I hope to arrive on time, greetings!

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