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in #writing7 years ago

Least you still have the voting bots? XD I lost all mine over the month I was away :< LoL so I'm back down to what I expected to be when I first joined (a few cents per post XD)

I always fret when I see Silver Linings, I keep forgetting you leave a decent gap between them so I always think I've somehow missed the last chapter XP Checking before I read makes everything make sense. But I still fret for no reason. Anyway XD

Well you know what they say, you always gotta watch the quiet ones ;D There's this coach at the kids' gymnastics and you will never meet a nicer person. She once commented (ironically after telling us a tale about how she had to sort out some rude little teenage brats at a sausage sizzle once) about how surprised she was that some people find her intimidating. I told her it was because she was such an awesome and lovely person but there was this underlying malice in her voice that let people know that if they messed with her they were in for it. She was totally surprised but everyone else listening in agreed with me I think XD

Well now you know if something inexplicable goes on it was probably Zepp. Or the gremlins ;D

Most of my favourite childhood memories involve water in the form of beach trips and trips to the waterfall (there was only one on Christmas Island, and it now has some huge environmental protection because it's a significant formation or something to that effect).

Another memory which amuses me only because it didn't end in tragedy was one time when I was on holiday with my cousins at this water park. I went down a waterslide first and hit the splash zone at the bottom, then waited at the bottom for my younger sister and our same aged cousin to come down so I could swim them to the side (I was standing easily but both of them would have been out of depth, I'm a lot older than them). My sister came down and my cousin came straight after. My sister could swim so I fully expected my cousin to be able to swim as well. They hit the water and started a lot of splashing.

Little did I know that unlike in Australia they don't always do school swimming lessons in Singapore!

After watching the them failing at swimming for a few seconds (which felt like forever to them, anyway our cousin was hanging on to my sister who was trying and failing to swim with a weight), I waded over there, grabbed them both, ripped them above the surface and away from the slide exit, sent my sister swimming the rest of the way to the side (which she did easily as I'd moved closer and she wasn't carrying a weight anymore), looked at my cousin and said "Can't you swim?" Was surprised when she said she couldn't so I towed her to the side. I should find out if she can swim now XD

My sister told me years later that while she'd been drowning she was wondering why I wasn't coming to help and thinking well we didn't get on but I can't have hated her that much could I? XD (we didn't get on til she was about 9) I assured her it was purely my own ignorance and a full expectation t hat both of them could swim that kept me. I have slightly faster reaction times these days XD


No stable voting bots here. I lost the ones that vote for me some months ago as well :( All the votes I have are purely luck. Whatever I gain with my recent posts I don't even get to keep >.< haha! I've been earning almost $0 ever since the start of the year.

I was a quiet one growing up, but I still get that intimidating reputation. Maybe it's just something you can't shake off. To think, I'm usually the friendliest person in a group.

HAHAHA! That's such a funny story! I always enjoy reading your tales here, my friend :) Why did your cousin go to a waterpark if she couldn't swim?? Did she expect the pools to be as deep as puddles? Also haha that must've been traumatic for your sister (even though she won't admit it). Her mind went to that question, that means a lot of things have already raced through her head! That's how sibling rivalries are born for most people haha! I would imagine that you have a faster reaction time now seeing that you have kids to worry about :D

All of us went to the water park, it was a thing to do while we were there XD

I was a know-it-all bratty teenager at the time and fully expected the world to conform to my assumptions about how things worked. The schools here do swimming lessons from pretty early on so we all knew how to swim and I (obviously incorrectly!) assumed that my cousin being the same age as my sister would know how to swim. These days I don't assume anything and if someone looks like they're in serious trouble I save first and ask questions/apologise later XD If it's not serious I'll stand and watch to see if they can get themselves out of it first XP

We don't have a rivalry XD I liked her well enough when she was a baby and a toddler, she hit about 4 and we got on like oil and water til she was 9 and then we were suddenly BFFs.

Haha yeah, I meant for other siblings, that's like the origin story of a rivalry. I went through the same thing with my sister. There was a phase when we were like cats and werwolves.

I'm glad it proved enough of a lesson to make you act first and ask questions later haha! It's not that uncommon to expect that. When I was younger, I thought everyone knew how to swim as well. I was taught at a very young age, so I never knew a time in my life when I didn't know how to swim haha!

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